What did you learn today?

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #301

You’ll have to compete with the old baby boomers who are still using it and taking meds. But yes, you may eventually. :grin:

(Running from stupidity) #302

Why you should eat clock-breakfast and clock-lunch as your two meals rather than skipping clock-breakfast.

(Running from stupidity) #303

(Running from stupidity) #304

I’ve learned that if I read a couple of articles about having the eating window early rather than late, I feel bad about sitting here and not eating breakfast while I can smell the brisket that’s slow-cooking for dinner (it’s been in for 16 hours, 10 to go…)

(Heather Meyer) #305

Didnt know that i existed…just researched that… very cool…

BUT now im curious. There are people in the world who claim they can see peoples “Aura’s”. They can see people and they appear to project a colour. So it makes me wonder if these so called “Aura’s” are really just people who have visual-color synethesia?

Also… research says people with synethesia have greater capacity for visual memory. That could explain why on memory tests, I score around 90% as being a visual learner. I can recall facts from reading words very easily. I was one of those people who cheated on the Drivers tests because i memorized the practice ABC option tests patterns.

Very interesting…

(Running from stupidity) #306

Yeah, that could well be. Along with the [spoiler]bat-shit[/spoiler] crazy ones who THINK they can see them, of course :slight_smile:

(Empress of the Unexpected) #307

I’ve learned that when people around me come up with strange and crazy ideas, those ideas originally came from me. Here’s a prime example: A certain reputation-smearer on the forums was posting all this crazy talk about me eating tamales. Now where did @Juice get that idea from…….oh…whoops.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #308

You are hilarious! :rofl::rofl:

(Full Metal KETO AF) #309

Make cilantro pesto and put it on chicken thighs with crumbled bacon on top😎

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #310

2 IF 20/4 days in a row and got in touch with satiety. Might have been low on calories. I did not record. But wife took chicken skins and make chicken rind. Yummy.

Might feast tomorrow and then go back to IF 20/4.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #311

If you dry them in the oven and then deep fry them you get chicken “pork” rinds.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #312

Ouch! I broke my right distal radius a couple of years ago, so I have some idea of what you’re going through. Did you say you had to have your tendon fixed, too? Mine broke as a result of the surgery, but at least the tendon part didn’t hurt. (Though it extended the cast time by a month or so, ugh!)

(Lisa ) #313

That shot is orthopaedic porn to me :sweat_smile:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #314

And besides, men are good for only one thing—and just how important is parallel parking, anyway? :grinning:

(Empress of the Unexpected) #315


(Empress of the Unexpected) #316

Hubby says if he were President of the U.S., he would pass a law disallowing women to drive.

(Heather Meyer) #317

I learned striploin steaks appear very lean… and not fatty :frowning: boo! Someone give me a nice fat steak!


Is he running? 'Cause that kind of thing can get you elected nowadays .


I was about to ask if she was married to Agent Orange, but I decided to enjoy my smocking hot cup of covfefe instead.


Have your covfefe - Regina is just FAKE NEWS anyway. Lock her up!