PISS only 2 weeks in?

(Mike Glasbrener) #22

That might help you more than you think. I had to quit them too. Aspartame gives me massive headaches afterwards. I don’t have a Keto/Gluck meter so I’m not certain why. Now it’s water or unsweetened tea. Both of those are fine for me.

(Carpe salata!) #23

Plain soda water is a good substitute. It has the fizz but no sugar. Apparently it has some potassium too and is alkalising unlike other soda drinks. No phosphoric acid either. Also it’s very hydrating.

Next step is good plain water :slight_smile:

(Casey Brown) #24

Update: I fell off, but am back on (with my sister this time!!!) and I haven’t had a diet soda since I began and the weight is coming off much easier so far. Who knew??