Twelve Days of Carnivore!


Cool. but when one sees a day of lower food choices and lower eating it is a support thread to give reminders on why we need to eat more.

I hope when my food list goes a bit wonky that someone questions me a tad, sometimes we don’t see the forest thru the trees cause the big picture is not to go too long with lower food eating cause when a zc person does just that, we start to walk into bad territory.

SO HAPPY to hear good news for Alvaro. I hope his recovery goes so well for him!!!

HI, yes that is a key for being carnivore. Keep it super simple and get out of our own way cause as the body heals thru adaption time and longer on plan, we just ‘change to better’ and a more body function with our nutrition. I love that, what could be more simple LOL nothing :slight_smile:

I hear ya on that. I stuff up on heat in the house also.

Love this!!!

(Kellyn ) #42

Now is when the full guilt and regret of my thanksgiving binge is hitting me full force. In the medical office where I work, December is the month where sugary foods are displayed in the break room every day. There is currently some in the break room that some of my coworkers were indulging in while I was cooking the food I brought. They were talking about how good they were whilst making “mmmmmm” noises. I was really fighting the urge to take a bite. I did however, eat the hamburger meat and chicken thighs I brought. I am not currently hungry and have not taken my lunch break yet. My plan is to go later this afternoon and if hungry, I can go out and buy something at the grocery store. If not, I will just walk on my break. Any suggestions on a quick already cooked carnivore food I can buy at the grocery store?

(Edith) #43

Some grocery stores sell already cooked foods like rotisserie chicken. Maybe something like that? Or even pick up some fast food burgers without the buns and condiments?

(Kellyn ) #44

The Ingles grocery store does have rotisserie chicken hot and ready. Great suggestion. Thank you, Edith. :grinning:

(Daisy) #45

@Shinita great news on Alvaro!

Today’s meal was so ugly, but quite delicious! Ground beef with the rest of the leftover egg whites. I decided to go simple :joy:. More pork rind fried sweetbreads. Bone broth, pâté, and bread cheese. Look at the beautiful glucose before and after. And I included my macros for fun.
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Apt thread title today, for me - the first of December was my 12th day of Carnivore. :smiley:

After a little wobble at the start of Carnivore, my skin is now absolutely perfect - it’s the best I’ve seen in years.

I had a migraine this week, which is a bit rubbish; might be a reaction from going from Keto to Carnivore, or might just be unlucky.

Feel great on Carnivore; really glad I made the swap over from Keto (and I felt good on that!).


yea my Ingles near me is one of those super stores and has pork loin cooked, chicken legs and thights, ribs and full rotiss. chickens…so yea there is stuff if ya got one of the better stores…some Deli areas are smaller but those super stores are nice for carnivore on the go!

I know that feeling KP…get a taste and ya want more and more, well that sure is me LOL Eat very well and hang on cause that is what it takes for most of us to get thru that cruddy time. Hold strong!!

@Ketodaisy, you are rocking it!!!

Very happy to hear this great report for you Septimius!

(Elizabeth ) #48

We recommend you work your way up to about 2 lb a day for the first 6 months on average. Transition can take 3 months or more and it needs a lot of building blocks to do that. The number one reason people don’t make it even to 6 months is because they’re not eating enough.


It’s crazy, the kind of schedules we both have/had! Honestly, I’ve been going at a break-neck pace since starting first with lo-carb about 18 years ago. As soon as I went off of it, I turned into a sloth. Coming back to Keto- a more clean version of lo-carb, I feel fabulous. Fasting helped A LOT with the emotional and psychological food issues. Then transitioning to carnivore- that has worked the most amazing transformation. Everything from skin issues to energy levels, to eliminating hunger growls, digestion issues, joint pain - all gone. (My bestie that has rheumatoid arthritis has been pain free too, since she started this!!!)

Worked a long shift again today. Home now. Going into the workshop for awhile and decompress. Working with my hands is always relaxing. Have a good evening, all.

(Vic) #50

Beef steak and pork brains in butter.


It’s never that simple for me and surely for many others :slight_smile: I don’t want to argue, the basics are simple, just my extra thoughts :slight_smile:

Keto is eating little enough carbs to be in ketosis. I did it with 40g net carbs (and zillion total) in the first years. I still have no idea how to go lower with more than minimal plants… But it doesn’t matter to me anymore, I won’t go back.
To me, simple carnivore is not eating plants (maybe spices are allowed). Strict carnivore is meat only as I’ve read, to me, no plants is strict enough but that doesn’t matter, it just changes the label names in my head :smiley:
Fasting may be very easy without fat adaptation too but it’s somewhat rare or takes more practice, usually…? My eating window diminished a little after fat adaptation but it helped me nothing with longer than 24 hour fasts. But it’s more normal to do OMAD now though it’s still easier with carbs (worse but I can make any day an OMAD with carbs and I can’t do it on carnivore, it sometimes happens, often not. it’s good I don’t want OMAD if my body isn’t in the mood for it).
Carnivore raised the number of my meals and disrupted my natural IF for a while. My body needed some time to get out of its confusion… I can eat properly now but it’s still surreal as I don’t need the serious urge for it. Even with my soft cute fat adaptation hunger it was different.

Meat can be slightly complicated too :smiley: What kind of meat, when, how much… Hopefully one feels these things but I have times when it’s not the case. But I chill now. I eat or not, I don’t think about it. One big advantage of carnivore in my case that I don’t need to think much about these things. I can’t undereat, being me… And I can’t overeat on carnivore without really wanting it either. “Eating as little as comfortably possible” and “eating as much as comfortably possible” must be close now (at least in average, not for a single day) while they were very far from each other with plants. It’s one thing but it’s a pretty good range on carnivore. So I basically just eat whenever I want and can, it should be fine.

I thought a lot about my changes after November. I don’t want to write a super long comment about it but I surely will mention parts, like I did just now.
I feel much more free now. Before I tried to have some tiny control and it didn’t work well enough (it was better than not trying to have it so it was a good decision). Now I do better without trying, I think…

I think I am done with my trials now and now I am a proper beginner at carnivore-ish. It’s another result of my November. Just being close works definitely better for me at this point and I achieved everything I wanted with it (except losing fat but I can’t have everything at once, it will happen eventually, I am really in the very beginning and things will keep changing a bit).

I felt about zero desire towards meat yesterday… But how dense is pork… I still managed to eat more than my November average in the end and my first meal was at 7pm (and what I ate seemed tiny)… Meat is my new egg in this regard. If I don’t want it, I still can eat it in some form at some point of the day.
In my past meat was in the same category of alcohol: if I consumed some, I almost always had to take a break for weeks or months.

But my dishes are truly simple :slight_smile: I toss some meat into the oven with salt on top and grab a slice of cheese. Sounds perfect for every day. I am quite sure I will eat roasted pork chuck for Christmas as it is the best thing I can have now. With a little salmon so no one can say it won’t be special but I don’t want special. I want the best I can have and if it’s my normal food, so be it.

And after Christmas I bring home my small piglet and that will be very special.

Of course, I had no problem with your comment about that, I feel to write it again (I think I did before), I just added my thing. We need to eat well in general but a rare odd day may be the best we could do then. We should go back to eating well again, sure! It’s automatic for me, fortunately.

Thank you, it goes very well, even I am surprised a bit and I was extremely optimistic (when not paranoid at the moment).
It seems Alvaro comes home on Monday so I finally cook the beef :smiley:
He is quick. He’s walking, eating and take out all the tubes going into him while sleeping and badly wants to come home. I thought a broken vertebra and several broken ribs are more serious… Not super serious if the spinal cord and the lungs stays unaffected but still.
His dinner was a bit sad as the staff couldn’t decide if he is allowed to eat (lunch was a half-accident?) so he got only a little broth and a yogurt (it’s Hungary so small and plain). He wasn’t satisfied (he isn’t injured enough to have no appetite and hunger and he almost always eats big meals as small ones makes him hungrier) and went to bed early. He has serious complaints about the cocoa and tea, he can’t stand the huge amount of sugar in them, no surprise. I think he doesn’t even sweeten his tea at home, just pour some from the jar when I make some (and I drink my tea unsweetened since almost 20 years)… He almost always drinks water, though.

I went back to coffee drinking but when I run out of cream, I will avoid it again. We will see.


I planned a week in November when I eat a whole pound of meat every day… Well it didn’t happen, maybe in January? I eat enough (often as much as I comfortably can) just eggs and dairy too and I don’t need a ton of food, maybe in my more active days but then I do eat more.

But in November my egg intake went from 7 a day (I had supply problems in the first weeks and I like eggs anyway) to almost zero in the end and I never liked to eat much cheese so I expect my meat intake will grow a bit if I keep this up… I am curious what happens when I focus mostly on meat for a longer time so I will try that. 2 pounds probably won’t happen extrapolating from my past experiences but they were then and circumstances where different… It still sounds much, most meat is very satiating to me… But it’s not my thing to decide, I eat according to the wishes of my body (and my desires). I can still quide myself and choose one item over the others if I don’t mind and I am curious too… So we will see.


It is simple, or it isn’t Carnivore.


good Brrr Carnivore morning. It is so cold here now :frowning:

food yesterday was

1.25 lb NY Strip Steak
some taylor ham slices
1 big chicken breast
leftover last of my country style pork spare ribs

All fine in zero carb world for me. Just cruising along in good form thru the holiday season.

Did get a bit jealous again last night, the hot cocoa was flowing the kid was enjoying herself making it fancy and all and then hubby bought out holiday treats he had ‘hidden’ and I just hit that pure darn jealousy factor of it all but I got thru OK…didn’t phase me as much ya know cause I said I am gonna go shopping and find me some big delish snow crab legs and eat every darn one dipped in butter. They get holiday treats abound, I am gonna go seek out my lovely crab I want so much :slight_smile: :slight_smile: My food beats their junk any old day HAHA

Carnivore on and be strong all!


@Fangs … this time of year can kill a carnivore. Hot cocoa- especially homemade dark hot cocoa…yea…I hear ya! BUT…the 15 yo daughter has gone cold turkey on all the sugary stuff - so - no immediate temptations from her former diet. Whew! Hubby doesn’t indulge too much - just a pastry or cookie once in a while. I can cope with that.

As long as I have meat around here…I’m fine. It warmed up here, too…we are up to 35F - which is a 10 degree improvement from yesterday.

Eats yesterday were:
Coffee w collagen peptides
2 slices hard cheese
1 pound of ground beef
2 huge beef hot dogs
hot tea (no sweetener)
I was going to have eggs for breakfast, but by the time I got my shoulder and hip popped back into their joints, ran out of time.
The shoulder and hip thing has been going on for years. It can be as simple as sleeping on the wrong side, or wrong position and I wake up with a numb right arm, then shooting pain. The shoulder doesn’t track right, so rather than going to the chiropractor, I devised a way to get it back to where it needs to be. Ever watch Lethal Weapon? Yes. Exactly that…thank you, Mel Gibson.
The hip thing is from a home accident that took place about 15 years ago. My left hip rotates forward, and gets quite painful from time to time. To fix it, I lay on the floor with my right side of my back on a book, then have to swing the left leg around until the hip pops in and back. I used to have to slam a hard heavy book or piece of wood on the hip bone to cajole it into place. But, having no inflammation now, it goes back in much more easily.

So, all that said, feeling pretty good today. Got the day off, so heading into the workshop to finish some airbrushing. Then get to work on casting moulds and filling. Gotta run a couple errands too, so, should be a productive time. Hope you have a wonderful day!


On the third day of Crispness my true love sent to me…

A 2MAD time managed fast and feast

3 egg omelette in butter at lunch

2 steaks for dinner about 600g.

Finished a big stint of intense deadline driven work.

Not a toxically positive Christmas story that follows. It’s blurry from the tears of frustration.

I’m back at square 1 with weight, I think. I started keto 6 years ago after losing and regaining 90lbs on CICO and with a SAD dietician. I lost 67lbs on keto in the first year. Then stayed in a zone of up and down about 20lbs. Then in 2017, I quit a good ‘permanent’ job and moved back to the countryside. 2017 was great working part-time and surfing a lot, eating low carb keto wholefoods. I was surfing and doing yoga with my wife and as fit as I had been in my mid-20s. Then I got heart problems in October of that year. Had a run of medical conditions while low carb keto = atrial fibrillation and a kidney stone. Throw in some cancers that required surgery and are in remission. Just working through a list of payment collections for things I bought on health credit the preceding 3 decades. But was keeping diabetes at bay. In 2019 I changed jobs again and started working as a casual in the city, that turned into a contract, and then I accidentally got this full-time job that I enjoy (mostly). But over 2020, while not doing the ZC challenges very well I regained about 40lbs, I think. My waist measurement went up and down and up. So, I reckon I am close to the size I was when I started keto 6 years ago. Metabolically I am healthier and hanging in there. But food harmful use, is a bummer. I still feel guilt and shame at the right moments to drag my sorry self back to the start line, so my mental capacity hasn’t totally collapsed.

As soon as I stop typing I’ll start again. I start again every moment. I have the knowledge now. Now work work is done for the year, it’s time for summer solar-powered self work, I have the time to be present. Christmas present.

This morning I took Billie the Labrador down to a beautiful bay beach. We were the only ones there. We walked and waded and swam in crystal clear ocean with a gentle warm breeze and cloudless sky. That was a nice start to the day.

(Polly) #57

That sounds like a great start to the day.

I hope you enjoy your summer and the health and fitness benefits it brings.

(Vic) #58

Lunch: kidney, uncured bacon and some ground meat.

(Edith) #59

I haven’t had enough nerve to try kidney. I can’t get past its smell. How do you prepare it?


We had sleet… I started to heat more now that Alvaro comes home but just a bit and it goes slowly, it’s still 14C/57F downstairs but it will get better. But first it will goes down as I leave again and do my shopping in the city. My room is kind of warm, 16C/61F :smiley: I stand “cold” a bit more since the accident, my focus is somewhere else and I am often away and the house has no heating then. But we never liked hot rooms anyway. This house is way better than Oti’s hot flat, even now. I can sleep there only because I sleep where there is an open window now. I still wake up due to the room being too hot for sleeping.
This house was horrible before the (pretty well) insulation… :smiley: My room had ice inside at some point… And we had heating all the time, as much as possible but this was a summer house, mostly. The previous (rented) house was similarly bad, the worst insulation I ever saw. Once I went to bed in my nice warm room and the fire went out. It was a very cold winter night and I woke up 8 hours later and it was 9C/48F… I never want to be cold in my house again. If I stop heating for 8 hours here now, the temperature barely changes. Especially if we are inside. We are little heaters just like every machine we use. Some people didn’t believe this house can be kept warm with a hairdryer but it’s nothing extreme (actually doing it with a hairdryer is, though). Just really good insulation, a smallish house with people in it, a not very high room temperature and an average winter day. An even better insulation (or not airing normally but with a machine so not nearly as much heat is lost then) with more people per volume may result in overheating, it happened to some people before.

I pressure canned some carby stuff because I had to, stupid things spoil and have a huge volume too so I had no other options… Alvaro isn’t even here and I need to cook carbs… And do some cleaning and painting. There’s some work in the house that is hard, a bit painful and I postponed it since ages… It’s great I finally do it but hard. I can’t calm down and tomorrow is shopping day, I so hate shopping, it’s very tiring. Just 3 supermarkets, it’s not THAT bad but well, it’s much and noisy and there is a crowd and too much information my mind automatically tries to process…
But I will have various food (mostly for Alvaro but I buy some duck parts for soup and a little dairy, variety! but I like what I have now, never had better) and some other items. I don’t really want much shopping in the rest of the year. I will buy eggs, that’s fine. I can go very low with it but now and then I need some.

So I am a bit whiny now, I want to be home, in peace, with Alvaro and not leaving for days, only for walks with the camera in sunshine (I found very pretty bright orange mushrooms). But Alvaro is well enough :slight_smile: He even feels clear-headed unlike before. He is okay and decided if we want to wish a horrible thing to someone, coughing while having broken ribs is a good choice.

I didn’t see/feel much festive thing yet. I just listen to Christmas songs sometimes. I wondered about making gingerbread as usual, no matter my woe… But it’s less stressful and more permanent to paint rocks. I have a lot of rocks to paint. Gingerbread is mostly for decorative gifts in my life so the rocks are
fine, even better. The icing(?) always annoyed me. Using a brush is easier, I can make prettier things and they will stay just there :slight_smile: I have oil paint and acrylic paint too… Maybe I can do the fabulous gingerbread designs I never had any hope to do… Or anything else I want and can. I just can’t cut rocks, oh well, we can’t have everything. But in this case, we actually can, it’s just won’t be rock…

Very little about food but well, I didn’t have a proper meal yet. And it’s boring anyway, I mean, writing and reading about it. Pork, chicken, little cheese, soup. The usual. The defrosted slab of pork (3 pounds) lasts more than a week in these special circumstances. Maybe I will have liver next, it was so long…