What did you Keto today? Part Deux!

(Jane) #3863

I looked at a couple of recipes then just winged it.

I roasted one bunch of radishes coated in melted butter, salt and pepper in a 400 F oven ona foil-lined pan for 20 min.

Browned about 1/2 lb Italian sausage in skillet with some chopped onion.

Chopped up 2 de-veined stalks of curly kale and put in a small stick pot and added chicken broth and the sausage/onion along with the fat from browning and the radishes with the butter. Added a generous splash of heavy cream.

Simmered for 20 min.

(Jane) #3864

I still go occasionally. They have a carb-friendly chicken dish you don’t have to change anything on so I get this if with a business group.

And sometimes I still get the soup and salad when with friends but order the pasta fajoli soup and eat around the pasta tubes. I don’t bother eating around the beans because they have so much fiber.

(Jane) #3865

Strained homemade Bulgarian yogurt. I think next time I will make it earlier in the day and not strain overnight. Super thick and creamy but almost too thick.

Volume went from 3 pint jars and 3 half-pint jars to 3 half-pint jars plus what is in the bowl, so close to 4 small jars from a half gallon of whole milk.

Wonderful flavor - thanks @Shortstuff I didn’t know about the Bulgarian strain.

(Allie) #3866

@Janie I’ve not tried straining the Bulgarian, must give that a go. I’ve got some Greek straining at the moment.

(Jane) #3867

Bulgarian yogurt is kitty-approved! :heart_eyes_cat:

(Allie) #3868

My cats have never shown any interest but Chunk goes mad for it.

(Jane) #3869

Boneless ribs sous vide at 185F for 12 hours. Then finished on the grill. This will be tonight’s dinner. Reduced the juices and added a few squirts of Whataburger ketchup (out of sugar free and my Texas friends here will get the reference).

Marinade was my grandpa’s recipe. I rubbed the ribs down with smoky paprika and African Coast spice from Pendery’s. Dropping this here for me because the ribs were really good and I won’t remember the spices the next time we have ribs.

Lunch is bunless burgers (not shown) and grilled asparagus. This year will be our second year for our garden asparagus so I hope we get some this year.

(Steaks b4 cakes! 🥩🥂) #3870

I fancied chilli tonight, and I also fancied cheese sauce on ccauliflower, so I had both! Quite a nice combination!

(Sharon Chandler) #3871

I keep my strained whey until I know for sure the yogurt isn’t too thick. Just an idea…

(Jane) #3872

Thanks - that’s a great idea! I strained mine over the sink so it was all wasted. I’ll strain into a clean bowl next time and add back to get the consistency I like.


Decided to eat something at mid-day, and also have some Delmonico Steaks in the Sous Vide for tonight. Planning on some much needed fasting this week coming… 6 Fried Eggs, Fried Spam and some of the Taco Meat left over from last night’s Tacos. (Added the meat and eggs, once spam was gone)


(Running from stupidity) #3874

Must be good if he’s beaten Max to it…

Nat that you can really do this now, but hot (birdseyes) Chilli Con Carne and strawberry icecream, rolled in a pancake, is pretty damn awesome.

(Steaks b4 cakes! 🥩🥂) #3875

I’d love to see you create a keto version of that @juice !! :laughing:

(Running from stupidity) #3876

Trust me, I think about doing that a fair bit :slight_smile:

(Running from stupidity) #3877

The wife is off for a picnic with a friend, so this morning, I made her some sausage soldiers to take.

At about 6am.

(Steaks b4 cakes! 🥩🥂) #3878

This really does need to happen!!

(Running from stupidity) #3879

Too much effort currently, but it keeps bubbling away, so I’m sure even I won’t forget it :slight_smile:

(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #3880

Keeping it simple tonight with salmon and spinach


830g ribeye with bone marrow butter…


Forgot the Wife picked up some lunch meats the other day, so made a plate just before dinner. … Then ate a Delmonico Steak with Butter Fried Mushrooms, Deviled Eggs, Pickles, Olives and Shrimp Salad.

And yes, those are the same Deviled Eggs, that I moved over to the saucer with the green guys.