Vintage Ladies Keto Klub

(Lesley Greenan Kateri) #41

I am brand spanking new to the Keto way! I haven’t started as I’ve been trying to understand it all and decide if I will go strictly vegetarian or not. I generally only meat 2 or 3 times a week and not sure I could do without. But I also nervous about this Keto flu as I get migraines on a regular basis anyway!! So yes! I want to not only be healthy for my kids but want to set a good example for them. They are girls and I know how easy it is to be influenced by other girls, the media, etc.

(Karen) #42

Lesley - You can avoid keto flu by keeping your electrolytes in balance and drinking watrer. I didn’t have any “flu”. Bit harder to do keto as a vegetarian, but doable.

(Beth laing) #43

Thanks Becky, this is awesome!!! I can relate to so much of what you’re saying here. Going to try some of what you’ve shared and how you kind of fell into the fasting space. I think that would be super-helpful and I just need to time it around so many holiday parties … but not be stopped by that either! Thanks for sharing.

(Karen) #44

I have been thinking I was fasting, but I was putting 2 T of hwc into my tea. Certainly more than a few calories. For the last few days I’ve been drinking cream free. Hope it helps. Last meal is usually before 6pm. First meal about 11 am. My weight is tough to budge!

(Jo) #45

Lesley, I am sorry to hear that you have so much stress in your life. It sounds like you have an awful lot on your plate. It can be challenging to take on a new way of eating on top of everything that you have described. Personally, I found it really useful to do some research to understand some of the biology involved in eating and living this way. I found the website Diet Doctor a really terrific place to start as there are a lot of visual explanations -
It takes some planning with meals and shopping to make the transition into a low carb lifestyle especially a low meat diet, but it is doable.
Stress can really effect our cortisol levels, which has a number of health impacts, including making it difficult to lose weight. I don’t in any way wish to diminish the difficulties that you are facing right now, but if it is possible to also look at stress reduction through walking or a bit of meditating for 10-15 mins a day, it can really help. There are excellent YouTube videos that are free and can help.
I wish you all the best.

(Richard Hanson) #46

Obviously, I am not female.

But … You Keto Ladies Rock!

Love you all!


I am going to disappear now … just wanted you all to know how impressive you are.

(Karen) #47

Kind words Richard!

Jo-too true, the bump in cortisol levels is nothing to ignore, and really slows your progress toward a healthy weight.

Hey all- I know people drink keto coffee, but today I picked up coffee at work and there was only fake high carb creamer. The frig had butter. I threw in a knob. Oh my, what a surprise, pretty great tasting. Soooo is it better to do hwc or butter??

(Arlene) #48

If I had to choose between butter or just drinking it black, I would choose butter. When I have hwc, I choose cream. This is about taste preferences. I love my coffee. Hope I never have to give it up. Last night I made some homemade chai tea (I mix cloves, cinnamon, ginger, and cardamom spices), with hwc and a few drops of stevia. I love this drink in the evenings. No caffein, and feels indulgent.

(Marie Dantoni) #49

I am sorry to hear of your difficulties. It takes courage to take care of yourself when there is so much stress. You can pat yourself on the back for understanding that it starts with self-care. I am also experiencing a tough time now. I am prone to self defeating behaviour when fear sets in. It helps me to turn my attention to the things that are working in my life. No matter how insignificant they seem there is real power in that.

(Jo) #50

I made this on the weekend and it was really tasty. It’s a really good brunch dish. - Keto Croque Monsieur
I used higher fat ricotta instead of cottage cheese.
The portions were quite large, so I actually scaled back the ham and cheese a bit when serving it. It tasted like blintzes. I’d make it again.
Ricotta pancakes could become a regular “thing” in my life.

(Margie) #51

Wow. I love tea and especially Chai Tea. I am sooooo going to try your mixture of the decaf kind. I have always loved the smell of coffee, but just don’t like it. Always thought I could learn to drink it when I get 30, then it was 40, 50 . . . . and I just hit 60, so I am not going to try anymore to like coffee. I am a TEA junky but have to avoid caffeine in the afternoons and later.

(Karen) #52

It must be a chai day. I had some for breakfast. Splenda here. I want to like Stevia but don’t love the taste.

(Karen) #53

One big bunch spinach
Dressed with mayo, Dijon,vinegar, splenda
Topped with pecans, asparagus, onion sauteed with 4 strips bacon

Super yum

(Arlene) #54

We searched and searched for a good stevia because I didn’t like it either, and I wasn’t willing to resort to splenda. My husband found a very good brand. I make large mugs of cocoa with only cocoa, cream, water, and 1/16 tsp. stevia powder. It’s fantastic. No off taste. I will post the brand here, after I get the name from him.

(Karen) #55

Here’s something the I haven’t seen by way of a side dish. Cauliflower pearls or
rice. Fry up in butter then stir in some mayo and yellow mustard. Serve garnished with smoked paprika.


(Karen) #56

Jo-great recipes on the diet doctor. Thank for sharing!

Made mayo today. Still too runny. Thinking of trying butter mayo next or 1/2 & 1/2 olive oil and butter.

(Sophie) #57

They say that bacon juice makes a really nice mayo. I haven’t tried it yet but it’s on my short list.

(Karen) #58

Before I started keto I used to collect an freeze bacon drippings to flavor things like veggies or what have you. I know I have some frozen. I’ll try that in mayo next. Let you know

(Karen) #59

I bought radishes. Pretty keto. Today I did something I haven’t before. I sauted the tops with my bacon and eggs pretty fibrous. But not bad

(5c42cb62e5c022d313b2) #60

Ya know I rarely check ketones. I can smell them on my breath, in my sweat. I might check at my diet coach once a week, but I’m always in ketosis. Do you all check?? And how??