What to do about your own or other's (negative) feelings to what you eat

(Bob M) #1

I’ve been low carb/keto since 1/1/14. I still don’t know what to do when it comes to our small kitchenette where I work.

My “blunch” (eating at 10:30 am for the first time, after exercising at 7am this morning) is red meat (top round steaks in strips) and full-fat blue cheese, to which I add a bunch of salt. I have to cut the steak strips into smaller portions, heat the chunks in the micro, cut the block of blue cheese (for vitamin k2 and taste) into strips, add it to the bowl 'o beef, and then clean up. (Also, if there is red “juice” in the container of beef, I usually pour this into a cup and drink it.)

Today, it hit me (with more than typical force) that I eat diametrically opposite to what is considered “healthy”. For this and other reasons, I tend to wait until no one is in the kitchenette, then make my blunch as quickly as I can.

You have to understand that when I was eating higher fat, I would have prepared meats like salami, and one of my colleagues lectured me about the dangers of processed meat. Then another colleague told me he eats fish and chicken but does not eat “meat”. A third colleague has salad every day for lunch. (Note the absence of any vegetable in my meal. I still eat some veggies, but I think they might be bad for us, not good for us.)

I think part of the problem is that this is partly my issue. I’m the one who does not want to address what I eat. I don’t want to explain that red meat is likely NOT bad for you, as this requires a deep dive into crap-idemiology (epidemiology) and I can see people’s eyes glazing over just mentioning this. And when I hit them with “I think plants are probably bad for you”, that’s not going to make me any friends.

Does anyone else have these feelings and if so, what do you do about it?


I have also been struggling with this and have finally realized that everyone is either hiding or defending what they eat. No one is completely convinced that any diet is perfect and it’s more about eating defiantly than comfortably. When I ate SAD, I had to defend a bit of fat or a piece of birthday cake. Now, I have to defend a lot of fat or why I don’t want the cake.
Most anyone eating today feels confused and defensive, even if they don’t show it. The constant failure of SAD (especially ‘healthy’ SAD) adds an additional layer of frustration that intensifies these responses. So, I am learning to just eat. I don’t hide and I no longer bang my keto drum. I just eat.

(Joey) #3

There’s a good bit of wisdom in your point.

I’ve kept my family and friends (most of whom now live in other timezones) posted about how great I feel on this “wacky” diet I put myself on. All have expressed happiness for me, glad to know that it’s working so well for me.

But they too are health-conscious. They all do cardio regularly … they all eat low fat (lean meats), limited refined sugars, but loads of complex carbs, fruits, veggies, whole grain breads, brown rice, etc. They work hard at it - as did I - thinking this was the healthiest path forward.

And it’s evident that their interest in hearing details about keto is highly limited.

As such, I will keep them posted, deeply wanting to have them consider it for themselves, but as gently as I can. Otherwise the resistance (and their tolerance for hearing anything further from me on this topic) will quickly wear out.

Meanwhile, if I could only get my wife to take the plunge… She definitely needs this more than I ever did.

(bulkbiker) #4

I guess I feel much the same but know deep down that eating this way has helped me get so much more healthy that I simply don’t care what anyone else thinks. I think I have always been a bit “difficult” like that.
I get push back from a few friends about the “health” benefits of vegetables but then I simply say look at me…how unhealthy do I look?
Seems to shut them up most of the time.

(Tyler) #5

I’m not quite 4 weeks in to my new Keto lifestyle but I have sure been called out quite a bit already about what I’m eating. People I work with as well as family members are on me daily about how I “need” all the vegetables and grains. I’ve decided that I will let the results I get over time speak for themselves. I have more energy today than I can remember in a very long time. I wake up feeling refreshed every morning, for years just getting out of bed was a drag. I’m out taking an hour long walk every morning before work and have energy all day long. I’m not going to let all the negativity keep me from accomplishing my health goals

(Full Metal KETO AF) #6

Personally I have lived my life mostly with an IDGAF attitude about what people think. My days of KETO evangelism have ended. We can’t save the world, best to focus on ourselves as far as food goes. I try to influence people by example, never suggesting they should get on my life path. I do occasionally tell someone what I am doing without much detail. Describing your eating as Low Carb instead of KETO raises no eyebrows. Low Carb isn’t controversial.

If I am offered something not KETO I just say “No thanks, I don’t eat fruit.” or whatever it is. I won’t engage with people who insist that I need those foods to be healthy. I would just say eating is a personal choice that’s mine to make. I tell them this works for me. You can always drop the “I’m doing this to halt the progression of diabetes.” That shuts people right up. I don’t generally bother with explaining myself, and I don’t expect that from others either. Bob, don’t hide your KETO food in shame or gobble it down so no one else notices. You’ve been at this for years. :cowboy_hat_face:

(Marianne) #8

Good for them.

You know what they say about opinions…


I can relate to seeing people’s eyes glaze over. At this point, I don’t care anymore and no longer apologize or make excuses for what I eat - and I don’t explain anymore what I do eat or anything about keto.

I highly doubt that anyone eating the SAD feels any healthier and better than I do. This WOE is restorative; it’s too bad that people won’t hear that. “There are none so blind…”

I hope the day will come when I can say I’ve been on this for five years - good for you!!!

(Marianne) #9

Yes, yes and yes!

I hope your wife will jump on board. I bet she will, she just has to get to that point. It’s so much easier doing it together and can be a shared passion.

(Marianne) #10

Poor dears are still drinking the Kool-Aid.

Good for you!


None, nothing at all. Theres many angles u can take and ways to handle those situations, after all, the people coming at you most often know absolutely nothing about nutrition.
Dont be afraid to be you, eat whatever u want to eat and be proud of it, its ur life and none elses. If you get questioned or preached at, question them back and ask them to back up their claims with real studies that found causation. After that, its often a bluescreen real quick as they need to actually think and come up with something, rather than just parrot what the article said in the recent news.

There is 0 clinical trials that found meat is bad for you. If u want to be direct, you can literally ask anyone who questions you about meat and/or fat with:

Explain why does Inuits who eat only meat and fish have the lowest heart disease, coronary artery disease, diabetes and cancer in the world ?

Stick to facts you know, lot of dark green veggies are good but it often depends on individual if u really need them on ur diet or not. And how in hell would a random person know what you need in ur diet ?

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #12

I’m a fan of ignoring people. Earbuds in during lunch = peaceful meal. :wink:

(Dirty Lazy Keto'er, Sucralose freak ;)) #13

What David Stiley said :smiley: lol
I also have the IDGAF attitude. And besides, if I can get back to 3/4’s of the shape I was in before my back injury, their won’t be anyone thinking I’m a dumbass for eating like I do, but rather, most will be envious “and wish” they could do the same thing. Of course we know that they could. It’s just that on the surface, Keto seems so crazy, and hard to make it happen. But again, we know Keto can be really easy, and become as natural as any other WOE. Even easier from the standpoint that it can kill so many carb / sugar cravings.

And I forgot to add, the only other person I eat with 98% of the time, is my GF, who is also doing Keto, so she eats mostly the same stuff I do, except for a few different personal preferences… And for the mean time, more Keto treats, deserts and such. But I’m going to be joining her with that here shortly. I just need to drop about 5 or 8 more pounds :slightly_smiling_face:

(PJ) #14

I think my nature reacts to people making food a religion a lot like it reacts to people making politics a religion.

People ranting about how “other” people must eat, speak, think, etc., no matter what it is, merely makes me want to promptly do it, to demonstrate
a/ See? I said it and nobody died! and
b/ you have no right to the tyranny of trying to make other people anything and it definitely won’t work with me.

This is probably a bug, not a feature, in my personality.

So I’ve been known to make jokes about it.
Mmmm, red meat and fats! The only thing this is missing is bacon and butter.
Naw, I don’t enjoy killing animals, that’s why I pay someone else to kill them and wrap it in plastic for me. But I threaten my cat now and then with becoming part of my stir-fry.
Naw, this is not why I’m fat. I’m way LESS fat than I used to be, and it’s thanks to eating this way. I’m happy to eat all the bacon you don’t want, and you can have all my salad greens, ok? See? Works out perfectly.

One thing though Bob. I would probably have the steak sliced up, and the cheese as well, so I’d nuke it in its container that way, and there’d be minimal ‘prep and cleaning’ from the meal – just a bowl in the fridge, and then after my eating, a bowl I rinsed out. The whole “slice up the steak, then slice up the cheese” probably just adds to the whole “performance-presentation” feeling. :slight_smile:


(carol mclintock) #15

I get some strange looks from my office colleagues but as they regularly try things like BootyTea and Slim Shot sachets to counteract their constant munching of crisps, chocolate, biscuits, cake, jelly sweets etc (I’m not kidding that between 3 people, yesterday they ate a 450 gram tub of haribo style jellys, a large packet of chocolate digestives and a pack of marshmallows, all on top of a maccies breakie and a full chips and pie lunch), I tend to just get on with it.

I am regularly asked how I have lost weight and am more positive and energetic and I used to talk about Keto, but now I just say that I have cut out snacks and processed food. If someone is really interested (both of my sisters have asked me to sit down and talk it through with them) then I will happily point them in the right direction but otherwise, I do me and let them do them.

(Diane) #16


(Diane) #17

When I was having medical evaluations and jumping through the hoops to try and qualify for social security disability… if asked about my dietary habits, I said: I’ve eliminated sugar, grains and most processed foods. I hardly ever eat out and am cooking whole foods at home most of the time. No one ever indicated that they thought that those changes were anything but positive.

Edited to add: I definitely never mentioned that I was eliminating almost all fruit and limiting vegetables!

(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #18

An acquaintance was talking to me the other day about how she’s just realised that she needs to invest in her future by looking after her health a little better, as she’s not happy with her weight. She immediately followed this with ‘it’s all right for you, Rebecca - you can eat anything you like and you’re so slim!’

I was baffled. As far as I can recall, I’ve never eaten anything or had occasion to accept or refuse food or drink in her company (she’s a client of Mr S, I see her occasionally on jobs, not socially) - so I had no idea why she assumes that I ‘eat anything’ I like! FGS it’s been my life’s work being very obsessive about food and drink and their impact on my blood glucose, so ‘eating anything I like’ is absolutely not what I do!

Took the opportunity to tell her about keto and what it is I do and don’t eat to be slim, and her only response was ‘but Rebecca I like a glass of wine’.

I hadn’t mentioned wine.
I drink wine!

Still, a conversation was started and I hope next time I see her I’ll be able to build on it!

(Katie) #19

I, long ago, gave up thinking anyone would actually listen to me or actually consider that what I say might just be the truth. I came to realize that I am viewed the same way Any other fringe nut case is.

So…I do as I see fit. If anyone makes comments I just go “uh huh” and continue. I do not acknowledge their opinions…positive or negative.

I think it is sad that you feel you have to hide.

(Scott) #20

I am thinking…
I am part way into my third book on how keto WOE can limit cancer growth. Sugars are proven to be much worse than red meat. I have lost thirty pounds. I am almost at my ideal weight. My blood lipids are fantastic. I take no medications. My blood pressure is normal.
I say “I feel great and enjoy eating this way”

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #21

If you were feeling particularly mischievous, you could purchase Haribo sugar-free jellies, which are made with maltitol, and substitute them. They might even thank you (assuming you were to inform them), until they experienced the effects. Amazon U.S. used to sell a 5-lb. (11 kg) bag of sugar-free gummi bears, and the effects of maltitol on an unprepared digestive system were hilariously documented in the reviews section. (Check out the reviews—they might still be up, even though Amazon has apparently stopped selling the product.)