Vintage Ladies Keto Klub

(T) #141

Thanks, just read it and tipped my remaining 1/2 cup of BPC down the sink. I was full and the extra fat wasn’t necessary :slight_smile:
I listened to this podcast a couple of days ago, and my major takeaway again was about being mindful of fat intake. Also the role of protein in satiety.


Autophagy for excess skin. EF will help your body “eat” the excess skin. I EF regularly and the skin is disappearing with the fat. I’m 52, hashimoto’s hypothyroid so definitely metabolically challenged. I did a long EF of 22 days and weekly 3-4 day EF to harness the power of autophagy and hgh production. My plan is that now that the holidays have past to do frequent 7-14 day fasts. I figure I have lost 30 pounds of muscle in the past 13 years so while I am currently at my “normal weight” I am 3 sizes larger so I think I have about 30-40 pounds of fat to burn off. I lift heavy kettlebells and do HIIT on my bike while fasting to increase muscle building and increase nitrous oxide production. Finding fasting as a tool has been amazing like the skies have opened up and revealed this secret code. I’m down 20 pounds in 8 weeks. Unheard of in my life! KCFO.

(Karen) #143

Jeepers, 22 days. I’ not sure I could do 2. I think that is the answer for my extra skin though. How short can I do one and have some benefit?



I believe autophagy kicks in at 3 days. I find fasting incredibly easy. I love it.

(T) #145

Wow! Ditto with Karen! Longest I’ve done is 24hrs. I’ve read all the literature and I know it’d be good but I also teach in an elementary school and am concerned there could be psychological issues for kids if I was to do this :wink: They could suffer :grin:

(Madge Boldt) #146

Autophagy for excess skin is intriguing enough to make me think about a long fast. Before the holidays hit, I was doing 48 hours every Sun-Tues. That sounds so inadequate now!

I have skin that has been around for a long time, not just from a recent keto loss. Do you think it would go after that stuff too? That could save me thousands in cosmetic surgery :grin:

(Karen) #147

I think that’s what I understood from listening to Dr. Fung


Yes, the body basically upcycles the skin for new stuff.

(Cathy) #149

Hi, I’m 59 till May and have been messing around with low carb/keto for the last year. I need to take this more seriously. I’ve put on about 20 lbs. in the last 2 years due to a neck fusion and another neck non-invasive surgery this fall.

I recently went to a naturalpathic doctor and found out that my A1C only went from 5.9 to 5.8 in a year. My blood insulin is 11 and needs to be, according to her, 2 or 3. Plus found out my thyroid was low. She also put me on a estradiol patch and progesterone pill along with thyroid meds and told me I need to loose weight. So I’ve started doing intermittent fasting. I’m going to cycle from 16:8 to every 24 hrs for meals. I think I may try the fat fast for a couple of days and so how that goes. One of my biggest issues is wine… going to have to cut that out, and nuts. When I test with the keto strips it shows only a small amount of ketones.

I’ve listened to the 2 Keto Dudes podcast for the last year and just listened to their podcast from Dec. about this forum. I’m glad to have found this forum and am motivated to get healthy.

(Karen) #150

There’s a big wine discussion going on. Check it out! Btw-wecome. We are all on a journey toward a healthier body.


(Heather Miller) #151

Happy 56th birthday to me! I am healthier, happier and generally just better than I have been in 40 years…seriously I think I last weighed this much briefly in my early teens. For anyone questioning whether they are too old, you are not. Questioning when to start, NOW! One year ago I weighed at least 70 pounds more and my A1c was extremely high and i was on many medications including insulin. Thanks to keto and fasting i am well, only metformin, A1c is 6.0.

You can do it just like I did!


Happy birthday! I was thinking the same thing today - this is the smallest I have been since …well I can’t remember!! But I know this is a fantastic way of living!

Keto for life!

(Karen) #153

56! Would have guessed 48, you can’t be in your 50’s. Happy Birthday to the slimmer, healthier you!

(Karen) #154

3 more sticks and I’m switching to a different butter. What I am using is Lucerne, Safeway’s store brand so I checked out kerrygold online. Hmmmm

So what about the type of cows they milk, and grassfed, are they not??
What do you buy?

(Jo) #155

Congratulations Heather! Yay!
Your story is so inspiring.
Super cute outfit!
Happy Birthday!

(Beth Andre) #156

That was my understanding also, from the same podcast. But I’ve also heard another doctor say that it can take years. Sigh.

(Karen) #157



Dinner Village Inn bacon, spinach omelet, side of broccoli with butter.


How was your day, ladies?


(Karen) #158

90 second bread…my experiment

1T almond flour
1T grated cheese
1T sour cream
1 1/4 T melted butter
1/4 t baking powder
Wet, eggy, flat

New recipe, simpler, better
1 egg
1-2 T almond flour
1/4 t baking powder
1/4 t vinegar
Fluffy. I did use 2 T almond flour

(Karen) #159

How do I add a users name in my post. The @name I see in some posts??


(Heather Miller) #160

@Keto6468 just start typing the symbol and their name. A drop down list will appear and you can just choose the right one.