What did you Keto today? Part Deux!


Pork rind pancakes with Kerrygold on top
Bacon, because the pork rinds needed a friend.

(Anne) #3042

I really liked the gnom gnom cinnamon rolls! The first time I tried to make them I did one of her suggested substitions (I think psyllium for flax?) and the dough was a wet gloppy mess and didnt rise and was a disaster.
This time the yeast worked and they came out great! I did bake them a little longer than the recipe calls for and they were great!


I love the mug! I also wish for a day between Saturday and Sunday :slight_smile:.

And you breakfast looks delicious


I LOVE liverwurst, how do those muffins hold up with it? I love liverwurst and cream cheese sandwiches and have been missing them.


I too had pork rind pancakes this morning. Topped them with cinnamon whipped cream lightly sweetened with erythritol. I used the recipe here on the forums and yes, it makes three…the other one might have been eaten while the others cooked. :grin:

That’s a pretty pancake!

(Michelle) #3046

Breakfast coffee with butter.
Lunch so far is…
:green_salad: :green_salad: Fridge Salad :green_salad: :green_salad:
Baby spinach, avocado oil, apple cider vinger, nutritional yeast, cauliflower, dill pickle, green onion, tomatoe, hemphearts and sharp old cheddar.

(Karen) #3047

Breakfast of champions made by my dearest.

(Roxanne) #3048

Pork belly can be hard to find, especially in smaller communities. If you have an Asian food market, you may find it there. This was from Costco - not all Costco’s carry it either so when I find it, I stock up :slight_smile:

(Steaks b4 cakes! 🥩🥂) #3049

Meatballs in a tomato sauce, served with kale instead of spinach (because i forgot to buy some) and sprinkled with parmesan, and some keto garlic bread for dinner tonight. :ok_hand:


No too shabby :slightly_smiling_face: I took one of the microwave mug muffin recipes & noodled around with it a bit so I could bake them in the oven dozen at a time & freeze them. I find a 50/50 mix of flax & psyllium husk makes for a better texture.

(Karen) #3051

We have a Cosco up in Denver as well as one down in Colorado Springs. We actually live in between and in Castlerock we have a Sam’s. I’ll try and look there because Sam’s today appears to have really embraced a lot of keto foods. They carry Parm chips, almond flour, pork rinds, coconut flour, keto cookbook’s, and well priced ribeye

(Allie) #3053

Can’t find liverwurst here, I’ve tried :slightly_frowning_face:


For some weird reason they put it with the super fancy cheeses in my supermarket :face_with_raised_eyebrow: the liverwurst aint at all fancy…

(Allie) #3055

Thanks @anon54735292 but I’m in the UK and can’t even find it for sale online.

(Allie) #3056

@Ruina I just listened to a podcast that made me think of you. It was the most recent High intensity health and they mentioned that the skins of walnuts contain tanin that when eaten by some people will cause the mouth to burn / itch. So maybe not the actual walnut you have trouble with, but the tanin in the skin?

(Eaol) #3057

Where do you get rabbit kidneys? If I dare google this I just get causes of rabbit kidney failure instead of food.

(Ellen) #3058

A bit ambitious (yes that’s a dinner plate with 600g of salmon), but only have about 1/4 left so salmon salad for lunch tomorrow it is.


Chicken with cheddar cheese, bacon and jalapenos…

(Ellen) #3060

Is that just fried with extra on top or an actual recipe? Look good :grin:


I put a spice rub on the chicken, brown it in a frying pan on the stove and finish it in the oven. Once it is about done, I add the toppings and let it melt in the oven.