Will you go off piste for Christmas?

(Eve) #1

I have decided to navigate Xmas day by allowing myself some treats but not go overboard. Mainly because l don’t want to feel crap the next day. So, since l am in the UK which is the land of rich fruit mice pies, fruit cake and Xmas pudding, l am going to resist those but allow my self some nice carby veg with the turkey and something with dark chocolate afterwards, plus cream of course. And lots of nice cheeses! Like many of you, my desire for the sweet stuff has markedly diminished so it won’t be hard to resist the dried fruit stuff!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #2

I sure hope not. Been there, done that, paid the penalty. :scream:

(Eve) #3

What happened - if you don’t mind me asking?


Moderate carbs starting from the 23 to the 26 (basically, an extended weekend).

Moderate carbs also during the Christmas work lunches (1 already gone, one to go…).

The jury is out whether I will buy some Christmas sweets, but more likely not. At this point cantuccini (typical Italian almond biscuits) and assorted salted nuts might be my Christmas sweets.

I don’t want to be too rigid, particularly when social events are concerned (I really don’t want to be the
one with the “dietary requirements” at work). But in general, this will certainly be my least carby Christmas, ever.

(Mark Rhodes) #5

I go to a very fancy Christmas Day Buffet. $100 a plate. Goose, Prime Rib, Salmon, made to order omlets, eggs benedict, etc etc. AT this is one time during the year I allow myself to cheat with mashed potatoes and corn. Sugar as an ingriedient is still a non-negotiable for me.

However, let it be pointed out my Homa-IR sits about 1, my Trig to HDL ratio is also under 1. With now 8 years I should have 80% of my fat cells as healthy if the fat turnover is truly 10% annually.

(Bob M) #6

Off piste?

I think it depends whether you can or not. Some people can’t; some can. I usually have sweets, although this year, we might make more with fake sugar. But I’m not that much if at all an addictive personality.

Dr. Unwin has a book where she has a quiz about being a carb addict. I scored a zero on it. If you take this and get an 8-10, you should consider not eating carbs even for holidays. Sometimes, even eating something sweet can be bad for these folks, even with fake sugar.

So, it’s highly dependent on the individual.

(Joey) #7

@0cac544b99285298bde6 I’ve got no great insights to share (not that you were asking), but I did learn something from your post today … Never heard the phrase “off piste.” And with the benefit of duckduckgo I now know what it means. Thanks and Merry Xmas!

(Eve) #8

Definition of how l used the teem off piste -
to do something which is not normal or expected

(Eve) #9

And a very merry Christmas in return :grin:

(Alec) #10

This is why I like carnivore. No edges. I just don’t eat carbs. Period. So it’s going to be a very deprived Christmas:

  1. Turkey (always the leg meat, never the breast, and I LOVE the skin!)
  2. Ham and cheese
  3. Salmon and hollandaise (this is heaven!)
  4. Smoked salmon and cream cheese (my favourite!)
  5. My DIY carni cheesecake: cream cheese, sweetener, clotted cream
  6. Steak (of course)
  7. Carni pizza
  8. Bacon and egg pie
  9. Bacon and eggs
  10. Pork rind and SALT!!
  11. Beef chippolatas
  12. Roast pork

Deprived, I tell yer, deprived!! :joy::joy::joy::joy:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #11

What happened? I put on ten pounds (about 5 kg) and craved carbohydrates for the next 12 months, with occasional binges. On carnivore I have dropped about 8 lbs. and am hoping to shed at least a few more. At least I can now look at the carbs and say no, whereas before, it was a seafood diet–see food and eat it! :scream:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #12

You need chrome plates for this, . . . .

. . . because there’s no plates like chrome for the hollandaise! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


@Alecmcq: Wow. I only tentatively can say I will buy some fish and obviously will eat pork… No idea what else but I tend to eat what I fancy and have at the moment and I can’t predict my desires. I don’t have plans beyond some new fish species :wink:

The family Cristmas dinner at my SO’s Mom is always the same so I know there will be pork and chicken.

I don’t care much about Christmas food but I make edible gifts and I had a baking phase and no tracking (that is nice) and not much effort to wait with my first meal and now I just wish to fast (I am not hungry ever, it’s horrible… odd as I probably don’t eat a ton… I don’t track so I have no idea but it doesn’t seem much) and really desire to eat simple and low-carb when I do. But I probably will taste my own baked goods on the 24th (and before). I usually start a new carnivore period on the 25th as I am back to home and eat whatever I want and can… And at that point I want carnivore food, no matter if I went really wild or not. But it’s not fully certain, merely what typically happens.

Off-piste was new to me too, I had to look it up :wink: I like to learn new things, thanks!

(KM) #14

I’ve seen it but never heard it said, didn’t realize it’s pronounced ‘off peest’ , not ‘off-pissed’. So I’m not off pissed, I’m not pissed off. And I’m sticking with the trail, so I’m not off-piste either! I agree with those dreams of salmon, smoky stacks and stacks dripping hollandaise and piles raw and flirting with masochistic Wasabi tears, stacks of salmon to the ceiling, Joy to the world, the fish has come!

(Bob M) #15

Where do you all live where you’re eating fish for the holidays? We’re most likely having beef. Our Jewish relative makes latkes (potato pancakes), which is a tradition for the holidays for her. We have people making desserts. Other than the latkes, our main meal will be meat-based, although I will make some bread from Einkorn wheat. We’ll have desserts that are keto/use fake sugar too.

(Joey) #16

Latkes?! Ask her to kindly bring her world famous corned beef instead.
No carbs… and not fried in seed oil :wink:
(Worse comes to worst, just the lox - no bagels)

(Geoffrey) #17

No, I will not go “off piste”, (had to look that one up.)
I’m a carnivore. This is how I eat and I see no reason to ever deviate or go “off piste”.

(Pete A) #18

No I won’t go off piste. Not one bit.


It’s pretty normal for Hungary. We mostly eat pork and fowl but fish is traditional too and it’s sometimes bemoaned that Hungarians eat too little fish (well of course, it’s expensive and not substantial, the variety is small and most have tiny fishbones and I personally almost only like fatty fish…) so there are efforts to raise the amount. There are fish sales now :slight_smile:
Even with our tiny fish consumption, fish is way more popular for Christmas than beef, we barely eat beef anyway, too expensive I guess when there is the awesome pork for cheap. And there are the big fowl eaters, they may eat duck or goose (wow, that’s fancy, it’s not just anywhere) now but turkey is popular, affordable and available too.
I googled a bit, fish soup is a HUGE traditional item for Christmas here, apparently. My family didn’t like fish so we never made it. And it’s too complicated so I still don’t do it. I just bought a package of fish soup base, good enough :smiley: The taste isn’t good enough but I realized long ago that if I add some normal soup meat (something bony), even the not very tasty chicken makes it loads better. But I use hen and/or pork. A small, tasty hen is very different from a puffed up boring young chicken! But otherwise I will avoid fowls, not my fav stuff, I will eat pork and fish for Christmas! Unless I will wake up wanting some duck wings, I have bought them several weeks ago and never made them. We have a rabbit too. So we surely will eat something good but it’s impressive when I figure out the menu the previous day let alone way earlier :wink: The fish is something I have been planning since long. I always wanted to try something new. Like bream or brass. Even if I will find it lean, my SO will eat it up :slight_smile: I will have my trusted pork as always.

We don’t have anything fried in oil for Christmas, except the breaded meats as it’s THE holiday food (no matter the holiday, Sundays work too) for very many Hungarians. I never was into it.
We have baked goods with yeast, mostly (except gingerbread).
I will bake one with potatoes, maybe some will appreciate something salty… I surely would but it’s a bit too carby for me (once I made a version without flour. it has potatoes so it doesn’t need flour if you ask me) and I have plenty of quick options for myself if I want some savory treat and they will be crunchier. The baked potato thing is very soft. And it’s hard to talk in English when there isn’t a right word for something I am talking about.

I decided I won’t make gingerbread again. It’s just such a tradition, I try to make them super pretty… And fail many times until they become acceptable but not what I really wanted… I tried to replace them with painted rocks (I am not very good at painting good Chinese dragons on smallish flat rocks but it will be fine. most year is easier but I will be 48=4*12 in 2024 so it’s my year again! I am a Fire Dragon and this will be a Wood Dragon year. I always liked dragons and got upset when the stupid - literally, it rarely was a bright one - hero just killed dragons to prove himself in Hungarian folk tales… It happened way too often) and I do paint rocks but I couldn’t resist when I got into a baking phase in December… I don’t even particularly like gingerbread and its macros are just horrible. But it’s pretty when one puts enough efforts into it and good for tiny gifts. People usually like them.
Maybe I should make marzipan figurines… Or meringue ones or whatever…
I do make marzipan for every Christmas. Figurines would be tricky as those requires a ton of sugar or whatever one uses (I use xylitol) and already the normal marzipan is too sweet so I make it quite soft but it gets the right sweetness for most people in my family. Well, a tiny figurine is decorative so it may be not important - but then I can just make a totally inedible lil sculpture instead… Not like I have material for it (cheap homemade play-dough resist proper shaping and my skills are already super low) but I know where to get it.

(David Cooke) #20

I have a long run programmed for the 24th December, 24 K. I will be well behaved until a few hours after that when I will just succumb to my wicked addicted dark side. Then there’s the New Year to get through, start again. Lots of 24 hour fasts and intermittent eating to get through until I get back into routine!
Happy Christmas everybody!