Who eats beef liver now, despite being a 'lil horrified by the idea?

(Kirk) #51

I eat it occasionally.

(KCKO, KCFO) #52

Also between grass fed and grain stuffed beef. I finally found a good supplier of grass fed beef liver for $2.99 lb. I’m happy with that. The range is not near fields of grains/soy either, so little danger of pesticides etc.

(I Am The Egg Man ku-ku-kachoo) #53

I haven’t worried as much as I should about this when buying beef cuts like steak, but I think I should look for a better source of organ meats and ground.

(Candy Lind) #54

OK, I have been meaning to fry some, and I will get back to you on my results. :grin:

THIS. You have to get it done, but not TOO done. It’s an art.

:rofl: GROAN!!! :rofl:


Don’t cook it at home but I really enjoy liver and onions cooked at Piccadilly Restaurants. Might have too much gravy but what the heck, it’s rare I eat it but it is nutritious and tasty.

(Justin Traer) #56

I love liver! I cook it salted and peppered on a cast iron with bacon grease. I add a onions near the end of the cooking.

If the butcher didn’t clean up the veins and outer layer, you need to clean that up. The trick is to cook it just enough, but not to dry it out either! It takes practice!

This pate recipe sounds really good; I think I might give it a try.

(Beth) #57

Ugh! Wish I liked it but it’s just a texture and flavor thing for me. Tonight I’m putting myself out there and hiding it in meatball parm. At least we will get some of the nutrients. I bought grassfed, pureed and froze it in single serving sizes to mix with other ground beef concoctions.

(KCKO, KCFO) #58

Beth that is a good idea, adding to ground beef. You can do the same with other stuff, like beef heart or tongue. Just grind it up and add to the ground beef. I like liver, grew up eating pork, beef, and chicken liver, so the taste doesn’t bother me, but adding to other beef dishes would be good too.

(Sophie) #59

I’ve got a tube on liverwurst in the fridge that I got for my hubby…I think I’ll have some for lunch on a keto bun with mayo of course! :heart_eyes:


I really enjoy liverwurst. I grew up eating it. My bf thinks I am gross for eating it. Oh well. It is the only way I tolerate liver.

(Sophie) #61

So did I, but my dad used to get the sliced kind with the fat ring around the slice. I used to hate that and always removed it. If I only knew then, what I know now! :smile:


I don’t eat anything that I find horrifying unless two conditions are met:

  1. The nutrients are absolutely essential
  2. There’'s no other source for getting them

The nutrients that liver provides are not unique to it.

Liver has a massive amount vitamin B12. But clams are equally efficient at providing it.

Liver has a high amount of copper. But oysters are just as good.

Liver provides a high dose of vitamin A. But butternut squash has more. Kale isn’t quite high, but on a calorie basis is competitive.

This exercise could be done for any food. I don’t hate liver, but I really like shellfish, and eat plenty of nutrient dense veggies. So it isn’t nutritionally necessary for me to eat liver.

(Joanna Parszyk ) #63

I happen to absolutely love all the organ meats. About to head to resto specializing in trips sausages :slight_smile:


I love liver. So glad I wasn’t taught to be squeamish about it! It is so nutritious, cheap and delicious that teaching kids to squeal and run from it is tantamount to child abuse! :wink:

It is a superfood.

Just made a beef liver pate (with marrow fat), which I have eaten every day, because I love it. With eggs. Stirred into beef broth. On crispy bacon rashers (as pate dippers).

Often make chicken liver pate too.

I also throw chicken livers into soups, bolognese sauce, and some chilli I made a while back.

Oh, and sometimes I pan fry chicken liver with butter and garlic, then add either red wine and onion, or rosemary and cream. Takes 5 mins from start to finish, and absolutely delicious.

I have a great offal soup recipe with lung, spleen, heart, liver and kidney. Kinf of a liquid steak and kidney pie. :joy:

Anyone know a liverwurst recipe? I would love to try it.


Gosh! I have just looked up liverwurst recipes.
So easy. :yum:
Pork liver, shoulder and fat, a few herbs and seasonings, pureed together, put in a casing and boiled.

I think I might get a really big pork shoulder, make crackling with the skin, put the meat in the liverwurst, and then spread it on the crackling… delicious!


Don’t the French love it, yet they had the lowest heart failure rate in Europe if not the world … until they discovered junk food that is, welcome to America.

My parents have eaten kidney, livers, tongues and whatever else, in the right stew or slow cooker people could eat it say hmmm, this is yum … what is it … and that’s when the trouble starts. The thought of it is the problem for us.

My tip for overcoming “the issue” is find a good recipe, the entire package and don’t focus “on the liver” aspect … you know what I mean …

(Edith) #69

My mother used to make liver once a month when I was growing up. She usually just fried it up in a pan or made liver loaf with it. Needless to say, I HATED it. My napkin loved it, though.

I’ve been thinking that I should add liver to my diet for all the nutrients, so last week I made some chicken liver pate. I figured chicken liver would have a milder taste than beef or pork livers.

Well, I have to say that it tastes pretty good. I spread it on some keto bread and fillled some celery stalks with it. I will definitely make it again.

Maria Emmerich has a recipe for Braunschweiger. I may try that next. Who woulda thought?

(She had one feck to give and that feck is gone.) #70

My DH is French and ate up the liver and onions gently cooked in butter I made with, I can honestly say, glee! He also polished off the mound of ground beef and liver meatballs I made, but said he couldn’t taste the liver. He grew up eating all kinds of innards :joy:.


Growing up, my father occasionally cooked liver and onions for us for breakfast. I know, liver for breakfast sounds weird, but I think it help me to acquire a taste for it. I have eaten it quite often as an adult and even more so now on Keto.

It had the opposite affect on my younger sister. She detested it (and still does today as an adult), but avoided confronting my dad about it so would always say something like, “I don’t have time to eat my breakfast. I’ll eat it on the way to school”, then she would wrap the liver in a napkin and run out the door to catch the school bus. One day, as I watched her running to the bus, I noticed that our dog, Jack, was chasing her and would periodically stop to eat the tasty treat that my sister had dropped as she ran. That also helped me to understand why Jack would always sit right next to my sister during meal times even though my sister did not like the dog.

(Anna) #72

eat, eat and eat )))))