So hungry/dizzy/hangry

(Patricia) #4

As others have said, I think it’s that you’re eating way too many carbs and so aren’t able to feel the satiating effects of the fat. I’m two months keto and found that when I reduced the carbs to at most 20 - 30 per day, I didn’t feel any hunger. Also, I’ve heard (more experienced keto-ers need to comment here) that for the first few days, eat fat and even protein to satiety (in other words, don’t overthink your macros at first) and your body will let you know after those first days or week how to more naturally cut back to a more balanced fat and protein - but keep a handle on those carbs.

(Tamara Bell) #5

I’ve started on a carbmanager app and advised it I wanted to slowly start cutting carbs because I’ve tried atkins before and completely cut all all carbs and was passing out after a day or two. By 4 days into it last time I was miserable with massive stomach issues. It took me almost a month to settle my stomach last time. This time I was trying keto because it looked like it was a bit more flexible. (I saw I can still have raspberries and blueberries which I like because I like fruit)

(Tamara Bell) #6

Oh the thought of even eating tons of fat makes me gag. I have no problem cooking with it, and I’ve started adding coconut oil to my coffee which isn’t too bad, but yesterday the log said I even ate WAY too much fat compared to everything else.

(Jane) #7

First of all - you DO.NOT.HAVE.TO.FORCE.FAT. Just don’t avoid it and cook with healthy fats and add as needed. Where do people get the idea that eating keto means “eating tons of fat???” Fakebook?

Second of all - easing into it just takes longer to get fat-adapted and prolongs the carb withdrawals. But if you are willing to drag it out to avoid stomach issues then perhaps it is worth it.

Why would eating Atkins for a couple of days cause you to nearly pass out? Did you experience very low blood sugar?

(Jane) #8

This thread is great for ideas on what you can eat on keto:

Well - never mind. Can’t link it like other threads.

Go to the Food subforum and look for a thread titled What did you Keto Today? Part Deaux


Here ya go… :slight_smile: … As Jane mentioned, take a look at this thread linked below. Peruse it and you will see the types of meals other Keto Folk are eating. This should give you a good idea of meals you can try. (Note: some dishes, like my plates, may seem a bit full, but this can very from person to person. The thing is to eat to satiety. So not to where you feel bloated, but also don’t under-eat.) When you think of Fat, most think of the fat that is attached to steak. But it’s simply the good Fat you find in a lot of things, Eggs, Nuts, Cheese’s, Olive’s, Avocado’s, etc. - I’m sure you will get plenty of ideas in this thread.

(Tamara Bell) #10

Not certain for the dizziness. I know after a couple of days, I felt weak and constantly felt on the verge of throwing up. I’m not certain about the blood sugar, I was never tested. It did take me several weeks to actually eat and not feel ill though. As for the eating lots of fat(Atkins), that was from the time I was in my twenties, my parents did it and told me what they were required to eat (lots of butter, lots of bacon, lots of eggs, lots of steak. Mom did okay on it, Dad did great but he suffered some of the same things I have)
As of today, I just feel hungry (I just ate, I’m starving, my stomach is growling) I have heartburn/indigestion currently (lunch was celery sticks, tuna fish with cut up pickles in it, cream cheese). Much of what I know about keto I have gotten from the idea that it is more or less atkins, just revamped and renamed. I do like eggs, but I don’t think I can find myself eating tons of those. Previously I’ve usually gone more vegetarian as while I like meat, its not a HUGE staple for me. Mostly I’m doing this for hubby and he seems to do better on atkins style then I do (he doesn’t suffer hardly any of the issues that I do, but when I stop so does he so…)

(Running from stupidity) #11

Heh, “a bit.”

Next up, Pickle Dave explains how he doesn’t really like pickles at all.

(Tamara Bell) #12

Oh and I started my day by screaming at a representative of ItWorks about some bullet proof coffee stuff that took a month to get here because we thought it had not been delivered (post office showed it did) Lo and behold, it had, just the usps employee who delivered it hid it under our porch bench.
Hubby and son were shocked at me yelling at the poor guy.
So to say I’m miserable is an understatement.


:flushed: … … :woozy_face: … I have no words…


Do you keep up on your electrolytes (sodium, potassium and magnesium)? I know that was my main problem when starting this WOE. Dizzy, moody (also from sugar/carb withdrawal), tired.

(Tamara Bell) #15

Not really tired, super moody, like going from calm to murderously angry in .06 seconds. Dizzy absolutely. Finding myself grinding my teeth and jaws like no get out, like I do when I’m super stressed at work. Back hurts/legs hurt. Feel like moving hurts. And a massive sized migraine starting.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #16

How long since you quit the carbs?

(Tamara Bell) #17

Yesterday. The longest I’ve ever gone on atkins/keto is about 5 days. Last time, at the 5th day my misery was so bad, couldn’t eat anything, was dizzy. So finally hubby just told me to give up. He had lost about 7 lbs, I had gained weight in 5 days, don’t remember how much though.
Of course when I stopped so did he, so…

(Tamara Bell) #18

as of today, with dinner that I will be eating but haven’t yet. I’ve consumed 21g carbs, 4g fiber, 101g fat, 70g protein, 1276 calories. So hungry

(Running from stupidity) #19

There’s a correlation here.

(Tamara Bell) #20

okay so what is it? Is this normal? If so why do people do this when you feel miserable? If not what am I doing wrong?

(Running from stupidity) #21

Not eating enough.

(Tamara Bell) #22

dunno what else to eat. Nothing looks good, I had to force myself to eat the very unappetizing tuna fish with mayo and pickles.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #23

I remember how crappy I felt the first week. Many of us understand. I found it hard to differentiate between craving carbs, hunger, thirst, wanting caffeine, etc. Hang in there and know you aren’t alone. Be sure to keep your electrolytes in check, for sure. There’s a recipe for ketoaid which will help your body adjust and probably help you feel much better.