What did you Keto today? Part Deux!


I had no idea!!! Certainly explains why the scrambled eggs at Ihop made our kids have tummy aches. If I get eggs at a restaurant I’ll make sure I order fried eggs so they can’t sneak anything in there :fried_egg:

(Full Metal KETO AF) #6729


Are you limiting protein maybe or is it the flavor you like with extra yolks? I assume you’re using the whites for something else.


(Full Metal KETO AF) #6730

I don’t do IHOP but there was a thread a while back about this. Apparently they do tell about it on the menu (at the bottom of the page in tiny letters away from the actual item you’re ordering.

#SneakyBastards. :cowboy_hat_face:

(Jody) #6731

Yep … that was pretty much the reaction my wife had! :smiley:

(Jody) #6732

They are good … and the butter, mayo, ketchup, mustard (or any combo there of) does help. It’s also nothing specific to them, because as I said, I find ALL keto breads to be a little dry.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #6733

@Jody22 @Diygurl19 try mine, it’s moist easy and cheap to make. I have been on a no chewing diet for the last two weeks and I have been making it for breakfast often. I think toasted it would be a great burger bun. All keto breads seem to be like quick breads, never really like yeast bread because of the absence of gluten and yeast.

Jalapeño Cheddar Biscuit/Bun


(Diane) #6734

I’m hoping to try these today. I have an appointment this afternoon, so it may have to wait for tomorrow or Friday. I only have the pickled jalapeños, so that’s what I’m planning on using.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #6735

@DiMo I use the whole pickled variety, just cut them up as you like in chunks or chopped. Baking keto breads is a continuous experiment for me and I am finding it fun lately. Adding psyllium husk is something I started recently but it’s not essential to the recipe if you don’t have any. :cowboy_hat_face:

(Jane) #6736


(traci simpson) #6737

So, I have a question. What happens if you are tracking your carbs/protein/fat and you are over your proteins on your first meal? does that matter? I just downloaded the KETO app and I was putting in my lunch (picture to come) and it has me 10 grams over in protein and this is my first meal of the day.


Yeah, I was indeed tired. (Sleep hasn’t been great) But, actually think I’m coming down with something. Usually start getting the soreness in the neck, scratchy throat and headache… And presently I have all three, so more than likely in the next day or so, unless it’s just this stupid Pollen, which does occur.

As to Eggs, I actually eat loads of them. Normally 6 is a minimum on most breakfast like meals. But also have the others, such as Deviled Eggs, Cauli-Egg Salad, etc. :egg: :+1:

Have you tried No Sugar Ketchup, Jody? … Think the smaller size is the same as the AlternaSweets, but at about 1/3 the price? Same 1 carb, per Tbsp. … It does show the larger bottle on their site, but I haven’t been able to locate where it’s sold just yet, so we get the 13oz.


(Jody) #6739

Thanks for the suggestion. I have used that recipe before (less the psyllium husk) and it’s good … but still rather dry as compared to SAD bread. I do want to try it with Sour Cream as opposed to the HWC one day.

(traci simpson) #6740

Ok this is roast beef and yellow and orange bell peppers, alfredo sauce ( more yellow due to peppers).

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #6741

Beef tartar (homemade made from beef heart)avocado, butter and almond flour/flax meal toast.

Beef heart is super cheap and nutrient dense an when eaten raw has none of the weird chewy consistency. There is barely any difference to the expensive beef tartar :yum:

(Jody) #6742

That is the normal ketchup I use and have for years (even before Keto). We got the AlternaSweet in the February TheKetoBox order. The AlternaSweet is very good, but it is not worth the price (>$10 a bottle) … especially when the Heinz is so easy to get and “normal” priced.

Like you, I have only found the one size … don’t know where they are hiding the bigger ones :smiley:

Thanks for looking out for me though :+1:

(Khara) #6743

:grimacing:Ok, I’m impressed. I’ve been trying to hide liver from myself again lately. I’m not very good at it.

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #6744

Not much hiding nessessary. It’s rather mild.
Just threw in paprica, cayenne some garlicpowder pepper, salt a tbsp tomato puree and a raw egg… Yum…

And I have chicken livers thawing up for my patee because I need to load up on b vitamins throughout next week (I have been an extrem liver hater all my life)


No worries, and if I come across it anywhere, I’ll let ya know. So far Amazon has a 6-pack? I believe, but no big bottles. Have only seen them on Heinz’s site.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #6746

@Hardrock_keto_chick Brilliant! :cowboy_hat_face:

(Ashley) #6747

I get the bigger bottles at Walmart and at target! Ymmv