Will you go off piste for Christmas?

(Eve) #21

I am actually quite anxious about the lead up to Xmas because of the social events and so having to navigate a keto WOE without making a fuss or people noticing! Xmas day is under my control so l am not worried on that account . I really don’t want to mess up my WOE. I know it’s possible, just anxious in advance!

(Bob M) #22

Not possible, because people love them. I agree with you about the seed oils, and in the past, I’ve had them use better oils.

Also, to complicate things, we have people who are one or both of gluten free or dairy free. Many of my keto recipes require dairy.

Ostensibly, latkes fulfill the requirements of gluten free and dairy free.

(Robin) #23

Wow… I’m amazed by people who can plan to get derailed but maintain control and get right back on track after.
Good for you!

(Joey) #24

Ostensibly indeed. Many recipes call for some flour included with the potatoes. And if a mix is being used - not uncommon because some of the boxed mixes are quite tasty - have her check the ingredients if gluten free is a must.

Happy holidays!


Yup! But going to buffer the damage best as possible pre and post! Berberine and other Glucose disposal agents ready to go, every appetite suppressant I know of, and 2-a-days at the gym starting tomorrow as I’m off for the rest of the year.


Hi Ifod,

what other glucose disposal agents do you use beside Berberine?




Lately I’ve been sticking with Dihydroberberine, which averages 4-5x the bioavailability of Berberine HCL, downside is it costs a little more. I’ve been using the one from Vitauthorty, but have been considering going back to HCL, you have to dose it higher, but it’s also cheaper. That one has the patented version of it (Glucovantage)

Another one gets great reviews is Gorilla Mind’s GDA, which uses a different form of Berberine, and basically all the other things known for helping Glucose metabolism, I haven’t tried that one personally yet, but it gets great reviews in the lifting / bodybuilding world.

The original one I started with was Enhanced Labs “Slin”, which is another cocktail of all the things that help Glucose disposal and nutrient uptake. When I was taking that one, both the blood sugar results were noticeable, and since I do a TKD/CKD hybrid, the difference in pump and post working muscle fullness was visually noticeable so I could tell uptake was definitely upregulated when using that.

I’m honestly probably going to go back to either Slin, or the Gorilla Mind one because both of them are cheaper than the Vitauthority one. While the labs prove the patented form is more bioavailable, I question whether that matters as long as the end result is the same, Normal (HCL) Berberine you basically mimic Metformin dosing from 1000-2000mg/day, vs a couple hundred of Dihydroberberine, but at the end of the day, if I’m spending less on the others, and achieving the same result, I really dont care about the mg to mg difference of them.

(Bob M) #28

Something like this one?


Yup! I’ve had that one as well, one nice thing about the patented form is regardless of which brand you buy, you get the same thing.

(Jane) #30

I plan to have mashed potatoes and cornbread dressing on Christmas Day and only keep the low-carb leftovers, so just one meal. I’ll either toss or send home with my BIL. No sugar for me.

The neighborhood New Year’s Eve party is easier since it is buffet-style and everyone just grazes. There is always shrimp cocktail, cheese balls, other meats to fill up on.

(Bob M) #31

I ended up ordering this:

In the past, I’ve tried Berberine 3 times, and quit each time well before the bottle was gone. I must have had bad effects.

However, I had to switch drugs and now my fasting blood sugar AND fasting insulin have exploded. Insulin has doubled, sugar is 20+ points higher and my HbA1c is way up. So, I figured I’ll try berberine again to see if it’ll help.

(David Cooke) #32

Thanks. Not easy, but having a specific aim in sight helps. I have a half marathon end of January and am determined to lose 5 Kg before then. Still fat burning when I run so I remain optimistic…


Will I go off plan?

Never. Nope. Nada :slight_smile:

(Eve) #34

I have navigated 3 social events that include food and have successfully managed to stay in ketosis. Which l am pleased about - it was quite easy to find enough safe stuff to eat. Tomorrow/Xmas, l will eat more veg than usual and some chocolate but all the other food will be low carb - turkey, ham, smoked salmon! Blueberries with double cream :yum:


Sort of. I will make smoked salmon eggs Benny. High in fat and good protein. Others will have it served on potato pancakes. Eggs and a high-fat meal have shown to set you up for the rest of the day. About 45 minutes before dinner, I will have an offset: walnuts and a protein drink. I never overeat when I do this. Mince tarts and a flaming plum pudding with custard are a tradition in my home. I will have it, but in smaller quantities. I will also go for a walk with the dogs after.

(Robin) #36

That sounds perfect to me. Happy holidays!

(Eve) #37

What exactly is a glucose dispersal agent - how does it work? Is it a healthy thing to take?

(Bob M) #38

Well, so far, my ketones are not zero. In fact, I’ve been testing others and have yet to see a ketone that’s not zero. Will test someone who eats high carb today.