Vintage Ladies Keto Klub

(Karen) #798

Just by responding to this thread if you were actually part of this thread! Yay! Us ladies of a certain age have extra issues

(Mary Kubasak) #799

Good Afternoon, fellow travelers!

I too am a 57yr old post-menopausal, overweight woman who’s very happy to have found this resource!

I’ve been working my way towards Keto/IF since Jan 1 19, and so far I have halted the weight gain (I lost 80+# in 2016, but with a liquid diet for 7 months, so only succeeded in furthering the advancement of my IR (initial fasted Insulin was 34!) so I’m actually counting a win for halting the bounce back weight gain preserving 60# of what i had lost, the losing more (297# this morning at 5’8", so I have plenty more to go) I’m hoping will follow along as things change metabolically.

I did my first 46hr fat fast almost accidentally from tuesday to thursday evening this week, and when I measured my glucose/ketones mid afternoon at the end of that period, Glucose was 64, ketones 1.1, so solidly in nutritional ketosis! - first time and I don’t know what to make of it, it’s not a perfect storm of all the good things people promised, but the science behind it is unassailable, so I’m thinking KCKO might be it from here out for me for the moment :slight_smile:

I’m taking metformin, after discussing it with my doctor, for the gut health benefits, as well as the suppression of gluconeogenesis, and have signed up with for a 6 sample smartgut evaluation, first sample from the day before I started on the metformin, so that will be interesting to see how the data looks.

slightly hypertensive (although most of that seems to be from the Adderall for the ADD diagnosis, when I don’t take that I also don’t need the lisinopril) so lots of potential NSVs i my future I hope.


(Mary Kubasak) #800

apparently I’m also very fond of parentheses (having read back what I wrote above)! sorry about that!


(Karen) #801


(Kiranjeet Bhabra) #802

Hi renee how has it been on seroquel? Its my 1st day of taking it ( 50mg.dose)

(57 yo female started keto Jul '19) #803

Hi, happy to have found this topic. I won’t read all 798 posts that are above this one, so please forgive me if I repeat what has been said already :relaxed:

Here is my intro topic:

Addition for the Vintage Ladies Keto Klub: I think a lot is happening in menopause. Comparable to what is happening in a girls teens. It is difficult to know what change is caused by what. Chaos. Trying to stay relaxed and ride all the waves.

(Karen) #804

Welcome Annja!
You know honestly I started this thread a long time ago. I had kind of forgotten about it, but I think it has a lot to offer because we are all struggling with the same issues. I’m on keto for vanity reasons. I love that I can have lots of improvement in my health but I’m really here to lose weight to look better dressed. It’s hopeless to look better undressed :rofl::joy::rofl:
Yesterday was A bit of a focus bust because of the holiday. Hopefully today I can get back on track. I was out of town for about a week, and eating on the road is trickier.
I ended up using quite a few protein bars.

(hottie turned hag) #805

LMAO saaaame. Just commented on this in @JaneyMae’s thread. :laughing:

(Susan) #806

I am glad that this thread got bumped, I think it is a great thread @Keto6468 Karen.

(Karen) #807

I was just listening to ketowoman that featured Dr. Boz. I think she’s accomplished a great deal with her mother, and is open to any new research. Additionally, while I’m pretty sure she’s younger than me, she is still a woman of a certain age. She certainly recommends that you eat your meals early in the day.

And listening to another interview on Fast Keto with Megan Ramos, she finishes all her meals before 2 o’clock. This works well with circadian rhythm and gives you the to digest before you try and sleep. I think she’s accurate although socially it’s hard to skip dinner and easier to skip breakfast.

Dr. Boz also had some interesting comments to make about exogenous ketones. They seem to be a good steppingstone to launch people into a ketogenic diet.

Also I was listening to a Carnivore Cast podcast, Which was touting the benefits of collagen.

I picked up some MCT oil a while back that has collagen, fiber, and MCT oil. It’s chocolate in it hits me funny in the back of the throat, probably because it’s a salt. I am drinking some of that in the mid afternoon.

Anyone else hear or read something valuable.?

(Susan) #808

I find I cannot eat in the morning (even pre-Keto not very often). When I started Keto I did the 3 meals a day at the very beginning but really struggled to get the eggs into me in the morning, so soon switched to the 18/6. Now I am basically OMAD most days (but I like to do that at supper, that works better for me for fasting 23.5 hours, eat, re-fast that way.

Dr. Jason Fung says he does that 2-4 days of his week, and then sometimes does the longer fasts.

(Karen) #809

A lot of people say that OMAD works best for maintenance. Do you find that true for you, or are you losing fat on OMAD protocol.?

(Susan) #810

I haven’t weighed myself for a while because I don’t have access to my scale right now (daughter hid it because she felt I was obsessed and was worried due to my previous anorexic times… so it is okay, after this 72 hours hour fast I am currently on, I will weigh myself. I just want to lose it, so trying different things right now =).

(Karen) #811

I’m glad your daughter is looking after your welfare! Mine used to hide all kinds of Carby snacks that I eat on my request. Some of the places they had them were pretty unique and weren’t found for years.

(Susan) #812

Hehe. That reminds me of my mom one Christmas time when we were little. We were leaving for a family trip, and my dad had come home from work and had a lot of cash on him (he had his own business and a lot of elderly people paid him in cash back then so he would have a lot on him at times). He handed the money to my mom and we were leaving early the next morning, so she hid it in this lamp.

When we came home a few weeks later, my brother was playing with the lamp (probably trying to turn it on) and all this money fell out. She had totally forgotten where she had hidden it.

(Karen) #813

Stories like this remind me of when people are always surprised to find some kind of a horde from ancient times. Many times they were hiding it for safety, but if they’re like us sometimes they just forgot, moved or died.

(hottie turned hag) #814

I know you directed this q to Susan but hope it’s OK that I chime in to say I did/do OMAD, eating once/24h, from the start (Aug 2017) and my loss has been swift, steady and dramatic (65+lbs, am now 114). Not saying it’s for everyone but it worked great in my case. Am a 55 y/o female.

(Susan) #815

I normally do OMAD but some days I do TMAD. I plan to keep to this plan. Some days I am just hungry so do the TMAD, and sometimes it is because of family things going on.

I think that will work for me. I am at hour 43 on a 72 hour fast at the moment. I am trying to do what Dr.Jason Fung does (he does OMAD 2-4 days a week, and TMAD the rest, and some longer fasts. So I am going to attempt one 48 or 72 hour fast a week, with my OMAD most days and TMAD some days, and see how that goes =).

(Karen) #816

Well you’ve done very well! On your OMAD do you eat to satiety? Or do you eat to a appropriate calorie count within correct keto macros? I’ve been skipping breakfast, and it seems to be something I will be able to continue

(hottie turned hag) #817

Never counted nary a calorie, macro nor ketone.
Satiety, yes. But I eat a LOT at the one meal most days. Today I had a fried egg, jumbo frank w/sauerkraut, aprox 4oz pepperoni. a medium sized bowl of romaine w/cucumber dressing and a can of spinach w/garlic. Some days it’s much more than that.