THE Best Bread - I would eat this even if I wasn’t doing keto


(Heather Meyer) #41

I can already tell whichevee recipe you did use…you mixed it too much whoch is how you ended up with a brick instead of a loaf-my prior baking experiences with loaves have taught me a lot about over-mixing.


That’s good advice, Heather.

With yeasted, glutinous bread recipes (like the Whole Wheat Hamburger Buns I used to make all the time) over kneading isn’t particularly an issue, however. This thread touts what is more similar to a “quick bread”, no??

Different rules, as far as I can tell.

There’s an old saying, “The Bread Always Rises” but that only applies to yeast and gluten. I’m learning this new way, but gradually.

(Heather Meyer) #43

True… but i can say this one does rise to an extent BUT if you overmix somthimg with psyllium husk…its can go really gummy which causes the bread to come out more like a brick.


Exactly. Some practice will sort this all out for Johnny…I’m pretty confident.

And if not, he DID say it tasted great, so who cares. I’ve never made a Keto Bread Flopperoo yet–that at least I couldn’t manage to choke down.

(Pretty close though, wink wink)

(Lorena) #45

So I made the bread again. To cut that fishy taste of the flax, I did 1 cup almond flour, 1/2 cup whole ground flaxseed meal, 1/2 cup almond meal, 1 tsp salt, 1 TBSP baking powder, 4 eggs, 1/3 cup avocado oil, 1/2 cup water. I tried spraying the pan with Pam and sprinkling a little almond flour. It came out of the pan just fine, no sticking. I wanted to do that because it makes it easier to measure out the portions.

Thank you again for this inspiration!


I was just saying to the Wife, this bread recipe seems to keep staying in my head. (Even when I don’t come across this thread) :smile: Mainly because I really wanted to try something with it. So I told her if the weather holds off this weekend, and I don’t have to work :woozy_face: I might try a few things to see how it comes out. … I actually wanted to try the original recipe at first, just to have a starting point, or base recipe, then try a few things. So will probably cut the recipe in half for testing. Will post if anything works. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #47

This is not a yeast bread, but a soda bread, in which the leavening comes from the mixing of baking soda and an acid. Not only do yeast breads need to be worked, in order to develop the gluten, but the yeast continues to rise until it is killed by the heat of baking. A soda bread, on the other hand, derives its rising from the gas produced by the mixing of the acid and the soda, so you want to mix lightly and rapidly and get it into the oven before the bubbles collapse.


I just looked up this thread again (on my phone) to send the link to an Medical Doctor friend of mine from Church. He, by the way, is a SERIOUS Intermittent Faster and dropped a bunch of weight.

Well…I just noticed I’d inadvertently substituted Baking Powder instead of Baking Soda for the buns I took to the Church Fellowship.

I wonder what difference that might make?

Like I’ve said, ALL my bread baking experience has been with Yeast-ed Glutinous Breads until going KETO a couple of years ago.

(Deborah ) #49

Yes, you can! I’ve made this recipe twice now, both times using a silicone 8x4 loaf pan, cooked about 30 mins (I use the toothpick test). Once it’s cooled, I slice it, put it in a container in the fridge, and it keeps really well (longest was almost 2 weeks). I also used 1 tbl. of baking powder in lieu of the baking soda.

I absolutely love this toasted with a ton of butter! I must confess, although I’ve made it twice, I’ve not eaten the actual bread without it being toasted, just because I LOVE it (well) toasted. I do have to run it through about 1-1/2 cycles in my toaster oven on the darkest setting to get it crispy on the edges and golden. Not sure if that’s just my toaster oven or the fact that the bread is dense and moist. Probably a combo of both.

I’m out of it now, so think I’ll make a loaf tonight! :slight_smile: