PISS only 2 weeks in?

(Casey Brown) #1

I definitely don’t think I’m fat adapted yet. I’ve just finished week 2 and all last week only yielded a 0.4 pound weight loss. The first week I lost 5 pounds (mostly water in sure.) I’m under 20 net carbs, moderate protein, and definitely get full from my fatty meals. I just don’t think I’m ready to fast yet because I still have hunger. Any ideas? Could this be PISS already?

Frustration.... 4 weeks in
(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #2

@Casey said PISS. Lol


Oh. Wait.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #3

I doubt you are stalled in your weight loss BUT at 2 weeks in, it’s important to KCKO.
Many factors are at play. How much you need to lose, whether or not you are metabolically deranged, male or female, etc. I wouldn’t worry about anything now. Btw, a fluctuation of up to 4 pounds is normal.

Keto is about hormones, not calories, and your body needs time to adjust.

(Casey Brown) #4

Thank you, @Brenda! I’m female, 25, no diabetes, etc., about 25-30 pounds to lose would be nice, so maybe that’s why my body is like, “uh, no thanks” to losing weight quickly. I guess I’ll just KCKO for a few more weeks to get fat adapted and then hopefully feel like fasting in the future. I bought a blood glucose tester so I can test my artificial sweeteners, but I’m having troubles getting enough blood drawn to test! Small downside of never having had to use one before, I guess. :smiley:


Probably a dumb question but what does PISS stand for? I couldn’t see it in the acronyms.

(Casey Brown) #6

Post Induction Stall Syndrome. I think it was used in Atkins. It’s been mentioned on the podcast before but I forget which one(s).


Ah thanks @Casey. I will now read up on it. :blush:

(Dustin Cade) #8

This might be pre induction stall syndrome…

split this topic #9

2 posts were split to a new topic: Yougurt or not?

Yougurt or not?
(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #10

:laughing: :laughing::laughing::laughing:

(Kathy L) #12

Feel like fasting??? At 2 weeks? Why the interest now?
I am 2 YEARS into LCHF and have never been interested in fasting-mainly because it just wouldn’t really fit into my lifestyle. i usually make dinner nightly for my husband & I ( he is not LCHF & im sure would scoff at the idea of fasting) BUT it just happened that this week, one or the other if us were not home at dinner time-so I took the opportunity to try a fast to break a stall. I’m at 60 hrs of a 72 hr fast that will end with a ribeye dinner! I’m pleasantly surprised -the hardest part is not hunger -it’s just that I LIKE FOOD -& the mindset of always having to eat something throughout the day.

(Dustin Cade) #13

Took me 7 months to work up to feast fast cycle…

(Kathy L) #14

2 years in - just completed 72 hrs. FIRST fast. :smile:

(Dustin Cade) #15

I’m on the downside of my first 72hr fast

(James storie) #16

I was keto for over 2 years before I tried extended fasting. I got really good at IF. I think is is important that you ate ready to fast before you do. Success is important!

(Jennie) #17

Not to harp on the much repeated stuff, but don’t forget the benefits you’re paying yourself by switching the way you’re eating. Many have reported inches lost without the scale numbers moving. Some report prior maladies going by the wayside as they change over. I, personally, have mental clarity and tons of energy without the constant craving of hunger dictating my every move. You sound like you’re nailing it, so don’t let the scale dictate too much too soon! :slight_smile:

(Casey Brown) #18

Thanks for the encouragement! I think my next step is to quit diet soda, because I still have cravings even after 2 weeks, and that must be what’s doing it.

(Mrs. M) #19

What is KCKO?

(What The Fast?!) #20

This one I know! Keep Calm, Keto On

(Mrs. M) #21

Thank you!!