What did you Keto today? Part Deux!

(Garry (Canada)) #3363


(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #3364

When I saw the fathead I scrolled back up… wait, I thought this was Allie. Oh! It is Allie.

(Allie) #3365


I can cook when I want to… just don’t like to waste the time :joy::joy::joy:

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #3366

I never thought you couldn’t cook. Just that I expect pictures of meat and possibly eggs. Also, I am personally unwilling to use more than one cooking vessel for a meal. So pot calling the kettle black situation.

(Allie) #3367

I get that too. This was a crazy messy afternoon with glass mixing bowls, saucepans, silicone baking sheets and a pizza tray that has now gone into the bin as I got annoyed with it for the last time. Way too much work. But I don’t have to cook all week now.


Ladies, I still maintain my “laziest of lazy keto” title. :grin:

You have seen my tin of sardines picture, haven’t you?

And I only eat pre-cooked bacon.


Beef and bacon. Yum yum

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #3370

My new obsession. Beef cooked in butter with cumin, smothered in cream cheese/salsa sauce. (Does that mean sauce sauce? I believe it does,)

Ha! My pre/post mixed collage has resulted in a seriously jacked fork.

(Allie) #3371

That is just shocking.

Mackerel is better than sardines I think, I could do a can of those… better mixed with green olives though, and extra EVOO.


Holy mackerel! (sorry, I couldn’t resist) I think I’m gonna try that.

Can’t argue about the olives either. :yum:

(Doug) #3373

Darren, why not just get a pet pig? (Oh wait, I guess that doesn’t make any sense.)

But yeah, dude - you retain your crown. :slightly_smiling_face:


Still lazing about, but forgot to post this earlier. … Wife used up some Hamburger this morning and added some Fried Eggs & Sausage with Cheese. First pic shows how it showed up. Then added 2 more eggs and mixed.




It almost looks like a picture @juice could have taken.

(Doug) #3377



It does, but it would have to become a daily routine. Wake up, drive to farm, buy pet pig. I’ll let you work out the afternoon part.

Pros: good bacon every day. Pet pig. Better than precooked.
Cons: erm…


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Whew, man am I beat!
I actually had to butterfly these and put them on the skillet. :woozy_face:

(Allie) #3380

Stressful cooking day for us both :joy:


Sorry, Allie, all out of likes.

(Running from stupidity) #3382

My wife’s plate, that one. Was prettier than mine.

By the way how were the deep fried egg yolks?

They were worth experimenting with.


Ah, almost exactly like my wife - she is unwilling to use more than every vessel and utensil and object in the kitchen when cooking a meal. Presumably on the basis that her husband does the cleaning up.

Aspirations. Life is about aspirations.

Like so.


Aspirations AND work.