What did you Keto today? Part Deux!

(The amazing autoimmune 🦄) #1669

I have no picture but I had an amazing eggnog made with allulose. So good!! I will have to limit making them to only special days. Actually my husband made them for me and my niece and I way over drank them!

(Empress of the Unexpected) #1670

We are not traditional…

(Running from stupidity) #1671

Lunch #1 Perfectly poached twice-cooked eggs with market-sourced bacon, finished with Himalayan pink salt and freshly-ground black pepper.

The gory details of the creation are over at our new sous vide thread below.

Created so we don’t hijack this food thread as we did the other day :slight_smile:

(Kristin) #1672

My keto contributions to the family Thanksgiving dinner: deviled eggs and blackberry cheesecake. The cheesecake recipe was from the keto connect folks.


That looks delicious to me :yum:

(Karen) #1674

OK I was in the kitchen the whole time so I don’t have a picture of any of the delicious turkey, but I did enjoy it. Here’s a picture of one of three tables before we sat down. Happy Thanksgiving!

(Kristin) #1675

Very pretty.

(Running from stupidity) #1676

Lunch #2 Even more perfectly-poached twice-cooked eggs with spam spam spam wonderful spam!, finished with Himalayan pink salt and freshly-ground black pepper

(Allie) #1677

Good old bacon and eggs

(Running from stupidity) #1678

Alfredo zoodle chicken stirfry - roast chicken breast is diced and added to a bed of zoodles coated in fine house-prepared Alfredo sauce, while sliced Swiss Brown mushrooms bring a beautiful umami frisson to your senses.

(Jane) #1679

Oops - ate the bacon and started in on my omelette before I snapped a pic.

Omelette is spinach, onion and cheese topped with a dollop of my homemade clotted cream.

(Karen) #1680

Cute dishes. Yummy breakfast!


(Mike W.) #1681

The meal that always helps me find satiety.

(Caryl) #1682

A 300g sirloin steak, with charred gem lettuce and a side of cauliflower gratin. Side of bone marrow gravy.

I’m starting to get too fussy about steaks at restaurants. This was a little overdone and had gristly bits. I ate it all, though!

Lesson learned: if the restaurant doesn’t specialize in steak, don’t order it!

(Jane) #1683

Thanks! They are cheap grocery store plates (Kroger) so I don’t worry about breaking them… Wasn’t sure I would like them so only bought 2 to try them out. Then kept going back for more!

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #1684

Dr. Berry says gristle = collagen. So I figure cut it small enough to swallow without gagging and take your medicine! I have no sunny outlook for the overdone problem.


Karen, you’re the Martha Stewart of our forum!

This cannot be stressed enough! If you don’t have a pepper grinder at home, get one! Warning, you need a lot LESS pepper on your food when it’s freshly ground. :wink:

So all you foodies probably already knew this, but this was a relatively recent lesson for me. :grin:

What, no turmeric mustard?

Yeah, that happens. :grin:

That’s true! I can do better in my sous vide at home.

Not to mention the price they’re gonna charge you for for a mediocre steak.

(Allie) #1686

I had my homemade mayo with it but no turmeric added to this batch :blush:

(Running from stupidity) #1687

These things :slight_smile:


Worked out in the yard most the day gathering up leaves in the cold temps. Then came in and ate a hot dinner. … Wife fixed Turkey, Stuffed Ham (left-over from last night), Turkey Gizzard & Liver (since no one else eats them), Deviled Eggs, Cauliflower-Egg Salad, Sliced Tomato, Pickles and Olives. - (Brussel Sprouts soaked in butter in a separate bowl, not shown) Also used the excess butter to dip the rest of the food in. :yum: :slight_smile:

I also ate half of one of the Mini-Pumpkin Cheese Cakes I made the other day. (Well maybe a 1/4. Gave the pups a bite each) Also had a Home-Made Almond Bar (cup) the wife also made while I was working outside.