What did you Keto today?


Hello Judy, could you possibly share the recipe for pickling the banana peppers? … My wife was just speaking about pickling some the other day. (Something we’ve never done, but banana peppers grow like crazy for us, and we can’t give them away quick enough!) … Thanks in advance, if you could provide one. :slight_smile:


Sadly I have tried. I love cheese but it doesn’t love me back. I do have some dairy on rare occasions but I pick and choose what is worth the discomfort.


@WickedLowCarbJen Excellent idea, for fall/winter!

Guys, it looks like we’ve got another chef in the forum. That presentation is beautiful! :+1:

(Blessed with butter ) #9644

bought them at winco, sorry @Digital_Dave I love them tastes when I get home I can give you the ingredients off the jar!


I just started using it to make @juice feel better, because he’s ALWAYS misspelling things! :wink:


I think that’s the real take-away here. :wink:



Congratulations! Well done, mate!

(Adriana) #9648

My breakfast today: black tea with HWC and keto mug muffins, one slice with bacon fat and other with butter and almond butter. One of my favorite ways to start the day :blush:


Craving sushi… took the tuna and salmon off the bed of rice and dipped in soy sauce


Pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese buttercream…about 2.25 carbs each


I’ve got to try this.
I’ve had almond butter several times, but not the muffin. :yum:

(Adriana) #9652

@dlc96_darren The only keto recipe I have memorized :joy:, they are really easy to make and great to put some grease on them, be it butter, nut butter, eggs, bacon, cheese, meat :drooling_face:

In a microwable mug mix one tablespoon of coconut flour, one tablespoon of grease (I use olive oil, but it can be butter/coconut oil/bacon grease, etc), one egg, 1/4 teaspoon of baking powder and spices to taste (I mostly just add salt, but so far I have made them with cinnamon, nut meg, Italian spices, hemp seeds, sesame seeds, chili flakes).

Then put the mug in the microwave for 90 seconds on high, pop them out, slice them and you can eat, I recommend to toast them a little bit before eating.

One serving has 2.3g of net carbs according to Cronometer.

(Ashley) #9653

Recipe please? Yum


That’s wonderful! The only recipe I have memorized is scrambled eggs. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m seriously gonna try these. Thanks!

(Tara) #9655

Keto sausage egg and cheese sandwich using this awesome 90 second mug bread recipe.


I always end up with 8 cupcakes (I get less net carbs too). For the frosting, I just used a brick of cream cheese, 1/4 cup butter, 2 tsp vanilla and a few squeezes of splenda and whipped it.

I hope you try it, they’re really good!

(Ashley) #9657

I will def try it! It won’t be right away as I have a lot of supplies to get for them! But i will get round to it!

(Jase) #9658

Most restaurants can serve in this style. Usually the ones that are bar/restaurants

(Jase) #9659

Just ran by the city hall yesterday but missed the paternoster lift as I was with group. Looked it up on internet- thanks for prompting. Everyday’s a school day!

(Troy) #9660

Enough of these KETO bread-ish / Dessert-ish recipes and pics.:rofl:
All look so good.
No real cravings for them b4. Sigh
Visuals pics😍 a plenty here recently ( must be the Fall Comfy Season )
But now?..tempting

Keep um coming still!