Week two update: need words of advice!


I’m a noob here, but I will just add that a great crunchy-salty-cheesy snack to eat instead of the Cheetos (or Doritos) are cheese crisps. I take parchment paper and lay it across a flat plate, sprinkle with shredded cheese- like cheddar, and nuke until it starts to brown a little. Blot them off, and break them up into “crackers”. Excellent avenue for meat-cheese-olive type toppings.

I did a 5 day water fast prior to starting Keto, in order to help kill off some of the sweet cravings and thus far, it has worked well. (I’ve got some Truvia and Xylitol on hand just in case I need to make some chocolate-avocado based “pudding” though.)

I hope the cheese-crisps might help someone along the way. They are quite handy and delicious, and they can be made ahead of time and stored in a tupperware container.


(Daryl G Jackson ) #42

I have never tried cat food! It’s not meant for humans I would stay away from it if I were you. I have heard some dog biscuits are good but i would never try them. I guess potted meat is an acquired taste if one grows up poor. A potted meat white bread sandwich is pretty awesome! Now we just blend it with cream cheese for a savory fat bomb. Stay away from the cat food, yuch!


If you want to stay away from cat food, get rid of the potted meat, because that’s what it is. :stuck_out_tongue:


I have tried the “potted meat” and, sadly, I am not a fan. Chicken livers, on the other hand, are super inexpensive and are really tasty if you don’t over-cook them. Saute with mushrooms, yum.

(Daryl G Jackson ) #45

You are making fun of poor people. Potted meat was staple for 70’s poor kids. It’s found beside deviled ham, spam and canned beef, not in the cat food aisle. I am sorry I inferred you ate cat food and know what it tasted like, but I am somewhat of a fan of potted meat being a great keto snack and very cheap.


Out of all that canned stuff I found the deviled ham to be the most palatable. I am also back to liking sardines again, another cheap snack! I used to eat those in college but I got tired of them. Vienna sausages are a “maybe” on my list. As in, maybe if I dipped them in some mustard they would be okay.


No I’m not. I grew up poor and we never ate that stuff.

(Missy) #48

Why did you compare potted meat to cat food if it’s something you haven’t eaten?

(Samantha ) #49

Sorry to hear about your mishap. I had one last Friday. My uncle passed away and we attended the funeral. I ended up having many drinks with my cousins and then went out with the family for pizza. I ate cheese bread (my personal weakness) AND two slices of pizza. Bad move on my part. Felt so sick all day Saturday but went right back to the diet with even more determination. People slip up but you just have to make sure to go right back to it and not beat yourself up over it. For crunchy savory snacks I have been munching on moon cheese and whisps from Costco. For sweets I usually have pecans with SF chocolate or a small amount of berries. That seems to do the trick! Drop the guilt and just get back to your Keto plan…no biggie :):hugs:


I’ve tried it on a few unfortunate occasions.

(Daryl G Jackson ) #51

I never liked Vienna sausages, not even the smell. But tastes are different. Just be nice, I am not calling Vienna sausages bad or cat food.

(Nancy) #52

Same with me. They satisfy the crunch and flavor is good but the smell, ugh. I try to not smell them.

(Bunny) #53

Probably full of organ meats mmmmmm (so much better for the body)! Someday steak and lean meats will be dirt cheap once they figure this out!

(Candy Lind) #54

Those are two brands of commercialized cheese crisps, @SecondBreakfast just FYI. I like Whisps but at $10 a bag they will not make it into my cart very often. I need to go to Target & buy some Moon Cheese to try. And I just might try the potted meat, too. :smiling_imp:


@Gatahavit…I am approaching the 2 week mark, and I am not in steady ketosis yet, and not feeling good yet. How long did it take you?