What did you Keto today? Part Deux!

(I Am The Egg Man ku-ku-kachoo) #956

I’ve used the salt dome technique on beef and it works amazingly. That fish looks awesome!

I wanted to try kelp noodles, so chicken stir fry it is. I like the kelp noodles.

(Jean) #957

Can’t find the recipe. Looks so good

(Karen) #958

What a great idea I never thought of splitting the dog or the Brat to put in my mustard and dill relish.!

(Karen) #959

Looks fantastic! I like the Browning on it

(I Am The Egg Man ku-ku-kachoo) #960

Thanks Karen! I found a video showing how to properly clean the jets on my gas range and MAN! does it get hot again! I love it.

(Mike W.) #961

(Running from stupidity) #962

It would look better if there was real food under there instead of fish :slight_smile:

I love my induction cooktop, but I’m afraid a new one is soon required. Any brand except Miele.

(Running from stupidity) #963

Seasonal asparagus with Himalayan pink salt is the hero of this dish, which is an achievement given it’s coupled with perfectly-poached market-sourced eggs and crispy fatty bacon, cooked in a house-created beurre noisette.

(Jean) #964

Thank you :blush:

(Michelle isaacson) #965

I was trying to decide which thread to put my meal. Here is the original meal I ordered at the Restaurant with my husband celebrating our anniversary of our first date.

Please note…the Steak was ordered Medium Well!

It was mooing at me…

Here is take two!

This is what I ate :smiley:.

(Running from stupidity) #966

“Sorry, we can’t abuse such a lovely piece of meat by overcooking it, lady”

(Michelle isaacson) #967

When the meat is bleeding…The act of watching it bleed out is demented. :smiling_imp:

(Running from stupidity) #968

It’s not really bleeding, it’s just haemoglobin :slight_smile:

And it’s not an issue once you’ve eating it anyway :smile:

(Michelle isaacson) #969


True since the heart is no longer pumping…

Funniest part of the entire evening is my husband surprised me with the Restaurant; he thought we were going to a steak house (I was hoping we were). We had reservations and as soon as we looked at the menu I realized we were in a Sushi/Shashimi restaurant! HA!! I am not only allergic to fish…but I don’t like Raw Meat! He asked if I wanted to leave and I said “No, this is fine.” I told him to order his Sushi/Shashimi and I found the one item on the menu that was Keto and Seafood free. :slight_smile:

(Running from stupidity) #970

Good problem-solving skillz :slight_smile:

(I Am The Egg Man ku-ku-kachoo) #971

Beautiful eggs. Why are yours more orange and mine are from my free ranging chickens?? They need to eat more bugs…

(Running from stupidity) #972

Maybe a little push on the saturation and vibrance in the post-processing. Maybe :slight_smile:

(I Am The Egg Man ku-ku-kachoo) #973

Oh. Well, you may have just saved several chickens a vicious berating, then. :rofl:

(Running from stupidity) #974

450g rump steak special - a 24-hour rump steak finished on a blazing-hot skillet in chef’s special blend of macadamia oil and bacon fat, and paired with hand-turned daikon noodles in an Alfredo sauce, alongside locally-sourced green beans, both sauteed in a cast iron pan with beurre noisette.

Ooooh, just discovered I can show net carbs instead of calories in the nutrition panel above! #cronometerwinning

Sorry about two pics, I was completely undecided as to which one to use, so I broke through the paralysis by posting both.

(Running from stupidity) #975

Actually, you may need to have a word to them, I went back and looked at the unprocessed image and the difference is minimal once the exposure is corrected :slight_smile: