Rudolph the Red Meat Ruminant


yea that is cool. My mom quit smoking at age 77 and is going on to 94 soon but my Dad quit smoking at age 44 or so and he passed at 86.

I think how it goes down with what works for us or against us wtih all the crazy is just that. the crazy of life LOL

my Dad took up jogging at around 50 wtih a 45 yr old guy who passed like 5 yrs later from a heart attack and Dad was shocked he didn’t meet him on the corner to jog a bit and he asked up about it and come to find out this ‘way healthy eater’ passed and Dad just gave up smoking and gave up big sugar and he went way on.

So in my mind, we all find life a crapshoot but for me in the bitter end of it all…my day to day on how I feel and want that day, if my final one, to at least feel healthy and happy LOL

(Michael) #83

Happy B-Day fangs - hope you enjoy it and find it relaxing!

(Edith) #84

Yeah, we used to have a celebratory cookout on his birthday. :grimacing:

(Karen) #85

HAPPY BIRTHDAY :squid::crab::shrimp::cut_of_meat::poultry_leg:

Says this is too short lol

(Karen) #86

Lie in again this morning cos it was so dark outside!

Got on with my second smaller planter today and that kept me busy all day… another fiddly paint job.

Brunch sauted chicken Tikka and melted cheese

Dinner pork loin chops. Got these reduced in Lidl the other day and they were so tasty. There were 6 in pack and I managed 4 … just … one was bigger than the others and I struggled to eat it. Preferred the thinner ones. 2 left to cook up tomorrow if they are still okay!

(Daisy) #87

Happy Birthday @Fangs!!

Meal one was some crispy chicken thighs, a bacon omelette and some bone broth jello. I put a brisket in the smoker and when it finished, I really wasn’t hungry, but had to try a couple slices. Now I’m overly stuffed :joy:
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(Robin) #88

Can’t beat smoked brisket. Yummy.


Happy Birthday Fangs. My birthday is tomorrow. Christmas is the curse of December babies.

Has anyone eaten Rudolph yet?

I had. Nice T-bone steak and two fired eggs last night. It will be 40’C (104F) in the city today. So glad I’m out in the countryside a few minutes from the beach. Sunny summer day is beckoning.

I’ve only ever known Christmas as a long, hot, mid-summer day event.

Blue summer sky. Sitting in the shade waiting for the day to cool down.

(Robin) #90

Alternate realities!


thanks all for the birthday wishes :slight_smile: it is over, now I just wait to turn 61 now HA

those porks are the kind I like. the smaller ones are preferable over the thick ones for me too. Your planters are looking fab!

your pics are so great KD! Isn’t that tough when ya eat so well but then cook up something so tasty and boom, you are super stuffed to the max like that cause, darn ya just have to eat some of that fresh, hot delish brisket!

Well Happy Dec. Birthday to you too!! I knew I liked ya, a Dec. baby also :slight_smile: Hope you have a wonderful bday. Did ya hit 60 like me yet?

Funny but most of my life was up North and winter was snow. Deep cold azz snow with freezing temps. When I moved South my first Xmas down here it was 65 and sunny and such a nice darn Xmas day and I almost didn’t know how to react. I was running around in shorts having a blast and thought, I will never ever never ever go back to snow again in my life. I loved our first hotter Xmas down South :slight_smile: I think your hot Xmas day is wonderful! Hey lets flip. You take my cold and I will easily take your hot weather :slight_smile:

You ate Rudolph already? My hubby didn’t hunt this year. He lost his hunt lease at the cabin and the group didn’t lease anything new. Leasing hunt land is like finding gold lying around on the ground. So many hunters in competition to lease hunt land. Since we sold the big farm land a while back he doesn’t have enough land to hunt for himself. Told him to call some friends, cause heck they all own farms down here but he said this year he isn’t going to bother to hunt. Huh. I know he misses it but I expect one of his hunt buddies will grace him with some deer when they bag a few extra.

------------------feel bloaty a bit last night. I PUT too much salt on my meal. Sometimes my hand gets very heavy. Wiped off alot but darn I was sucking down alot of water yesterday. Feel good this morning.

drive mom home to her house
home to do up some chores around here
got leftover brisket to finish off, yum. second meal, not sure. I do have chicken breast defrosted, probably eat up some of that/

simple easy day

(Edith) #92

Happy Birthday @FrankoBear! :tada::balloon::balloon: I hope you enjoyed your day

@Karen18, I love those planters. They look like they weigh about 50 pounds each.

(Michael) #93

Happy B-Day!

(Michael) #94

Yesterday’s meals. First one was large heart steak, bit of liver, bit more beef tongue and bone marrow with a half of the first chamber of sheep stomach

Second meal was lots of Jarlsberg cheese, salmon, bacon and eggs with mussels again.

My experiment to add almonds into my diet has determined that I cannot eat almonds without the return of IBSD, so that food is off my list. Bit disappointing, so back to pure carnivore for another bit until I test the next thing - probably peanuts next, once I have fully healed from the almond damage :slightly_frowning_face:

(Karen) #95

Yes the bigger one 8s like lifting the atlas stones at CrossFit but I put it on the wheely trolley thingy for painting and have left it on it till I put it outside. I have wheeled it back into the hall lol. When I lifted it in to the kitchen I checked my heartbeat and it shot up to 80 lol my resting hb is between 45 and 54! I found that really interesting hahaha. Anyway the smaller planter is still heavy but not to same degree. The training comes in handy sometimes lol

Up a bit earlier today and did only a small amount of stair runs before starting to paint the small wooden crate planters I bought cheapo in Aldi in the summer. First coat on all 4 and a tidy up in my kitchen. Goy fed up clambering over the sheets and newspapers that were protecting my ceramic floor!

Brunch was the 2 remaining pork chops and they were so tasty I bought another pack while I was in Lidl this afternoon buying milk and bread for Raymond. He should be out today or tomorrow, I am just waiting to hear if I am going to be picking him up later.

Got chicken wings in the oven so if he calls now he will have to wait for me to indulge in those before going to collect him lol :wink:


I have some super heavy planters no one ever will move… Well we pulled one 1 meter once… But they are impossible to lift. And they are ugly (but gray so not very apparently so), they came with the house… Oh well.

We did some shopping, it’s so great to do it when it’s work time for others! The shop was pretty empty.
I bought 2 little packs of pork thigh, 2.8kg in total. Big is 3-5kg for me now, from the hypermarket or from the meat counter :smiley: I just tell them I want that big piece if it fits into their bag and bam, 3kg. Even these came in a strong package but NOT in a huge half-empty box as most meat in that shop so yay.

I did OMAD today and while not completely carnivore, I had circumstances, I mostly ate eggs and my pork roast, tiny leftover liver and a bit of cheese. It was an okay meal. And probably smallish, I won’t track it.
December will be tricky, I knew I can’t do it even close to carnivore but I am still fighting to get as many carni days as I can! They feel way better anyway. Today I got kinda got bored of my meat… Tomorrow I will have more egg dishes, not just scrambled eggs using 3 eggs (I almost always start with that recently). Or I just keep eating meat, it’s still okay just not particularly tempting. Maybe I should make something from it… But I don’t want to bother, it’s a perfectly fine roast, ready to eat. Seriously…

SO, I have leaner pork now, yay! (I bought the pork jowl again but it’s just awesome in scrambled eggs and useful when I don’t want more meat or eggs and I ate enough protein but I am still hungry :smiley: Alvaro just can’t understand my excitement when I have it, it’s something super inedible to him. and I being me keep talking about its wonderfulness :smiley: poor one. but I bake and cook his carbs so he should handle that I mention my favs a lot).
And I bought cottage cheese. It’s almost as big a mystery as cream cheese to me but at least I can buy this thing. I tried it once and it wasn’t anything special so I rather use the better and cheaper and more useful quark, something like that. But it will be a nice variety for now. December is the fattier, more relaxed time with a bit more dairy and next year will be strict. At least way stricter than this. But I want a proper and basically no dairy and not way too fatty carnivore January.

I bought the tiny salmon for Christmas. I imagine we eat it on the 25th unless I will be great and pull off a fasting day. But carni OMAD would be wonderful too.
I manage to eat later and later (in average. I ate at noon yesterday, that almost never happens), at 6pm today, very good. My early meals are too tiny and that’s not convenient.

Alvaro still handles eating meat every day, that IS convenient :smiley: I so don’t want to make something extra for him every day when he needs protein with his side dishes. But sometimes we have eggs in purgatory, that’s not meat though not carni either. I wonder when I reach the time when I make that super easy meal without wanting to taste it… I definitely don’t want tomato often and I am quite fine without it but if we have it occasionally, I have a tiny bit. It goes well with eggs and meat alike. Sometimes I put my boring or too dry meat into the purgatory. But I have other ways for it so it would be best to use it only when I need some variety I can’t do with my normal items.

It seems the pig farm won’t offer piglets this year.

(Linda ) #97

Happy Birthday for yesterday Fangs hope it was a wonderful stress free day for you.

(Daisy) #98

Happy Birthday @FrankoBear!

Today was very similar to yesterday with one less thigh :joy:. Breakfast was 2 garlic Parmesan thighs, a bacon and feta omelette (soooo good), and bone broth jello. Lunch/dinner was some more brisket!
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Thank you everyone for you birthday comments. It’s a groovy gang we got going here.

I am still in the below 60’s but this ongoing, personal, polyarthritis trial makes me feel older, and I will appreciate being joints pain-free in the future based on this experience.

T-bone steak last night so rare in the centre it was raw and delicious. Bacon and eggs for yesterday’s breakfast despite the hot summer day. Drank lots of water.

I’m going to get out in the early morning and do some watering before things warm up.

5pm we’ve chosen to evacuate our place because of approaching bushfires. Ant stings and venomous snakes seem less significant now. Should be back at home tomorrow. These things are the ‘normality’ of our times.

(Linda ) #100

Happy Birthday to you also…hope you can get all your joint pain sorted…

Food for me today was bacon,German sausage and eggs then lamb belly.

(Karen) #101

Happy birthday hope you have a super lovely pain-free day xxx​:poultry_leg::cut_of_meat::shrimp::crab::squid::field_hockey::tada::balloon::tada::confetti_ball: