Meal Frequency and Times


(Running from stupidity) #41


OR … you ate too much and didn’t exercise Chunk enough. I believe that’s how it ACTUALLY works, based on a combination of kinda remembering my eight-grade physics classes and my magic thinking.

(Allie) #42

This is what I was doing and I gained weight consistently until I changed it.

(mole person) #43

I’m not sure why but the abstract was missing from the full version. Here is a link to the abstract for those who would like the main points.

And here is the relevant bit:

For glucose responses, irrespective of duration of prior fast, all four parameters characterizing the response were significantly greater in the evening than in the morning, with total area under curve and 2-h area under curve being approximately twofold larger in the evening than in the morning. Time of day did not significantly influence maximum postmeal increment in insulin secretion rate or duration of insulin secretory response, but total and 2-h areas under curve were 25-50% greater in the evening than in the morning.

(Running from stupidity) #44

Awesome find. Linking to the learning thread.

(mole person) #45

Thanks! :grinning:

(Carl Keller) #46

One more…

Researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania found that eating late a night raises glucose and insulin levels

The researchers asked nine adults of a healthy weight to eat three meals and two snacks between 8am and 7pm for eight weeks and then asked the same but between noon and 11pm for another eight weeks. To control for sleep, the researchers asked participants to sleep between 11pm to 9am for both of the eight weeks.

They found that when participants ate later at night not only did their weight increase, but so did their levels of insulin, glucose and cholesterol.

They also found that during the first eight weeks of daytime eating, participants produced a hormone which stimulates the appetite to help them feel fuller for longer.

(mole person) #47

This is very interesting. I happen to be a late eater. I may try earlier meals in light of these.

(Bob M) #48

Only issue is that I don’t get home until after 6:30pm several nights every week, and it’s nice to eat with the family. Life in the US is not made for eating early in the day and then not again.

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #49

Bob - so true. I’m going to switch up my IF 20/4 days to breakfast and lunch. I will have to cook something for lunch the night before. My wife expects some fasting days so I just will coordinate with her. But this will be weird. If the breakfast, lunch goes well I just might extend the next day to be completely food free and fast for 42 hours. I did that between thanksgiving and christmas once and that went okay.

(Running from stupidity) #50

Most of the western world, really.

I know if I tried to move this household to eating early only, I’d get nowhere.

(Carl Keller) #51

Makes sense if we want to try to take advantage of our diurnal wiring.

What’s interesting is folks in Spain typically have dinner right before bed time. “La Cena” is sometimes as late as 11 PM. As of 2016 Spain’s adult obesity rate was 23% vs USA’s 36%, according to Of course when you eat isn’t as important as what you eat.

(Heather Meyer) #52

True… the Spanish also eat their smallest meal at Dinner time i believe. There largest meal is between breakfast and lunch because its the coolest part of the Day

(Bob M) #53

When we were in Italy, we went to eat dinner (being stupid Americans) at 5/6pm (1700/1800). Only Americans were in the restaurants, no one was there, and a lot of the restaurants did not open until then or after. Later that week, we went on a tour of Pompeii, and got back at 10 or 11pm (2200, 2300). Went to dinner, and the places were packed. And this was a weeknight.

I know one of my issues is eating too late, then going to bed relatively close to dinner. It’s tough to fix, with kids that have after-school events that don’t end until 6:30 or 7:00 pm.

I have been thinking of eating a larger lunch and a smaller dinner, for the days I eat like that. It’s tough though.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #54

Interesting study. I wonder if it has ever been repeated. I’d also like to see data on more participants. N = 8 is a farily low-powered study.

They were administering 500-calorie meals consisting of 53.75 g of carbohydrate, 48.75 g of protein, and 10 g of fat. One protocol involved a total of 2500 calories over five meals, the other a total of 1500 calories over three meals. So on the five-meal day, they ate 269 g of carbohydrate, 244 g of protein, and 50 g of fat; on the three-meal day, 161 g of carbohydrate, 146 g of protein, and 30 g of fat. I wonder if the results would have changed if both protocols had been equi-caloric, instead of all meals being equi-caloric. I also wonder what the results would have been if the meals had been ketogenic.

You could even complicate things further by allowing each participant to eat to satiety and seeing what happened.

(Bunny) #55

What I noticed from all the studies like some the content being cited on this thread, are all centered around three meals a day? Another way to look at this, is why would you need all these research studies if the focus was not alternating around that 3 squares a day concept?

I have a little ritual I go through where I just observe how I feel and ask myself are you really that hungry? When did you eat last? Etc… I really try to pay attention to how I feel instinctually and sometimes it will turn into a longer extended fast or a big OMAD ketofeast, it is not planned, it is sensed randomly by my own innate personalized circadian hooks (e.g. when the sunlight hits the back of my eyes, it tells me what part the day to eat unconsciously) and re-training my metabolism to become resistant (ignoring) to the cephalic social aspect of eating, as another person metioned I cannot find anyone who exceeds Dr. J. Fung and Megan Ramos (a brilliant team of caring peeps) on the simplistic logic of the relationship between food and our interactions with our environment, one being the social aspect of food from birth we are trained when we should eat but with that came the disconnect from nature we forgot how to eat?


i was wondering this too. i think i’m going to omad and eat at the time that suits me (night) and see what happens. will report back :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(Susan) #57

i work nights and i was eating OMAD before i went to sleeP at 1pm. Recently I have been taking food to work to keep me from eating cookies but it doesn’t always work


My husband and I do OMAD during the week and TMAD 20/4 IF… We have our dinner sometime between 6 and 7pm. I work out in the morning… I prefer to have my freshly cooked meal (i’m histamine intolerant) with my husband, where we catch up and enjoy our time together, rather than following another complicated scientific reason to eat cold food at work. I have to pick which battles I can fight and not overly obsess about everything-i did that during my previous SAD diet, I can’t play those games anymore…

(John) #59

So the old wisdom said “Eat like a king/queen for breakfast, like a prince(ss) for lunch, and a pauper for dinner.” Along with the “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”

But then that was debunked by studies that showed that it didn’t matter when you consumed your calories.

And now we are back to the “eat earlier” wisdom that I read about in the 70s. Well, just like clothing fashions - if you hang onto them long enough, they’ll come back into style.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #60

The point of a well-formulated ketogenic diet is to keep insulin low, and it makes sense to arrange one’s eating pattern to keep insulin as low as possible for as much of the day as possible. I know it sounds retrograde—it probably is retrograde, actually, but in a good way, and backed by science. Common wisdom from centuries past often really was wise. They didn’t know how it worked, but they observed that it did.

One of the things I found hardest to accept about the Higgs field was just how similar the description of it sounded like that of the luminiferous aether. The luminiferous aether was a poor explanation later disproved by experiemental data, but the Higgs field is apparently real, with data to back it up. Go figure!

Oh, and another example of retrograde science: The ancient Greeks knew that the world was round and had data to prove it. That notion somehow got lost in the intervening centuries and had to be proved again during the Renaissance. But going back to the ancient notion was actually a step forward! :grin: