Sept. 2018 IF / EF Chat ALL WELCOME


(MelissaH) #280

If stress interferes with fasting then now may not be the best time for me!


Fasting is generally seen as a mild stressor (or a major one if you’re not fat adapted). I think once folks have been fasting very regularly it might not even be a mild one.
In any case, stressful days are not usually the best times to start fasting.

(KCKO, KCFO) #282

So my scales & body decided to fuck with me today. I saw a number I haven’t seen in over a year now. I did the Zornfast last week and wasn’t going to fast except for IFing this week. But seeing that number today, I went into fasting mode, I will do 36 hrs. to begin, if the bounce isn’t down to where I want it again, I will carry on.

Just when I was starting to think I could trust my body, it does that stupid bounce.


This was my thinking as well. I’ve only done water fast since I started, so I’ve never taken anything else as far as food. The rare glass of Tea, but no food, fat, etc. So basically, yeah, I might be able to get away with adding a little of this or that, but I actually look forward to doing just water fast to mainly get away from everything else.

But as others have stated, most the time I stop my fast because I do enjoy a nice meal, and it’s usually due to something I want to make or eat, but not because I’m hungry. (And this is what I like the most) For instance, I might break my fast sometime tomorrow? And this is primarily due to having a couple recipes that I want to try, and weekends are a lot easier for me, to have the needed time to make them. But I’m taking a few days off, so I may run it into Saturday? Not sure yet…

Presently at 70 hrs. … Guessing it will be somewhere around 90 or so, if I decide to break tomorrow.


Well, went ahead and broke this morning at 86 hrs. Broke this time with some small portions of Olives & Sardines first, followed by a Sausage with a little sauerkraut and finally a Bacon Salad, with a side of Bacon. As much as I wanted eggs, I will have to wait, since it’s not a good breaker for me.


Wow, just like clockwork:

I originally planned to end my fast at 108 hours in (7.50am today) but instead thought I’d keep going until lunch because I wouldn’t be hungry at all. I wanted to break my fast at some point today before a huge dinner tonight.

I reached 7.50am and no joke, I had the strongest feeling of hunger I’ve had in the past 4.5 days. It’s almost like my eyes looked at the clock in the corner of my monitor, my brain processed that the time had passed, and a hundred things woke up in my body saying, “Hey, remember when we passed that point we were going to have a bacon party?” :bacon: :bacon::bacon::bacon::bacon:

I’m not complaining, anyway. Heating up some bacon now and going to jump back on the food train.

October 2018 IF / EF Chat ALL WELCOME
(Carpe salata!) #286

Nice one Dave.

I just finished my third 5-Dayer. I went with water only and some salt the first few days. DW made me a cup of tea with a splash of milk one time. I decided to drink it anyway and it didn’t seem to affect anything. No headaches this time.

It was interesting how near the end I was mentally itching for food, but not hungry as such. I think if I planned to do 7 days I would have sailed on.

<food alert … can’t find the blur thingie>
Fasting gave me little perspective changes. I started my first bone-broth after dinner. Dinner was some lite-salted nuts and a while later ribs with green beans and creamed spinach with cheese. No problems getting back to food and it was very satisfying.

May have mentioned in another post that the fast took me into BMI overweight category. That was even more satisfying, haven’t been there for … decades?

(Tara Browning) #287

If I have a cup of coffee in the morning with 1T. of butter and 1T. of HWC, does that take me out of of IF? Or am I considered still fasting?? It’s really the only thing I look forward to, I’m 5 days in and just not hungry…ever! But, I live for my coffee in the AM!

(Doug) #288

Tara, I think you’re totally good. There are tiny amounts of protein and carbohydrates in butter and cream, but not enough to really be a concern for almost all of us. It’s a matter of degree, and I guess someone could argue that hey, it’s not 100% fasting at that point, but I’d say it’s 99%+ and hardly a problem.

(Tara Browning) #289

Awesome, you made my entire week​:heart_eyes: I seriously look forward to my cup of coffee :coffee: in the AM! Yaayyyy, this will defiantly help me stay on track!
It’s so crazy that after only 5 days of serious keto, I feel lighter! I feel icky, but better if that makes any sense​:crazy_face::crazy_face:

(Carpe salata!) #290

You’re making a lot of sense Tara.

I just finished 5 days on just water. I switched out my coffee for a big drink of water. Last time I got headaches. This time no problems. I’m thinking tomorrow’s coffee is going to be sooo goood woohoo

(Carpe salata!) #291

The good thing about fasting is that you can stop it anytime and eat. Once you’ve had a few goes you can try something longer. I was doing IF intermittent fasting (for me, one meal a day on weekdays) for 6 months before I tried fasting a few days. Just do what works for you at the time.

(MelissaH) #292

Thanks Peter! This does work, I’ve tried OMAD for the past two days and I’m feeling great! No hunger at all

(Carpe salata!) #293

Melissa do you think the one-meal days affect your stress level?

I heard that some people fast for the spiritual/religious reasons and I was interested to see what that meant. The little EFs I have done I noticed (at times) feelings of love and gratitude , sometimes small re-evaluations or perspective changes also creativity. So the physical health benefits aren’t the whole story. :slight_smile:

(Liz ) #294

FWIW if I take a 99mg potassium my leg cramp eases almost immediately

(Doug) #295

The "lighter" feeling is a real thing - I attribute a good bit of it to less inflammation and fluid retention, easier joint movement, etc. Perhaps a bit idealistic here, but the body feels unburdened.

(Carpe salata!) #296

I agree Doug and Tara. I can bounce up out a chair like I’m on helium or something when fasting.

(Tara Browning) #297

Hahahha​:crazy_face: You will think you’ve died and gone to coffee :coffee: heaven!

(Carpe salata!) #298

I think so @Tara_Browning!

My dirty secret is that I drink Cappucchino. I make it myself and only use about 100ml of (real) milk … but that’s also why I had to cut it on fasting. I never got into the other coffees. OK you squeezed that outa me … I’ll be on the naughty mat if you need me. :crazy_face:

(MelissaH) #299

Yes, @Peter I definetly do! I woke up this morning in a great mood. And have noticed so far today that I’m in a more giving and generous mood. Just all around feel better, which makes me feel happier. I’m dancing to music as I type. Aiming for day three of OMAD