What did you Keto today?

(bc65971c2fbb571c3970) #6736

Breakfast this morning- had leftover guacamole from last nights fajita steak bowl. It’s so good to be back!!!

(MooBoom) #6737

That’s weird, this should’ve posted under my @MooBoom user name :thinking:

(TJ Borden) #6738

Those eggs are gorgeous

(Ernest) #6739

Can’t compare them to anything really. I love offals. I prefer kidneys to liver.
Also depends on how you cook them.

(TJ Borden) #6740

I need to explore more. I LOVE chicken hearts, but I can’t stand beef liver. The fact that I love chicken hearts should convince me to try other stuff, but I hate beef liver so much I’m afraid everything else is going to be like it.

(Ernest) #6741

If you love chicken hearts then you’ll have no issues with beef kidneys.

(matt ) #6742

You must have clicked the anonymous button by accident. Not sure if we can undo that…ill check.

(TJ Borden) #6743

Wait… so would I be able to have an argument with myself by clicking the button on and off as I post? Not sure why I would, but it would be nice to know I have the option.

(matt ) #6744

You might get an IP flag but I am not sure.

(MooBoom) #6745

I must have! What a numpty. Thank you :slight_smile:

(*Rusty* Instagram: @Rustyk61) #6746

Post fasted workout breakfast! AGAIN.

(Candy Lind) #6747

What kind of cheese is that??

(Doug) #6748

Standard ‘Colby,’ Candy. A 2 pound block of it and I bend it and break off suitable chunks. Displays a nice “curd structure” if that is the right way to say it.

(Candy Lind) #6749

I gotta get me a burger today. Too many gooey-cheddary-bacony pictures going up lately!

(Candy Lind) #6750

I never would have guessed! Maybe I’ll start breaking my cheese to see what kind of cool textures I can see. :grin:

(Candy Lind) #6751

Should I just assume you sous vide everything, including kidney, and stop asking? :smiling_imp:

(Candy Lind) #6752

I’m gonna try this with blueberries for my hubby! (And I might not be adverse to it, either! LOL)

(Candy Lind) #6753

Oh man. I have GOT to make some more fathead dough and do some experimenting!

(Candy Lind) #6754

GO FOR IT! :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

HMMM … something to do when you’re bored during a fast? :thinking:

(Runs on bacon) #6755

Ha! Now that’s clever!