The heck with eating KFC, FAST FOOD CHICKEN, ETC?

(Sg) #1

:raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:Hi, Everyone!

So, yeah, I’ve watched lots of videos on youtube about “keto friendly fast food” to eat, like KFC, Chipotle, :hamburger: (without the buns), etc…these videos are from experienced “ketoers”…I mean their video has hundreds of views, they have thousands and even millions of subs…and out of that I’ve also read lots of blogs approving fast food and how it’s perfectly fine to eat these (of course) with some rules such as avoid this and that, etc…

So okay, let’s suppose:point_right: I go to KFC, order a cube of fried :poultry_leg::poultry_leg::poultry_leg: BUT! I BET :roll_eyes:that chicken was deep fried in VEGETABLE OIL, the same with burgers, etc, and the meat prepared in the Chipotles restaurants…so what’s the deal, then? Does it matter or it doesn’t? I’m advised to avoid that (what it looks like) an insignificant ingredient listed on the back of the label but I can eat chicken fried in vegetable oil?

For example, tomorrow is Sunday, and I’d LOVE to order those big broiled pork ribs…but how do I know they didn’t put some kind of seasoning which contains corn starch, sugar, etc?

Do you eat fast food? How? What?

I’m confused…new, and confused. :flushed:

Actually dealing with the beginner’s struggle.:dizzy_face:

(Heather Meyer) #2

Do i eat fast food… Nope… cause you never know about hidden ingridents.
Even though veg oil is bad…at least it doesnt have carbs :wink:

And yes…the beginner struggle is real!

(Running from stupidity) #3

So don’t do it, then.

Just eat whole food that you cooked, and you’re sorted.

(Sg) #4

So, what about all these blogs, articles and videos suggesting this? So are they basically sabotaging people? What’s the point, then? to make see Keto as a more “flexible” way of eating or what? Too much contradiction about what you can or can’t do.

Are these people informing or misinforming the keto community. And I’m talking about high traffic Keto channels on youtube.


Vegetable oil is %100 keto.

(Sg) #6

Okay, so I think this is DEFINITELY a debate now! oh my…:eyes:

(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #7

Personally I only eat fast food in a pinch since starting Keto; however, I look at the nutritional info on the restaurant’s website beforehand. And yes I realize that there may be “hidden carbs” here and there, but generally it’s about common sense. For example, chipotle. Get a salad with no rice or beans, add meat, sour cream, cheese, and some salsa. Subway: get a chopped salad. I had a chopped salad with tuna the other day, plus cheese, extra bacon, and chipotle southwest sauce. Daughter had a chorus recital and I had no time to go home between leaving work, picking her up, and heading to the concert. And honestly I haven’t gone to a McDonald’s since starting Keto but yes you can have a burger without the bun. KFC has grilled chicken; I’ve had KFC once since starting Keto and I just got a grilled chicken thigh and drumstick, and some green beans. Again, I don’t have fast food very often at all anymore, but it is possible to do it in a Keto-friendly way if you’re in a pinch and need to get something quick to eat.


Is it? Did they start making new vegetable oil with carbs in it that I don’t know about? If you keep your carbs under 20g a day and not go crazy with protein, you’re doing keto. Avoiding vegetable oil is optional. Avoiding plant foods altogether is optional. Avoiding dairy is optional. Avoiding wheat is optional. Avoiding nuts is optional. Intermittent fasting is optional. Extended fasting is optional. You can also do these things without being keto.

(Allie) #9

Personally I don’t eat fast food for the exact reasons you mention. Occasionally I will have Indian but I know where I get it from uses ghee rather than vegetable oils.

(Laurie) #10

I think the general idea is that you can eat these things in a pinch. Let’s say it isn’t practical to pack a lunch for work, or you’re traveling, or you want to eat out with friends or family. . . . Okay, fine, go to that fast food place. It isn’t as good as eating real food, but you can minimize the damage by eating a burger without the bun, etc., etc.

Such blogs and so on aren’t evil. They’re addressing the fact that some people are going to eat in these places and maybe haven’t thought about how to avoid carbs. They might not know you can order items without the wrap, you can substitute vegetables for pasta, and in most fast food places you can ask for the ingredients list or nutrition info.

(Allie) #11

The people who post these things are sharing what they’ve found to work for them, that’s all any of us can do. If they are happy consuming less than optimal ingredients in order to be able to stick to keto somehow that’s their choice and for all we know, it may still be vastly superior to their former way of eating.

You could be one of the people who need this type of crutch, even if temporary, and if you are then don’t feel bad about it. Just keep focused on the long term improvement that we all seek.

(Terence Dean) #12

No, not since going Keto, check my profile.

‘Hi I’m Terry, I’m a KFC junk food addict and I’ve been clean for 35 weeks and 0 days’…:stuck_out_tongue:

I use it as motivation to stay away from that shit. I spent the last 30 years eating crap like that, so I’m not about to go back and sabotage my achievements on keto. Besides I don’t even miss it and that’s saying something.

(Terence Dean) #13

If you really must have a replacement for KFC why not try out the 2dudes :richard: :carl: Ketoky Fried Chicken recipe, I hear its supposed to be great. They recommend frying in tallow!


If you have the time, instead of going to a fast food restaurant…go to the local grocery store and get some lunch meat, cheese, nuts, etc…

(Carl Keller) #15

You can survey 1 million people and an overwhelming percentage would say “Fat causes fat and salt is bad for you”, but that doesn’t make it true. So many are guilty or victims of misinformation so try to avoid the flock mentality. Do your own research when in doubt.

I bet those high view videos were mostly visited by hopeful people, not necessarily people who were convinced the paradoxical titles were true. I could probably publish a video on YT titled “Eat Donuts Every Day and Lose Weight” and lure in a million viewers in in no time.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #16

There are two issues here that should not be conflated. What is keto? What is healthy? These are not the same question.

What is keto? Under 20 grams carbs (0-50 grams depending who you ask. 20 is a nice place to start and see what works for you.) Adequate protein. Fat to satiety. THAT IS IT.

What is healthy? That is a more complicated question. Do your own research, make your own decisions.

People also have very different circumstances. Perhaps you have access, time and funds for the best of everything. Bully for you! That is fantastic. But don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.


Just like any way of eating different people do things to different degrees. Many of us here because of the general vibe of the forum are a lot more aware of a lot of the science behind it, listen to the podcast, hear what people and doctors in the fields are researching etc, more so than your typical keto’r I’d think.

I’ve personally never been big on fast food thanks to my teenage career working in it, but the reality is that the insignificant amounts of sugars in spices aren’t going to screw with us in (almost) all cases. Unless it’s some BBQ sauce thats 50% brown sugar or something but we’d assume that one I think. Many people don’t / can’t want to cook everything from fresh, eat organic, eat nitrite free bacon etc. Keto still works fine for them. On the Veggie Oil, Canola may be a disaster, and Soy may or may or may not be terrible for us and we know it’s high in Omega 6’s BUT Vegetable Oil IS ketogenic!

On the small amount of corn starch or micro dose of sugar from some fried chicken, that wouldn’t stop me. I’ve never seen those ignoreable amounts of stuff cause an issue with either blood sugar or ketones. The reality is if you’re not a T2D, battling bad autoimmune issues, or some other medical reason for eating this way you DO have some wiggle room. To really start causing damage you’d have to eat enough carbs to reload your liver, store your fill in muscles, then start spilling over and storing as fat. Now a “normal” carb-y meal CAN do that in many cases depending on what it is, but that’s very different the 3g of sugar from some spice. Between my protein blend, and my pre and post workout every day I get 13g of carbs that I don’t count because it causes no issues. It’s around the gym what little it give me gets incinerated immediately during my workout so what’s the point of going crazy about it? The only thing I tell people to be cautious about is eating foods that may trigger cravings or a binge that could take you off the wagon long term. I don’t see fried chicken or ribs doing that, but everybody’s different.

(Karen) #18

Do I eat fast food. Not any more. Although I’ve had a bun less subway BMT… meat , cheese, veg, mustard

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #19

I haven’t had fast food since starting in September but I will admit I’ve been crabby and hungry and driving past and I’ve begun to think about my options, like does Burger King put fillers in their burgers or even if I take the skin off of a piece of fried chicken from a work catered lunch would there still be hidden carbs in it?

For now I’m still counting carbs and if I can’t know then I can’t track.

(Jane) #20

I travel a lot for my job so tend to eat out a lot. I will stock my hotel fridge with meats and cheeses but in airports, long drives my choices are eat out or fast.

I avoid fast food most of the time… but the other evening I just couldn’t face any more beef and had a craving for Wendy’s chicken nuggets of all things. I never ate them before keto and they aren’t that good but that didn’t matter.

I looked them up and Chronometer said 14 carbs for 6. I hadn’t had hardly any carbs for the day so I opted for 6. They were good, not great and thankfully that craving went away and hasn’t come back. Were they healthy? Hell no.