What did you Keto today? Part Deux!

(Ashley) #1186

He knows sit, lay, up, stay, and knows if I say stop begging he will lay down instead and he’s only a puppy :slight_smile: train them young and most dogs are good!

(Karen) #1187

Any Border collie in that dog?

(I Am The Egg Man ku-ku-kachoo) #1188

That’s a legitimate dinner! Nice.

My diiner was simple and filling…and not nearly as beautiful as these!

Started as Joes Special, ended as… Nutritious.

80/20 burger, shrooms, spinach, carrot & celery, eggs, mozzarella & parmesan. Garlic & S&P seasoned.

(Karen) #1189

Love carrot for color! Looks yum!!


(Ashley) #1190

I was told by a vet border collie blue heeler, but I’m starting to think he’s border collie springer spaniel.

(Karen) #1191

Border Collies are very very very intelligent! Our dog was trained by my dad to fetch his paper. He walked the dog out to the sidewalk, put the paper in his mouth, walked him back to the house. The next day he opened the door and said go get the Paper, and the dog did. K

(Sophie) #1192

Hate to break this to you, but almost all dogs are very very very intelligent despite their breed. People simply don’t give them the credit they deserve!


Big ol’ fatty pork chop with sauteed broccolini & a salad dressed with baba ghanouj. Chop not as ‘singed’ on the outside as I’d like but it was very tender & juicy :yum:

(Jane) #1194

My roommate in college bred border collies to help fund her expenses. Texas A&M so herds available to train her pups. She got primo $$$ for trained border collies.

Smartest dogs I’ve ever seen! I used to take her male sire on campus with me after midnight to get on the keypunch machines (dating myself) and didn’t even have him on a leash. He understood verbal commands and I never had to raise my voice.

He would sit at my feet while I typed away on the keypunch machine and I was never bothered by anyone!!

(Jane) #1195

Have to differ with you. Inbreeding has made some breeds dumb as stumps. I love me some muttley’s that are bright and sweet natured.


Pork Chop, Cauliflower, Pickles, Olives and Cheese.

(Running from stupidity) #1197

I presume the “almost” is to allow for golden retrievers and (the poor genetic freaks that are) pugs?


They always look hungry!

Dogs could have just eaten, and they’ll still look at you like you’re starving them. :laughing:


Man, Karen, are you auditioning for Food Network? :yum: :drooling_face:

(Running from stupidity) #1200

Packaging these into bags of two. My wife needed a couple of kilos for a church leadership do tomorrow night, so I bought four kilos and am packaging ours.

I buy them from the Queen Vic Markets here in Melbourne and they’re $14/2kg (nine per kg, so $0.77 each) or $10/kg, but why would I buy just 1kg? According to the butcher who makes them, they’re 60 percent chicken trimmings and 40 percent chicken fat. They’re awesome. I’ve told him to advertise them as the perfect keto meal.

They also have a variety of flavours (herb and garlic, texas chilli, etc) but I just buy the plain ones.

Also saw today they have turkey ones, but the butcher who I talk to about them (I think his name is “little George” as the other George there is BIG, Darren :slight_smile: wasn’t in today (Sunday) so I’ll ask him next week about what’s in them.


You knew I was gonna ask! :grin:

(Running from stupidity) #1202

I know how awesome you think it is when people know the name of their local butchers :slight_smile:


Hmm, not sure I can agree with you on that. I’ve had friends who owned different breeds of dogs (in succession), raising and training them in the same way. Some dogs instantly showed themselves to be bright and would catch on to what they were being taught immediately, while others stayed adorably dumb as a bucket of rocks.

(Ashley) #1204

Oh that’s very true peachy, I think she just means border collies tend to pick up things quicker, you can teach a dog to do anything just about. But one thing I will say, he’s the quickest learning dog I have ever had. I do think they tend to learn quicker. Not that others can’t be taught. I told him only a few times different commands with a few treats and now he knows them within a few minutes of learning it. Crazy what you can teach animals! I have a chih mix, have had shih tzu, St. Bernard (she was actually a decent learner as well) pit mix’s, labs, beagles. And I think my border collie is definitely faster than others! But I think their breed is very much more wants to please their owners and are workers so it’s quicker to teach. To be fair he can also be one of the most stubborn boys too when he doesn’t get what he wants lol.

(Ashley) #1205

Most would eat themselves to death! But their adorable!