Very interesting N=1 trying to test that Sat Fat causes weight loss

(Central Florida Bob ) #104

Thank you @kaclp Kristen and @RightNOW PJ.

Every little nugget of information helps. Trying to figure out how much to buy pretty clearly depends on how much I’d use every day. One pound isn’t worth buying if I’m going to use 4 oz a day. Kristen, your 20g of stearic acid per day works out to something close to 60g of cocoa butter, a bit over 2 ounces. That helps a lot. Two pounds sounds like a first order.

Right now I put a scoop of collagen in my coffee. If I put an ounce of cocoa butter in it, I’m going to need a bigger mug!

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #105

I resolved the same problem successfully!


(PJ) #106

I love that cup! I’m going to look for one. Someday when I find a job I can buy one. :slight_smile:

(Davy) #107

Just found this thread.

  1. This cocoa butter…is cacao butter the same thing?
  2. Didn’t see it in the thread, other than taking an oz, but how much should one take, 1 TBSP ?

(Davy) #108

How many tsp or tbsp do you take now, Bob?

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #109


(Davy) #110

Ha, that was my next question. Is cacao the same as cocoa?
Haven’t tried it yet; just went to the store but they had none of either. Guess will have to buy it on Amzn.
Wow, 50-100g. Isn’t that like 4-6 tbsp? I can’t afford those calories. If I just had me a Evel Knievel bicycle.
Is THIS stuff okay for eating? They talk like this is only used for rubbing on your skin.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #111

Unless specifically stated otherwise, it is best to presume that bulk cocoa butter is intended for the cosmetics trade. From the product description: “… Great For DIY Recipes, Lip Balms, Lotions, Creams, Stretch Marks.” I don’t see a list of ingredients - but you need to see that to make sure it does not contain other non-edible stuff like lanolin, for example. If it’s pure cocoa butter then it’s probably OK, just maybe not processed under strict food guidelines.

(Davy) #112

Thanks, I ditched that one and found another. 100% Raw Cocoa Butter. One reviewer says it has a ‘rich chocolate like smell and taste’.
Someone better tell Fangs about this. :sunglasses:
This stuff is called Raw CACAO BUTTER 100% Pure Unrefined Organic FOOD GRADE Chocolate Cocoa Bean from small farms in the jungle at high altitudes in Peru. (i’m a sucker for good advertising)

(Central Florida Bob ) #113

Is that a full quart?

I’m a junior with 12 oz mugs.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #114

It’s nominal 34oz. I get a liter of coffee into it with room to spare. If that’s not enough there’s this one.

(Central Florida Bob ) #115

For what it’s worth, I’ve seen them listed interchangeably. When I search Amazon, I get both in the results.

I just ordered 2lbs of the Anthony’s Organic Cocoa Butter Wafers, again FWIW.

(PJ) #116

That’s on my “outstanding questions for the moment” list (in the other Fire in a Bottle thread). Is Shea available in pure food grade form? Is Shea actually edible in terms of taste? How would one use Shea in a food to ingest? Honestly I’ve never seen it except in body butters.


(PJ) #117

Cacoa is made from non-roasted cocoa seeds. Cocoa is made from roasted cocoa seeds.

Cocoa does not absorb quite as much liquid as cacoa. Allegedly.

(Central Florida Bob ) #118

Brilliant, PJ!

(PJ) #119

Thanks Bob, you guys are easy to please! :smiley:

While we’re searching research studies trying to figure out what relates to what, it’s useful to remember that old thing about correlation not being causation… my friend sent me this last night: :laughing:

I had no idea that becoming tangled in bedsheets was a way anybody could die!
That seems hilarious but I guess… I shouldn’t be laughing, I mean…

(Central Florida Bob ) #120

I have a chart of those that I got from an article on FiveThirtyEight about Junk Food Science (note that junk modifies science, not food).

(Edith) #121

This should be in the humor section.

(Utility Muffin Research Kitchen) #122

80% of observational studies are wrong.

Case in point: Some data crunching group took data of a large group of people (I think several thousand in Canada) and compared them to various statistical facts. They checked a few hundred parameters and found a handful of statistically significant correlations, like certain zodiac signs were more likely to crash a car or to be killed by a brick falling on their head…

Tells you that statistically significant is worth nothing if you don’t have a plausible mechanism why A should cause B.

(Central Florida Bob ) #123

My cocoa butter wafers arrived Wednesday, and I’m starting my N=1. So far this morning, I’m having 40 grams of cocoa butter in my coffee, which is around 12 or 13 grams of stearic acid (as I understand). I’ll probably aim for 20g of stearic, just because Kristen @kaclp offered some numbers. I get into questions like not just if that’s a good number, but whether it’s better to have 20g once in the morning, or spread throughout the day.

For years, our menu has tended to be more “fowl or fish” than beef. Even now, we’ll have beef two or three days a week and chicken four or five. One thing I’ve noticed in the last six months that seems a little strange is that I’m more likely to get heartburn on chicken than on beef. Keto and fasting got me off the prilosec I was hooked on for 10 years, it would really ironic if the prilosec was really caused by the Heart Association-approved, high PUFA diet.

I find myself having no idea of what to measure to see if it’s having a positive effect, but here we go…