What did you Keto today?

(Mandy) #8947

My first go at oopsie bread. Stacked on avocado, chicken thighs, homemade BBQ sauce and Cheddar. Tasted pretty good. Not sure how I feel about the texture as of yet.

(TJ Borden) #8948

It took me a couple batches to get on board. The trick is to drown it in butter, then it tastes so good you don’t care about the texture.

(TJ Borden) #8949

I don’t. I’ve read up on it, but he seems so healthy and happy, I haven’t worried too much about it.


I’m glad you didn’t post the picture of your dog first. I would have been really concerned. :wink:

(TJ Borden) #8951

If it came to that, he would be safe. We have two others that would be a lot better eat’n.


Keto Art:

Isn’t the sight of melting butter, beautiful?

Breakfast ideas

I like a man who’s prepared!


Goats cheese, bacon,black olives,broccoli salad with an apple cider vinaigrette and a sprinkle of mixed seeds.

(Ashley) #8955

Pizza joint taco salad! Yum.

(Chasity Hedges) #8956

(Troy) #8957

Just peeling back my lunch
On a hot SoCal day

Like an Ice cream bar😄

(Jane) #8958

Love it!

(TJ Borden) #8959

Where did you find packs that size?

(Troy) #8960

Hit and miss for those
Walmart. Occasionally , will have them. Priced more than the $2.85 blocks. Go figure? Lol
Same amount of butter

Today, got them at sprouts
On sale $2.99😄 for 2 sticks

Normally $4.50🙄
Nope, not gonna pay that for the convenience factor
I’m cheap!!
Hence my lunch today :rofl:

(TJ Borden) #8961

I used to love sprouts when I was working in Cali. We finally got our first one up in my area that opened last week. I’m hitting it this weekend.


My parents’ dog has just been diagnosed with epilepsy. Healthy dog one day, fits and seizures now. I told my family that keto was/is used for epilepsy treatment in humans. Glad to read your post. I don’t think she should be eating her grains anymore.

(Mike W.) #8963

I rarely eat breakfast, but when I do I make it worth it. Homemade sausage gravy. Breakfast sausage, spices, butter, and heavy cream. That’s it!

(Robert Kuhar) #8964

(Robert Kuhar) #8965

Fudge Brownie --> WHOOPIE PIE

(Robert Kuhar) #8966

Just… Choppin down on some butter? Hats off to you