What did you Keto today? Part Deux!

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #1165


Had some lunch, or simply Mid-Day Meal. … Eggs, Bacon, Sausage patties and links. … Also ate some Pecans and a square of 90% Lindt’s. Actually had a small glass of Milk. Can’t say how long that’s been? :slight_smile:

Not shown, was the NY Strip Steak I cut up for the Pups, after they got some breakfast as well. :slight_smile:

(Sierra McVehil) #1167

Next time you try to do the weave put a sheet of parchment on a baking sheet. Lay your woven raw bacon on that. Put another sheet of parchment on top. And then another baking sheet on top of that. Maybe put something heavy and oven safe to weigh it all down and then cook in oven.

(Sierra McVehil) #1169

Stuck at work for a 36hr shift. Had to grab something fast that I could eat on the run. Found this bounty at a gas station. Got the job done.

(Adriana) #1170

Today’s breakfast/lunch is Keto pancakes, bacon and BP cocoa :heart_eyes:

(Ellen) #1171

Thanks Sierra, will try that.

(Ashley) #1172

Chicken with skin, some asparagus and butter covered with salt and hungry eyes!

(Running from stupidity) #1173

Protein power! 300g of 18-hour rump steak paired with house-special Daikon noodles in Alfredo sauce.

(Running from stupidity) #1174

Thinking about this all night, I’m realising that this is one of the best things I’ve eaten in a while. I just need to not be an idiot when making the brisket and it’ll be awesome.

(Sophie) #1175

Puppies have such a wonderful talent for making you feel guilty, don’t they? :laughing::rofl::laughing::heart_eyes::kissing_heart:

(Ashley) #1176

Yeah he always does, usually works to his benefit lol!

(Rita) #1177

And yet your food choices look very cheerful to me. I hope you are feeling better!

(The amazing autoimmune 🦄) #1178

I am not sure what to call this but it was great. Maybe tarragon chicken in a cream sauce.

(Jane) #1179

Lunch at Freddy’s. Double bacon steak burger with cheese and no bun.

Dinner was sous vide roast (melted in my mouth!) and organic collard greens picked from my garden yesterday. I made them like Mom used to - vinegar, salt and sugar (subbed erithritol)

(Troy) #1180

That looks good! :heart_eyes:
Even as a pork rind dip
Or smothered on some eggs

Now, my first look
Brought me some good memories!!
Or the stoufers chipped beef

I have a name for your concoction :thinking:
Flashback time :smile:
Yes, we did tell my parents “ can we have bleep tonight “


Oh yes, my kind of food!

(Karen) #1182

Will behaved dog, and delicious dinner!

(Karen) #1183

Sword fish dinner and a delightful surprise!
Sautéed arugula and spinach in 1 tablespoon butter.

Marinated swordfish steaks Then cooked three minutes on the side in a skillet, and transferred to a 400° oven for five minutes.

Breaded scallops with crushed Rinds cooked in a skillet in 1 tablespoon butter.

Sautéed red peppers and tomatoes and one spoon of medium salsa and a sauce pan cooked down and added some heavy whipping cream.

Cooked and scraped out a spaghetti squash. Added a tablespoon of butter lots of pepper. Time for dinner.

And here’s the surprise! All of the Rinds that fell off the scallops and browned up in the butter were tremendous delicious salty buttery deep brown. I think I’m going to make some just to add to things like salads soups other meats. Surprise!

(Mike W.) #1184

Forgive my presentation, but we’re in a hospital…lol My SIL has been here all week so we figured a homecooked meal would hit the spot. Bourbon and bacon “risotto” with goat cheese, and creamy marsala mushroom sauce over chicken.

(Jane) #1185

I don’t know if SOS is southern or not… but it is definitely comfort food!!!