Zero Carb Information Videos

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #281

I can’t claim any credit, it just popped up in my YouTube recommendations. I find that anything Amber has to say is well worth listening to.


very true. Amber is a great one! Thanks!


(Edith) #284

I am looking forward to finding time to watch this. Thanks for posting!

(Megan) #285

Long story short, he says drink more water.


water is key to life :slight_smile:

(Robin) #287

Water IS life! :slightly_smiling_face:


damn straight, drink up LOL

when we know literally one can die without water in span of 3-5 days, and life without ‘food intake’ for like WAY more what trumps life and air and food.

air water
done deal :wink:


Of course, we can die from drinking too much water too quickly as well… My body is smart enough to keep me from it but probably my mind wouldn’t fare bad either.
Some people need supplementing electrolytes when drinking much water so we still should be a bit careful.
But water is life, sure :slight_smile: I never care when anyone has problems with my trusted water bottle I carry everywhere unless it’s not summer and only a tiny walk. I enjoy so much that I can drink whenever I feel the need… And I often do.

(Megan) #290

To be a bit fuller in my response, he talks in the short clip about ppl taking supplements for cramps and still having cramps and is saying they might be due to dehydration, not electrolyte levels



WONDERFUL chat on it from a ‘carnivore dentist’ who lives the lifestyle!!
Dr. Stock!!!





big link but if ya click it ya get where you need to be :slight_smile:
Carnivore Appetizers or food to make and eat if ya want.
Key being some show ‘some darn lettuce’ on the plate, don’t eat that HA


Oh interesting. I even followed some links. (I don’t know why all recipes need walls of texts and 15 photos of a very plain looking thing but whatever.)
Some are just normal food to me in a slightly different shape (okay, that matters sometimes ;)) but some were interesting. The pizza was nice in the photo but alas, I can’t afford even a little pork rinds let alone 140g (I just can’t believe it’s so good. I could buy good meat with that money! :D)
I already knew whipped cream, it’s, like, trivial :smiley:
The lemon cheesecake is something I would plan for years and never would make it on carnivore… I have this with ice cream cake too, I just don’t need such things on or even near carnivore. And why bother off carni too…


yea alot of us wouldn’t do any of it but in the end, makes one think what can one do on carnivore LOL

key being I tried all carnivore pizza recipes and hated all plus I do very bad on soft cheese like mozz so all that is off the table for me personally…but hey if one can do it, more power to them to enjoy!!


Oh interesting. I even followed some links. (I don’t know why all recipes need walls of texts and 15 photos of a very plain looking thing but whatever.)
Some are just normal food to me in a slightly different shape (okay, that matters sometimes ;)) but some were interesting. The pizza was nice in the photo but alas, I can’t afford even a little pork rinds let alone 140g (I just can’t believe it’s so good. I could buy good meat with that money! :D)
I already knew whipped cream, it’s, like, trivial :smiley:
The lemon cheesecake is something I would plan for years and never would make it on carnivore… I have this with ice cream cake too, I just don’t need such things on or even near carnivore. And why bother off carni too…



WONDERFUL chat on it from a ‘carnivore dentist’ who lives the lifestyle!!
Dr. Stock!!!

@VirginiaEdie Edith. I noted episodic increased dental calculus along with other oxalate dumping symptoms of gritty eyes and heart palpitations. I think we have discussed previously.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #300

Here is Nina Teicholz on the science and politics of red meat: