What did you Keto today?

(Guardian of the bacon) #326

I had my first ever unwhich just the other day. The Gargantuan. It was flippin fantastic.

(Becky Searls) #327

Thanks, @larry!

(Becky Searls) #328

Yes, how do you do this? And cheese crisps in general? Just sprinkle cheese on parchment paper maybe and microwave for 30 sec or so til it hardens up?

(Becky Searls) #329

Is that the yellow stuff? Anyone know how to make it? “Fish Mousse” sounds delicious…I had something similar in France…“quenelle” - the lightest, most delightful fish foam/mousse ever! Not sure if keto but I bet it was mostly butter so probably! lol

Update: definitely not keto with breadcrumbs…wonder if there’s a way to keto-fy it?

Update again: KETO VERSION - YUMMMMMM (plus sounds fairly easy!

(Jake P) #330

My first Fathead pizza.

(softail925) #331

I bake them on parchment paper on a cookie sheet in the oven on 450 for about 10 min + Let them cool.

Rugby - 6 nations snacks
(softail925) #332

Perfect for dipping into an avocado/mayo mix.

(Kathy L) #333

Thanks -helpful-still learning!

(softail925) #334

And wasnt it fabulous!!!

(Jake P) #335

I didn’t mean to eat the whole thing.

(Mike W.) #336

Cap off Prime with a mayo/horseradish/garlic sauce and roasted broccoli. I licked the plate…

(Carolyn Finch) #337

Yep, precisely. Sprinkle on parchment (or even just use sliced cheese) and microwave/bake until it starts to get dried out around the edges. If you want to make it into taco shells you really have to catch it at just the right time - trial and error - but it you’re doing chips/crackers you can let them brown like in the photo. Yum.

There are lots of “recipes” and methods online, just search “keto cheese chips”.


Sausage to be…

(Becky Searls) #339

Thank you so much!!! Does this work with any cheese @softail925??

(softail925) #340

I would say any hard cheese, yes. Enjoy!

(Guardian of the bacon) #341

I find dif cheeses require dif cooking times.

split this topic #342

4 posts were split to a new topic: Fish Pudding - Norsk style

(Adam L) #343

That looks spectacular :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


I just looked at the picture to find out what you meant by yellow stuff. My guess is that is omelette with chopped chives? The fiskepudding slices are on left of the omelette squares.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #345

Todays challenge: find deeper meaning in your food fare. Lol. Have fun.

The artists submission represents most of society’s cognitive density coupled by the crunch of our fresh green time and the reddish purple spice of life. The white purity of the dressing to add to the innocence and the lack of sufficient rainbow in the mill that would otherwise flavor our world.
Displayed over depression era Heisey glass.

*I spent all day at The Walker Art Center Minneapolis which is modern art at its finest.
I make zero apologies for my prose.