What did you Keto today? Part Deux!

(Running from stupidity) #1689

The creamiest eggs you’ve ever had! Cooked at precisely 63.5C for 40 minutes, the yolk is firm but not rubbery, fluid yet not runny. The bacon is locally sourced and fried to perfection, while the hot debricener sausage gives the breakfast just the right amount of kick to take it over the top.

(Mike W.) #1690

Oh, your child eats purees? That’s cute.
That’s a whole smoked turkey wing :joy:

(Mike W.) #1691

I can really relate to your meals. Well done.

(Jane) #1692

LOVE IT!!! :heart_eyes:

(Sophie) #1693


Your tiny carnivore always tickles me! :smile:

(Mike W.) #1694

Thanks. I just love the looks on people faces when they see her eat! It’s funnier yet because she is so petite…haha

(Running from stupidity) #1695

Want a taco, but hate the mess? Solution - deconstruct it. Taco meat. Avocado. Pickled Jalapenos. Cheese. Sour cream. Tomato. Lettuce. On a plate. Cutlery. What more could you want? Oh, Himalayan pink salt? #sorted.

(Janelle) #1696

This is one of my favorite meals. We also make a taco pie on occasion with an almond flour crust but I find a simple taco salad just as satisfying.

(Running from stupidity) #1697

It’s got all the essential food groups - meat, jalapenos, sour cream, cheese, avocado. How could you go wrong?

(Mike W.) #1698

Where’s the homemade green hatch Chile sauce?!

(Running from stupidity) #1699

Under the lefthand cushion on the couch.

(Mike W.) #1700


(Running from stupidity) #1701

Hey all, I’m sure you’ll all be DISTRAUGHT to discover that sous vide has its own category now, and so we won’t be filling this thread up with talk about how sous vide is the absolutely best cooking technique ever invented and how everyone should be using it. Although it is, and they should.

Anyway, here’s a link if you should be so inclined.


(Running from stupidity) #1702

Rump steak with a an awesome fat cap, cooked for 24 hours at 53 degrees to achieve that perfect level of medium rare pink from one edge to the other before being flash-seared to give it an awesome crust. On the side is a vegetable mess topped with mushrooms and salami, and the plate is finished with house-blend chicken gravy.

(Karen) #1703

Black olives. Yum!


(Ernest) #1704

My dinner last night…

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #1705

:dancer:t2::notes: I found ground beef :notes:
:notes: It’s taco night!:notes:. Taco salad, that is.

Not that there’s anything wrong with ground pork for taco salad. But I’ve been feeling like having more beef these days.

Sadly, the avacado was a dud.

(Allie) #1706

Lamb. Just lamb.
Probably smothered in my homemade mayo.

(Mike W.) #1707

Staying Keto even eating out at the Golden Corral :nauseated_face: (unfortunate family tradition before Christmas tree hunting)


Thanks, and me to your’s as well! … I don’t think we’re ever left wanting. :slight_smile:

Mid-day meal… Scrambled Eggs with Cheese, Bacon and County Sausage formed into Patties. Also a left-over Cabbage wrapped County Sausage with Rao’s Sauce.