The March of the Carnivores!

(Vic) #121

Yep, sorry :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Yeaa, Iā€™m not very good with rules, including my own :relieved:

Now and then there is a beer or some other poison like mushrooms.

Not hiding it, honesty means more to me than being mr perfect.


oh I get you cause I am like you Vic. I KNOW what little I can have that is not carnivore and I pick and choose my very rare occasions I do go off plan. And I admit them just like you do :slight_smile: :slight_smile: you are fine and cool and all good truly, you ainā€™t getting no weirdo vibes from me from what you are doing.

I am going on vacay in April to the beach and I KNOW I will be taking a few big bites of my husbands crab cake cause hell, I wanna LOL and I will write and say itā€¦only thing is I want new people vs. us older carnivores to know there is a time line we know what we can have, what little we can allow and doā€¦but I never want anyone to think this ainā€™t no carnivore full on thread, cause it is :slight_smile: and your pics and food, carnivore all in 99.999% of the time!!


omgosh so happy

mother in law called yesterday and she has a water issue, leaking sink in bathroom and hubby is gonna go fix it and he said on way back he is hitting up our ā€˜little close and wonderful corner store THAT has a smoker to make the most delish meatsā€™ and is buying a big smoked pork boston butt for us.

oh yea.

my steak is pushed back. my bacon, donā€™t need it now.

eating on the early side cause when that hot just off the smoker butt comes thru this doorā€¦I am on the attack!!!

what I eat later, if I eat will be whatever but I have a fine sunday morn coming at me cause hubby was near there and in the mood for a smoked pork boston buttā€¦win/win/super win for me LOL

I canā€™t waitā€¦to attack that delish fat on that baby.

ok ok I am killinā€™ yaā€™ll with what I got going down today but remember, we are in full control of our food intake and what we desire, what makes us happyā€¦everyone eat well! At all times! That is the carnivore way!!

oh and yea will grab his phone and get a picā€¦yaā€™ll wanna see this :sunny:


@SecondBreakfast Hi, I was wondering how you are doing on the probiotic, because Iā€™m thinking about trying one. Loose bowels are now the opposite. But feeling good in spite of that!

I think the nausea I felt the other day was from a vitamin pill so I wonā€™t be trying that brand again for a while. Or, it could have been from the Swerve I put in my coffee. Developing an aversion to that, and for the first time, I fully enjoyed a coffee with heavy cream this morning ā€“ unsweetened! I think Iā€™m done with the sugar alcohols!


too much, all good

(Linda ) #126

strong text just a side note for new people. do not eat mushrooms :upside_down_face:

Yeah I wonā€™t be straying other than maybe with spices like ginger and rubs for meat ā€¦I got an appointment on Thursday morning with Dr Cywes So thats even more incentive to stay on trackā€¦
Iā€™m actually looking forward to hearing what he thinks of My labs he ordered ā€¦ and get more tips he is so full of info I want to soak in as much as I canā€¦



but sad thing is almost too early for me to eat :frowning:
I had alot of fat and crisp and meat and I canā€™t do moreā€¦heavens!
which is a great thing but a bad thing cause I wanna rub this all over me truly and weirdo visual but hey, we meat hounds love our meats!

(Edith) #128

Maybe Iā€™m asking for TMI, but once you adapt you may not need to relieve your bowels as often with carnivore. We utilize so much of what we eat, we donā€™t need to poop as often or as much. Are you truly constipated, or just not needing to go as often?

(Edith) #129

Boy! Does that look tasty! :drooling_face:


that is massive super cool cause we all watch him and know of him and agree with him and for you to be dealing dead on with him is WILD to the max :slight_smile:


very very true on this. we are us. I poop every morn like clockwork the meat I ate the day beforeā€¦always been that way with IN and OUT but it is absolutely SO natural for many carnivores do go like every 2-3 days and that is the normal for themā€¦good thoughts on that one.


I am in frigginā€™ meat heaven right now LOL and our little Papillion dog Bolt if freakinā€™ out cause he wants some but he doesnā€™t get ā€˜spiced rub meatsā€™ but yea, I gave him a taste :slight_smile: omg he is me, a carnivore to the max! and yea he eats that way for sure. just like me

(Linda ) #133

Omg that does look truely goodā€¦


and here is Bolt getting a hunk and he had a few hunks and NO more cause he will have bathroom issues LOL, not me, I wonā€™t have no issues but vet said long ago the more spice etc a muttley gets the worse he pancreas canā€™t handle itā€¦so same food all the time is best for all dogs.

(Vic) #135

(Edith) #136

Last month I mentioned my histamine troubles. Someone on another site to which I belong suggested lamb kidney since it contains DAO. I finally tried it today. It is better than I was expecting. Definitely has a milder flavor than liver. Itā€™s got a firmer consistency, too. Itā€™s definitely something I could eat a few ounces every few days to get the vitamins (which are similar to liver) and the DAO.

(Edith) #137

Kidney update: Wellā€¦ a small piece fried up in a pan was one thing. Cooked up in a beef and kidney stew was an entirely different matter. I couldnā€™t stand the smell or the taste. Itā€™s been a long time since a food made me gag, but the beef and kidney stew did just that. :nauseated_face:

There were times as my kids were growing up that if a meal didnā€™t turn out particularly well, I would say, ā€œJust remember: food isnā€™t to be enjoyed, itā€™s to nourish our bodies.ā€ Those words of wisdom did not work on me me this meal. I just couldnā€™t eat it. :weary: But, I am glad I gave it a try.


@Wendy198 Pretty sure the probiotic is helping. Had more, uh, ā€œmovementā€ in the last few days - but not anywhere near what it should be. My lower back is really beginning to hurt, likely from pressure. Iā€™ve been drinking several glasses of warm/hot water daily with a squeeze of lemon juice. Read that is suppose to help. It sure did the first time I tried it. Also taking Magnesium citrate- which usually does a dandy job- but is -for whatever reason- really not doing much. I was hoping all those things, working in concert, might flush things out. What I know the probiotic really did help with was my sleep patterns. Its been great since I began taking the capsules.

I cut out sugar alcohols, and if I must have a sweetener- I go with liquid stevia. There is no powdered dextrose in the liquid- so - I like that. Very efficient since it only takes a few drops to do the job. But, I really donā€™t need it now. My coffee concoction is just coffee, HWC and MCT oil. (Sometimes I add a raw egg- and blast it with the immersion blender - and it becomes the Liquid Chicken Latte.)

I added in a bit of steamed broccoli with butter with my steak yesterday, in hopes of having more ā€œroughageā€ to move things along. Didnā€™t work until late today.
Today, I had seasoned ground beef and a tiny bit of shredded cheddar, probiotics, magnesium, coffee, water w lemon, and more ground beef.

Been off work for three days, but have been busy anyways. Friday, I dropped the kiddo off at school, went shopping, then cleaned house and cooked a full, massive dinner for 9.

Saturday, cleaning, built my indoor shelving for the indoor greenhouse, put in the grow lights, and potted some lettuces and beets for my hubby. Did more potting today after church. I planked for a while too, which I think probably helped my gut more than anything else Iā€™ve done. HOping the progress continuesā€¦

(Vic) #139

There is defenately a way to do both, enjoy it tremendously and nourish in a healthy way at the same time.

Always my aim


Hello everybody,

Iā€™m starting a carnivore trial. Thatā€™s my second time trying and Iā€™m already feeling the same problem as before.

I hope being in this thread will help me stick to it.

For the moment, Iā€™m eating eggs, salmon, shrimps, chicken and porc. A little side of 0 carb cheeses. 4 days of that. Itā€™s boring and I miss a little green something on my plate, but I can live with that, if it does something good to me.

Strangely, Iā€™ve put on a little over 1 kg (about 2 pounds).

Iā€™d like to add butter and mayo to the food. Would it still be carnivore if I did? As it is, yesterday I had to force myself to chew the food.

The cheese: is it cheating and I should cut it?

Iā€™m craving lemon juice, but seeing as there are carbs in lemons, Iā€™m assuming I canā€™t have that, right?

In another thread I was told I should stop exercising at the beginning of ZC. But thatā€™s not an option. Iā€™m fighting depression and exercising always makes me feel better. So, what could go wrong if Iā€™m exercising? If itā€™s just feeling weak, Iā€™m already there, since Iā€™ve been eating very low carb* for a little over 1 year.

As for how I feel, except for having to force me to eat a plate of food I donā€™t feel like eating, I donā€™t feel anything different from a week ago, but I understand it takes time.

Happy carnivoring, everyone!

*(I call it very low carb instead of keto, because Iā€™ve never done the fat bomb thing, nor the special fat coffees)