Someone... what's the secret to breaking a fast?

(Allie) #13

I always start with a handful of almonds or similar, wait about 30 mins, then eat a normal meal and take a digestive enzyme with it. Works for me.


First, congrats on your fast. NOW… my advise will sound douchey, but unless you’re going to go a couple days at least 4 (for me) just eat a meal again. It’s when you do extended fasts that you want that “wake up” meal to possibly avoid stomach discomfort after. (Most) of us will never do fasts to the point about worrying of refeed issues. I used to do 7 days once a month and played with that and the most I ever got as far as pushback was some extra churning and gurgling after going head first into a large meal. When you say discomfort what exactly happens? Typically in 24hrs you’re still processing stuff (or just finished) in your system so although your not eating more you’re really not running on empty either.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #15

Do you take digestive enzymes?


There isn’t one!

You can see from the comments that everyone’s experience is different. The best advice I can give you is to experiment and work through a list of what might work to see what does. Also tune in to what your body is asking for. Without fail, I always want really buttery scrambled eggs and that is what I usually have and what works best for me. Eggs come pretty high on the standard “what not to eat to break a fast” so there you go! Nuts are cited as being good and bad so take your pick! Waking your system up with some broth or light soup is certainly logical but whether it will be what works for you or not only you can tell. Megan Ramos also apparently recommends some water and chia seeds combined to get your system going again.

As to 24 hours not being a fast well it certainly can be as far as impacting your body. I always get diarrhoea after my first meal post fasting - even 24 hours. Although I usually opt for eggs that is not always what I have so they are not to blame!

My guess from your post is that you are more likely reacting to the carb content in what you are eating post fast but I could be wrong. Try some alternatives that are pretty varied and see what happens. Good luck and not dumb :slight_smile:

(Daisy) #17

I have a perfectly healthy gallbladder and I have the exact same issues with a 24 hour fast. If I fast longer than 22 hours, I have that problem. I have been eating terribly the last month so fasting is a non issue at the moment. Come next week I’ll be back on track and will start testing things out again. Currently I’ve only done 2 or 3 24 hour fasts

(Bunny) #18

Best thing to break a fast is blueberry juice or some type of fruit (berry) juice! Ancient peeps did this during religious fasts! Depending on if it is a really long fast I would not break it with solid food! Fruit (berry) juice is not going to harm your ketobolic metabolism!

Nothing better than Chia Seeds (lov’em)! Megan is awesome!


Unless you are sensitive to sugar and then wham! That could easily have me doubled over or feeling queasy. My point is that nobody can tell somebody else the best way to break their fast because they simply do not know. Suggestions are great though :smiley:

(Bunny) #20

I never would of thought of Chia Seeds for breaking a fast, that is just awesome, I use Chia Seeds all the time just never thought about it from that angle! As they are known for regulating blood sugars!


Yes it is an interesting idea. I would hazard a guess that they would be unlikely to screw with many people’s gut either. It’s a solid recommendation but I am sure there is someone out there who it will not work for! I actually use them a lot when I am working in the summer in my water after reading an article about how it was great for Aztec and Mayan runners or some such and keeping them hydrated for longer. Obviously I naturally compare myself to such groups so gave it a try :smiley: Seriously though, I do find it helps if I am working outside on especially hot days.

(Jane) #22

I’ve had that issue a couple of times and since I usually fast when I am working out of town on business then when I break it is determined by when I will be traveling home.

As in… not to be stuck in a long car drive or airplane ride and can’t stay out of the bathroom.

I prefer to break with bacon and eggs and usually a half portion for my first meal.

(Allie) #23

This would cripple me.

(John) #24

Interesting. The couple of times I fasted for 24-30 hours, I just ate a normal meal. All I had done was to skip 2 meals in a row so it wasn’t that dramatic to my body.

One of those, I had eaten breakfast on a Friday, skipped lunch and dinner (not planned, just busy) and the following Saturday had my normal breakfast (eggs and bacon I think) about 1pm. No problems, and I ate a normal dinner. I probably had a cup of black coffee and a glass of lightly lemon-infused water in the morning prior to making late breakfast.

The second time, I had dinner the previous night, then had to fly on a business trip the next day so I skipped breakfast and lunch, and didn’t eat until I was at the destination. As I remember it was good sized dinner at a restaurant of salad, salmon, and broccoli.

(Bunny) #25

I was looking at the word “secret” and I suppose the ancient way of extended religious fasting did not entail glucose intolerances, and to further historical observations on various types of fasting if a person has thyroid issues before going on a strict ketogenic diet (fast mimicking diet) Dr. Jockers explains when to cycle in and out of ketosis (blueberry juice) which is very similar to coming off a an extended fast as in the historical context I’m discussing and as Daisy pointed out “nobody can tell one person how to break a fast” I do apologize for the misunderstanding and since we are on the subject of fasting I would like to point out the most important things to know about The #1 rule of fasting by Dr. Fung (an excellent read)!

Movie Dr. Fung recommends watching:

Fasting, circadian rhythms, and time restricted feeding in healthy lifespan - Valter D. Longo and Satchidananda Panda

(Dee) #26

I think it may be simply a matter of what you’re eating.
Perhaps try eating just meat, or a soup…

(Cailyn Mc Cauley) #27

Love reading everyone’s advice and learned a few new tips!

I never have any sort of digestive issues with keto. I’m severely hypothyroid and am not sure if that is the reason.

I wonder if you’re fasting for too short of a period of time and too regularly. My thoughts are to listen to your body, which is clearly disagreeing with you.

I don’t see anyone mention feasting cycling? I feast on extra fat the 24 hours before my fast. I then fast 48 hours minimum (keto aid only.) and up to 76 hours (making sure I pass the HGH high point before eating.

I only do this fast when my body tells me, it seems about 4-6 week intervals.

I stopped the 20-4 IF as it aggravated my metabolism (deranged from hypothyroidism.) I do better on the 16-8 and always with a breakfast now.

Best of luck in your journey! Looking forward to hearing what you discover works for you!

~Class of 2017

(Bob M) #28

The last time I did a 4.5 day fast, I had some bone broth and two pickled eggs. I then ate a more normal meal about an hour or so later (which for me means all meat).

That was the best breaking of a fast I’ve had. However, I’ve been doing this about 3.5 years, and it’s been slowly getting better over time anyway.

For 36 hours or less fasts, I usually have a normal (most times, quite large) meal.

(Heather Meyer) #29

Gas/Bloating/Distended belly
DIARREAH! Like 20 minutes after eating
Then more gas to the point where i feel like a stuffed turkey. And if i eat somthing else after…it goes in one end and out the other.

So while sound advice clearly says “Dont worry about eating your next meal…just eat normally”…

Its not ACTUALLY the case… My normal meal that i can normally eat any other non-fasting day is making me feel quite sick on fasting days!
Because im having such an upsrt stomach when going back to eating… it means i dont get more then one small in and it only amounts to 500 ish calories.

(Ryan P) #30

This is a good point. Without a gallbladder, you could try something like this enzyme with your meal(s).

(Paul Butler) #31

I always had loose bowels after my 24-46hr fasts.
I’ve started breaking fast with bone broth and that has stopped the issue.

(Heather Meyer) #32

yes… i take somthing by the NOW brand called
Super Enzymes…its a multi enzyme capsule
I also take 60 billion probiotic