“Slaptember!” Challenge


Well hot damn, you are doing so well and happy for you!!!

and don’t ever worry about those 8g in carbs from any meat you eat. Carbs in meat mean nothing. Not one thing, unless they are coming from alot of processed meats with some trace carbs, then ya gotta kinda watch a bit about eating too much processed stuff…cause the fresh meat and seafood is key over processed stuff like sausage, brats and all that.

Keep on truckin’!! ZC will treat ya right :sunny:


Darn ya sound super busy girl! Hope your work day is easier than you are thinking :wink:

And yes what is said above is so true. Food is now insanity. Food isn’t food anymore, it is marketing, sales, profits and more. Convenience at the tips of your fingers and chemical laden junk. Total disconnection from so many natural truths on this planet now…but it is what it is, that’s for sure but many like us wake up and see the light LOL

Happy carnivore day back at ya!!


Hit my friends house and swam and had a good time.
Just one shot of rum. I couldn’t drink anything else. My body said HELL NO and I just drank water after.

but my friend say, wow your butt is like skinny and non-existent now in that bathing suit and I thought cool…words I like to hear :slight_smile: ZC is thinning me up and making me leaner and meaner for sure. No carbs in my life was the best darn decision in my life I ever ran towards and I ain’t ever giving it up!!

came home and ate a 1 lb ribeye
then super not hungry, had some bites of chicken and a beef stick later
just not in the mood for bigger meat.

I rock between truly not that hungry into the don’t eat much in a day type thing, but I just let the body decide. Then I got my ravenous days I eat up 2-3 lbs of meat in a blink… everything is going wonderful on zc and I am now saying bye bye hotter weather and swimming and when the cooler weather hit and it is coming soon now, I am focusing on mountain hiking trails and get out and about since I love hiking. Bestie said she would go with me. I told her no booze on the trails HAHA, she said cool, when we get back we can pound down a few while we rest and recover LOL She is a hoot.

great zc day all


I am so upset. Sorry, this will be the exact opposite or carnivore. I do carnivore-ish myself and I am fine.
But Australian hospital food… I am SO UPSET!!! Okay, I said it before.

I looked at hospital food in (mostly European) countries. I know what they do with less than $2 per day and what the rich ones can offer using way, way, way more (oh huge amounts of salmon, that was nice). Even if a big percentage of the population is obese, the hospital food is normal for our high-carb world. But meat, grains/potatoes, vegetables, a little dessert, often soup. Normal and somewhat simple, soup, main dish, dessert and drink, at most.
Even our poor hospitals with their almost no money for food makes sure people get somewhat okay food for them as they should. You can’t feed the same general food to someone with diabetes, after tonsils surgery, after stomach surgery, after stroke and so on.

It seems, Australia, at least the single hospital I know of, is different.
There is one food (okay, people who are unable to eat, gets something else but that’s it) and it’s a lot and it doesn’t only have tons of carbs, of course it has it, it has insane amounts of sugar. Everything is insanely sugary. They put sugar into Milo that already half sugar… They put sugar on sweet fruits. Heaven’s forbid they don’t give at least one heavily sugary dessert per meal and there are 4 meals. Bread is in every meal from the 3 main ones (the 4th has biscuits. very sugary biscuits in generous amounts). Ice cream AND sugary fruit yogurt for lunch and I think apple juice too, it’s for every meal except the small Milo one.

And this is a menu for morbidly obese people with diabetes too.

And people happily eat it all up. I don’t know the calorie content but I do know how tiny food I eat when I have 2000 kcal… Well, it’s surely way more. Even though it’s hard to compare a sugary yogurt with eggs and sausages… I did track lots of carby days, I am still horrible at guessing but I have some very very vague idea. MANY calories, I guess way more than needed for almost all people in hospital (and I think of obese people’s higher energy need) and most of it comes from carbs (not almost all as some cakes are super fatty too) and very much of it is from sugar.

Why? They obviously have many times more money than Hungarian hospitals. And rich countries giving cake too manage to keep the sugar low. Some days have some cake, others some fruit, a little jam for breakfast but not sugar sugar sugar in everything all the time. And why a meal need to be 8-courses if we consider everything? A proper meaty main dish don’t need so much else. Little soup, little fruit, done, it should be enough for normal people too. They will eat their sugary desserts galore at home or get it from somewhere, relatives bring insane amounts of food in Hungary too (well, Hungarian hospital food isn’t that good or enough if one has appetite or can’t get satiated with 2 slices of bread and a bit of cheese). Hungarians love to eat too and they do it, our food is good as well… Obesity is normal. But even so, someone in a hospital can imagine life without 8 dessert type stuff per day…

So I see that hospital that it heals people with various things - and do its best to kill them with the food. I don’t feel I am too dramatic, maybe a little but it’s normal for me.

You may figure out why I am so extra enthusiastic about Australian hospital food, at least Fangs…

Not everyone here is as lucky as, well, me, I just can’t get meat since months except a small amount here and there (except fish but I still don’t like hake fish) but I still eat mostly animal food and very good one at that. But that hospital hell… shudder I start to feel worse and worse if I just add some carbs and not even those processed craps and added sugar! And I am not very sensitive like some people on the forum.

About my eating… Monday is my eggiest day, it’s logical to me but I almost completely run out of eggs, I should be more careful now (I could buy good enough eggs in a shop but it’s a not too hard little challenge). It’s good I have cheese and lots of liver and sausage. Saturday will be the day when we get some fresh meat too.


I found some older photos! I use multiple CF cards and sometimes it happens. Now I have this.

We did this with the small chicken some weeks ago (and soup from the bony parts). Chicken and pork, mmmmm. It was good. The color wasn’t as impressively red as in my childhood but it still made the tender skin crunchy and great.

(Kellyn ) #127

I lost a pound this week. I really great weekend, because we went to explore a small town in NC called Brevard. We also went hiking to some falls in Pisgah National forest. I love hiking and plan to do it every weekend that I can. I went out with my husband last night and ended up drinking diet coke and vodka which I told myself I would not do. Then some guys bought us some shots which I am sure contained some carbs. I got really drunk and forgot to eat anything. I woke up with a bit of a headache but not a bad hangover. I feel pretty shameful that I drank that much. I made a decision this morning to stop drinking, at least for a long time. I don’t need it and I feel horrible because I just can’t stop and keep throwing them back.

I feel ya, Fangs. This is exactly the way I feel now. :joy:

I didn’t get hungry until around 10:00 this morning and could only eat one hamburger patty. I was able to eat the rest a few minutes ago. I’m having steak tonight and then tomorrow is my bloodwork. I will let you all know the results when I get them back. I am on day 53 of my zero carb life and I am really interested in what my cholesterol results are.


Yeah, most people have items they should just stay away from… Or if it works for them, trying them once in a blue moon… Even I have such items (less and less, though) and I am usually very good at moderation if it’s about some far from ideal food/drink. But I practiced it for years. Being drunk is something I never found desirable so I almost only had it once when I had no idea about my limits and there was every kinds of free booze and I obviously wanted to try them all, ages ago… That was memorable, no, I never wanted that again, I couldn’t keep down even water the next day… There was an “I don’t care” emotionally fragile occasion but not serious and a “drunk without drinking much but that was BAD” case. I can handle 3 shots and I never went over that anymore.
I never could figure out what happens on keto as I just stopped drinking at that point, at least such big amounts… But I realized lately that extremely little may have some very short term but noticeable effect. It’s nice, it’s ideal. WHY people want to be able to hold their liquor, I don’t understand, it’s way cheaper if one can’t hold it well :smiley: Okay, I probably don’t understand the complicated world of proper adults. I am just a hedonist, I don’t wanna brag and I don’t accidentally drink a ton either.

I ate scrambled eggs with bacon and hake fish, among others… I will try to soak the fish in something (milk and garlic is the typical thing… I don’t even have milk often and it’s very sugary anyway. I mean, in general, I don’t use it on low-carb either. Alvaro doubts cream would be good. but why not?) as it’s extremely strong even in small amounts. It seems it’s not tasteless, after all, it has a very subtle not good taste to me (nothing really bad but still). But I won’t give up.
I will eat this bunch of bacon I wanted to try and I guess that’s it. Bacon isn’t for me. Not even the tastiest pork stuff (that’s the ribs :D) and insanely fatty, I want meat for my money. Pork ribs are quite fatty too but bacon is overkill, I prefer the pork ribs fat/meat ratio.

Tomorrow is fried chicken liver day, YAY! Hopefully I won’t manage to wriggle out of my most relaxed summer carnivore-ish definition this time, something always happens… I still have good enough days, I don’t go crazy or eat totally unnecessary items other people would regret but I have an almost complete immunity against it… So I am pleased but I will try a tad harder to be stricter. Not too hard as it wakes and annoys my inner rebel and it has the craziest ideas. Oh, I so often reminded of Scylla and Charybdis… It’s so hard to sail in the golden middle way! At least is one is me :slight_smile: But I am still improving.

But I probably never ever will understand how on earth ketoers stay below 20g net carbs without trying their best to do carnivore(-ish)… Maybe they like green leaves I don’t or a vegetable dish is less vegetables for them than my little vegetable to spice things up or something. Or they are simple. Multiple courses tend to raise my carbs unless I ignore carbier items than eggs.

(Kellyn ) #129

lol, true.

(Keto Koala 🐨) #130

I am unfortunately far from Ketosis right now. Hospital…The food. Well there’s not many options… mainly sugar and carbs… and the carbs nake me hungry as hell.

just a days worth of food in this hospital.:scream:

(Edith) #131

Oh, my!! I don’t have anything else to say.

(Edith) #132

My food day is done.

This morning it was a McDonald’s breakfast with two round eggs, sausage, and bacon. I use the eggs as the “bread” and the meat as the filling. It’s pretty tasty.

Lunch was chicken wings and an ounce of raw beef liver.

Dinner was two hamburgers, a bratwurst, and a chorizo sausage. I exercised twice today: strength and a run, so I was pretty darn hungry for dinner. I’ll probably be back to my two meals tomorrow.

(Keto Koala 🐨) #133

@VirginiaEdie Tell me about it… They will have to roll me out the door…:scream:. At l east I got a good peice if chicken today… I just had Two MRI’S in a row…that lasted an hour…AND three ultrasounds… and a heap of blood tests… so it’s been a massive day.:scream:. So the food…I’ll just do Keto once I’m home.:heart:

(Edith) #134

That’s all you can do, the best you can. And the good thing is that you know what to do as soon as you’re home.


@Bubby1 … Gosh, I sure hope you get outta there soon! The hospital is gonna kill you with that kind of Frankenfood! Tell them you feel like you’re low in iron, and need a steak. A ribeye steak. With all the fat, plus some butter for dipping. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Eats yesterday consisted of coffee.
a big chunk of chuck roast
2 burger patties
More chuck roast
A beef stick

Today, I’ve got another chunk of chuck roast. Might do up a couple eggs with some butter and salt. It’s still early, and I am only thinking about these things right now. Gotta finish the coffee before I move any further.

In other news…
We had a frost warning for last night. Its still dark out, and I don’t know if there was actually any frost. Anticipating this would happen, I plucked a few tomatoes out of the garden last evening -just in case. Also, went romping through all the weeds and grass in the wild section of the garden, and found not one, but two ginormous blue hubbard squash hidden away. Never seen any that big before! Epsom salts is amazing stuff in the garden. So. If the world goes crazy, and we run out of beef, I will have squash. A whole bunch of squash. :upside_down_face:

Today is another 730-4 shift. My next paycheck is going to be a dandy. Got holiday pay for Monday plus 6 hours of OT, on top of my normal 40 hours. My bosses hired three more people to help alleviate the upcoming scheduling over the holidays. But, they have to be trained. So…more hours.

Well. Time for eggs and butter. Carnivore on, my peeps!!!


Congrats. I bet also you are leaning up too!

Yea the booze is a fine line game on zero carb. We don’t have the carbs to suck up the liquor, we can get effected very fast with drinks :slight_smile: I am in summer time party time a bit and even tho I don’t drink much anymore, boy I still have to watch it and my taste for boozing it up is just disappearing on zc ya know…but yea there is that day you have to say oh heck no LOL to save your body before ya feel way too horrible :wink:

Brevard, been there a few times, glad you had a blast. I love to go exploring also and sounds like a nice trip!

you enjoy those fried chicken livers!!!

Yes and that is 20 NET carbs. I only would count total carbs and I was 10g total carbs on my VLC menu and let me tell ya, there ain’t much to eat on that…what I did eat in that little amt just pissed me off and made me hungrier :wink: On 20 net carbs I could eat enough crap to make me super hungry and binge out. I ain’t doing greens, I would do any and all crap carbs I could get my hands on LOL

remember also tho we on zc don’t count carbs in protein since protein is all we do eat. Our few carbs that might be in eggs or liver or whatever is wrapped in protein goodness, not wrapped in nasty plant matter so just never worry about a carb on zc if it is from meat…now carbs in dairy, if higher item one is eating so be a signal to pass it on by cause while dairy IS animal, it is man made so we have to keep an eyeball on that whole line of items, dairy is that middle line we need to always be a tad weary of for most of us.

oh my gosh B…I couldn’t touch any of that. Would literally kill me to eat like that now. I been zc so long if I did that kind of stuff they gave you I would be in dire straights. I WISH I COULD smuggle in food for ya…nice ribs or big old fat plump chicken legs!! Hope you are doing well and sending big hugs to ya!!!

Sounds like you are doing really good VE and you are feeling fine. You be careful on exercise, don’t push too much. You being newer but coming from a good way of eating anyway, you still can get nailed with some adaption thru like getting very tired exercising too hard tho…but you are on a roll. On vacation trips on the road the family stops and I would sometimes do like you…get the sausage, egg and cheese biscuit and just man handle it with my fingers and dump the biscuit LOL hey they work in a pinch when you are hungry, nothing wrong with that!!

darned if ya do and darned if ya don’t right? LOL You are so busy but happy to hear help is coming your way and eventually they will know what they are doing :wink:

hmm, chuck roast. we got a sale going on with them and I grabbed a few and they do taste great in a crockpot. I always think of it as my winter go to…big old tasty crockpot chuck roast. Yum

---------------- All good here. Just ZCing away.

My appetite is in the middle. Hungry but not hungry, then I feel ravenous and eat up then I go back down into that not hungry mode.
I never feel ‘zc secure’ when in this mode. My head might wander into carb crap land so I have to watch me a bit. I don’t know why I get into this zone every now and then but right now the focus is beef. Beef saves me every single time so I am going to concentrate solely on beef for both meals. Heavy duty hitters. I am SO in tune with my eating ya know, I know when it is off a bit or getting wonky in some way but I also know the cure and I will do it and get settled fast again into a sweet spot for me.

Today is 2 lbs of ribeye steak. I am also defrosting 2 more lbs of steak for tomorrow. Done.

In icky weather, got like 4 days of big rain looming over us. gonna be a long 4 days in weather like this. I am so affected by weather, oh boy I need to move to a sunny hot southern beach and thrive and forget this icky cloudy wet weather forever LOL boy do I wish :sunny: but ain’t gonna happen now so I will live thru the crappy weather and concentrate on beef. works for me HA


Wow. 20g is perfect for me, no way I would overeat or get too hungry with such a low amounts! :smiley: But I can’t try it out with vegetables, they immediately bump my carbs to 60g or something. The tiny amount I eat on carnivore-ish doesn’t matter, they are like condiments for my protein. Not like I can sit down and eat a full vegetable meal anymore. On my off day we had vegetable dishes. I stopped eating quite quickly, most of the time. Just not my style anymore. They were all soups as I love soups, I can enjoy the liquid part with sour cream… The vegetable parts are another matter. (My carni days broke me…)
But I still love certain raw vegetables and fried onion is my beloved condiment. Only a little bit is needed :slight_smile: But I try to eat some liver without it. I always ate it with fried onions… But Oti fries them in lots of fat, without onions, I did that today. Alvaro loves it on bread. I probably will try it with pancakes. My carni flatbread are too fatty for that (or fishy and no, I don’t mix fish with liver. Alvaro says fish and eggs are a bad combo for him too… not for me. I saw an egg stew recipe with fish so I eat my egg stew with fish. not bad).

Yep, I read this from you zillion times :). I track my carbs though, it doesn’t matter where it comes from but total doesn’t matter to me, only net. What I do with the information, that is another matter, of course 5g from eggs and 5g from milk isn’t the same (not like I drink milk) but I want my net carb info, no matter what. And the program I use gives me that info anyway.
And I don’t eat only protein, I eat everything I fancy or happen to eat, sometimes, in rare cases even my consciousness can’t grab it early enough, super rare but certain fruits are skilled.
And I take detailed notes. How much cheese, sausage, fish, liver, egg and whatever else I consume a day :slight_smile: Both Alvaro and me are like this. We like data. I do little with them but it’s interesting to see them. Sometimes I do look at my net carbs number without my proper food. But it’s super hard to figure out so usually not. Tracking and weighing everything is tiresome enough. But my curiosity is bigger.

Yep, Amy has it bad :frowning: I look at her breakfast… Milk is glaringly obviously the best item… And I wouldn’t drink such a sugary stuff normally… Tragic, really.


OK, I get that now S…you like to track and know your info. Cool. See I have not tracked ever since I dropped all carbs in my life and I have to say, it was one of the best darn days in my life…never tracking anything about my food intake again in my entire lifetime, no matter how long that will be HAHA So when I see people tracking carbs and say, I had 6 carbs in eggs I always jump into ‘it doesn’t matter’ mode to make sure people reading on zc threads don’t think this is a requirement, but I get you now, I didn’t realize you were in tracker mode and want info mode…I get that now :slight_smile:

Yes B has it horrible in food choice. I would get on the phone and order a rack of ribs and have it delivered to my room in hospital. I wouldn’t care if they got mad or not…how one can exist on ‘and expect to heal’ is amazing. It is tragic our institutional communities like hospitals we rely on for health serve junk like that! Insanity.

(Edith) #139

Yes, last week I felt off and low energy. This week I feel pretty much back to normal. I think I was already so close to total carnivore, that the adaptation was pretty quick. Who knows, maybe it will come and go for a while, but this week… so far, so good.

Edit: Added

My daughter baked an angel food cake yesterday. I have to admit, the smell made it VERY tempting.


That is good to hear you are holding thru in a better form!! And good thing to is you know, you been thru these kind of times so you know what you are dealing with…way newbies can get confused up and feel horrible so it is tougher but sounds like you got a great handle on it all!!

Yea, just cause we are zc doesn’t mean we are immune to all of the sights and smells around us…that’s for sure LOL Burnt sugary sweet smell is heaven to me. I got control but every now and then, being human like everyone, we have to watch ourselves…better we become and longer on plan I have those days of ‘just this one day I might eat’ and I know deep down tho if I go there, total binge and misery will come my way. I know, I been there but yea, smells and more can certainly stir something in us sometimes but as long as we know, we can combat!


It’s a bit silly as I almost never use my data. But it’s fun to look at it sometimes… And sometimes I actually base my decisions on it when I see something is off. Too bad it makes my food topic addiction worse if I focus on things too much. At least I probably don’t need to solve problems now, I struggled so much on low-carb and keto while stalling. I ate well and felt okay enough but I just didn’t lose for many years. But I am hopeful now (still no loss at all but no wonder with my off days. well, a tiny wonder as I eat not bad on my off days… but I still should be patient).
My “not-really-carnivore-but-I-do-try-heroically” day #1 and #2 wasn’t completely good yet. I had desires and hunger (I solved it, of course, I never stay hungry on any woe but it wasn’t easy and I didn’t wanted ANY food in existence. it’s something enough proper meat could solve but I had a too eggy day) but it’s my 3rd day and I have liver! I was so simple, well I needed soup so I made a spicy eggy drink but I only had egg stew and fried liver afterwards. Not a bit of this and that and coffee too…! And now I am very very pleased and satiated. I expect I will have the good easy days now… I have enough liver for tomorrow too. And it’s food we both can enjoy just with different side dishes. I still think a bit onion makes it better, its sweetness balances out the slight bitterness of the liver. But it’s not bad alone (or rather, with some eggs) either.