What fat do you use to pan/shallow fry?


Ghee, coconut oil, dripping.

(TJ Borden) #8

I was using tallow as my primary but I’ve changed over to lard since I was frying so much pork belly anyway, my tallow was slowing turning to mostly lard anyway.

(Deborah ) #9

I really like using lard. I first bought the smaller block of it, then finally caved and bought the bucket. :slight_smile:

I also use bacon grease (if I want more flavor), and ghee, occasionally butter if I’m not cooking at a higher heat.


Sounds like the body composition change from hell.

(Bob M) #11

Ghee, duck fat are good. If you have tallow that’s good too.

(Bob M) #12

I try not to fry with olive oil, using it after cooking instead.

(Bunny) #13

Various post I made on the topic if you would like to read:

Example: Non-hydrogenated Lard (What was probably used 40-50+ years ago…)


(Bob M) #14

Oh yeah, if you cook a goose, you can render goose fat too, which is good.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #15

Holy transubstantiation, Batman! That’s quite an achievement, since lard is pigfat and tallow is from beeves. :grinning:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #16

I’m the opposite of @Adriana, since for me it’s tallow that has the flavor and lard that is neutral.

In any case, I fry with bacon grease or tallow, by preference, since the lard available in my area is all loaded with preservatives and other funny stuff. For some purposes, however, you just can’t beat the flavor and texture of butter. One of the things I regret about this way of eating is that I’ve always wanted to taste pie crust made with lard, and now I never will.

I’m of two minds about coconut oil, because I don’t trust what they do to the refined stuff, and I usually don’t want coconut flavor in the food I cook from using the unrefined.

(TJ Borden) #17

Right… what was happening was I’d put tallow in my deep fryer, but deep frying pork belly was rendering so much extra fat that every few rounds, I’d have to drain some of the fat from the fryer. After a while, it was pretty clear that most of what was left in the fryer is lard.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #18

Hilarious! You should put that in the "You know you’re a ketoer . . . " thread.

(Jeff) #19

Lard baby!!!


I feel very sad for you right now. :laughing:

(Adriana) #21

My mom uses lard for desserts (empanadas or pies), tamales, tortillas, etcetera and I always found a pig like flavour when eating them, hahahaha. Maybe it´s the type she uses?

I’ll have to try using it for savory food, I found a really good butcher shop a few blocks from my house and they have tallow and lard at really good prices.

(Edith) #22

Lard can be made from back fat or the fat around the kidneys. It is the fat around the kidneys that creates a mild flavored lard. It is called leaf lard. The lard rendered from the back fat has a stronger flavor. I believe it is leaf lard that is used when making pie crusts, etc.

I can only get hydrogenated lard that has preservatives in it at my local grocery stores, so I bought some back fat and rendered my own lard. It was pretty easy. It’s not grass fed pork, but I figure its got to be better than the stuff at the grocery store. And, the fat was only a dollar a pound.

(TJ Borden) #23

See, you learn something new on keto everyday. I assumed it was to fool vegans.

(Raj Seth) #24

TJ - now you gotta buy me a new keyboard - spewing diet coke allover mine broke it

(Adriana) #25

Oh, I didn´t knew that! Thank you for sharing.
That’s why I always tasted pig when eating my mom’s food :joy:
Now I’ll have to ask how the lard from the butcher shop was made :thinking:

(Allie) #26

Butter normally. Sometimes coconut oil or lard, but butter is my preference for taste.