Please Help Me Figure Out Why I Am Not Losing!?!?


(Frank) #21

Not surprised at all. Weight loss is not linear.


Forget about percentages and ratios. Focus on keeping the carbs low (to stay in ketosis) and on getting enough protein (your body needs it). After that, fat and calories should be based on your hunger level. Early on, your hunger may cause you to eat more calories. Once you’ve been in ketosis a while, the hunger should decrease, as your body starts using stored fat and doesn’t need as much consumed fat.

My goal – “Eat when hungry. Stop when full. Mostly meat.”

Too much protein is rarely a problem. Only too many carbs kick you out of ketosis. The body can create glucose from protein (i.e. GNG or Gluconeogenesis), but it’s a demand-driven process, not a supply-driven process.

(Running from stupidity) #23

Patience, grasshopper.

For almost everyone, this is totally incorrect.

Why add complexity? Eat when hungry.


And this.

(Door Girl) #24

I’m three years older than you, same height, almost exactly 100 pounds lighter, and I’m just about pinching myself that I’m not dreaming since I’m having pretty much the same weight changes as you. They seem pretty amazing to me.

I think you are doing well, don’t stress, keep going, and keep rocking the weight loss. It is a way of life, not a sprint.

(CGR) #25

Thanks everyone!

(Amanda) #26

How’s it going?

(CGR) #27

Its going well, down about 14 lbs I believe. How about you?


You’re losing weight that’s good! It’s slow and steady just don’t give up ! You can do it!


I don’t understand this.
The OP said they weren’t losing weight… turns out they’re losing plenty. Seems like an open and shut case. Keep calm keto on.

(CGR) #30

Thank you for the encouragement! How is it working for you?

(CGR) #31

Hi! At first I posted because I couldn’t understand why I would gain and loose if I was keeping my carbs down I was wondering if someone would look at my chart and help me analyze

(Bunny) #32

Known Factors That Stop Fat From Being Burned:

  1. Cortisol levels (stress) from adrenaline i.e. HPA-axis… (…lower cortisol levels naturally?)

  2. Estrogen

  3. Insulin (…maybe try protein cycling?)

  4. Eating more fat than you need?

Cut back on the intake fat a little bit more so your body can breakdown its own fat and not be constantly burning dietary fat?

Also be sure to keep your sodium, potassium and magnesium levels adequate?

Not sure how long you have been doing the ketogenic diet?

See also: The Perfect Intermittent Fasting Ratio for the Most Weight Loss (Fat Burning)

(CGR) #33

(CGR) #34

So I think fat should be around 50-60% for me? and then protein be in the high 20s 30%?

(CGR) #35

I also do intermittent fasting because I aim to stop eating arount 7/730 and then I dont eat until 1230 or later.

(CGR) #36

3 Weeks Now

(Bunny) #37

In that case keep the fat intake higher then taper off?

Your not fully fat adapted or ketogenically adapted yet which takes 27 weeks or so for your metabolism to go back to normal! I would start tapering down after three months. It just takes a while to get the body fat burning engines working? From experience this how this truly works so don’t let those immediate pounds you see dropping off and then back on (stalls/plateaus) fool you, it takes time and persistence?


I only been on carnivore for 5 days and it’s been one hell of a transition, I feel like shit lmao

(CGR) #39

Hope you feel better soon!

(CGR) #40

Are you suggesting keep the fat at 70% for 27 weeks? :open_mouth: