What did you Keto today?

(Troy) #8960

Hit and miss for those
Walmart. Occasionally , will have them. Priced more than the $2.85 blocks. Go figure? Lol
Same amount of butter

Today, got them at sprouts
On sale $2.99šŸ˜„ for 2 sticks

Normally $4.50šŸ™„
Nope, not gonna pay that for the convenience factor
Iā€™m cheap!!
Hence my lunch today :rofl:

(TJ Borden) #8961

I used to love sprouts when I was working in Cali. We finally got our first one up in my area that opened last week. Iā€™m hitting it this weekend.


My parentsā€™ dog has just been diagnosed with epilepsy. Healthy dog one day, fits and seizures now. I told my family that keto was/is used for epilepsy treatment in humans. Glad to read your post. I donā€™t think she should be eating her grains anymore.

(Mike W.) #8963

I rarely eat breakfast, but when I do I make it worth it. Homemade sausage gravy. Breakfast sausage, spices, butter, and heavy cream. Thatā€™s it!

(Robert Kuhar) #8964

(Robert Kuhar) #8965

Fudge Brownie --> WHOOPIE PIE

(Robert Kuhar) #8966

Justā€¦ Choppin down on some butter? Hats off to you

(Ernest) #8967



You always produce such beautiful plates.

(Ernest) #8969

Thank you!! We eat with our eyes first.


Still presently fasting, so havenā€™t Ketoed anything since Sunday. But I still like to stop in here for a daily fix. :slight_smile:

Guess @Ernest is right! ā€¦Wait, ā€¦can you break your fast if you eat with your eyes! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(Lonnie Hedley) #8971

Iā€™ve read you can have an insulin reaction from thinking about food, smelling it, etc. So it would depend what you call ā€œbreakingā€ your fast.


Really? Thatā€™s pretty interesting. ā€¦ Actually, Iā€™ve found no issues with being around food during fasting. I even make dinners for my wife and son sometimes, or even bake some stuff while fasting and it doesnā€™t bother me.

Will need to take a look into that, thanks.

(Lonnie Hedley) #8973

Iā€™ve read it on the internet. 100% fact. :grin:


Oh, so definitely no research required then! :smile:

(Lonnie Hedley) #8975

Yep, not necessary. :joy::rofl:

(Diane) #8976


(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #8977

Broke my fast like a champ todayā€¦
Zoodles with marinara (back) cabbage sauteed in sausage grease, with a little acv and bacon (front) got the fond of the sausages by throwing in some dry white wine (got that trick from my dad, makes most cheap sausages taste like a million bucksā€¦)


Pork rind chicken fried steak and Keto gravy!!! Feeling a bit like a kitchen wizard today as I made not one, not two, but three delicious Keto things without a recipe and they all turned out!!! Iā€™m finally getting the hang of it!

(TJ Borden) #8979

Iā€™d say you nailed it. That looks amazing!!!