Pecan (maple) Tart

(Kim Dinis) #21

Wow!!! I’m super chuffed everyone liked it :grinning::grinning: that is so cool!!! Thanks Brenda!
Also Yeah definitely let me know how it sets with less sweetner.
My husband loves that podcast! I’m really rather proud right now :grinning:

(Arlene) #22

The trouble with those little “two-bite” things is the number I consume. I work real hard at convincing myself that those little bites of joy don’t ever amount to much, no matter how many bites I take. I think I have a memory problem. I can never seem to remember how many I have eaten. One more couldn’t hurt.

(Beth) #23

@farmgirl, true! I meant to add “for the holidays”. We used to have little pecan tarts at Christmas time so my mind went back to those.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #24

I fed the tart to several people at the open house Thursday night, Dr. Fung’s coworker Megan Ramos Friday night, Dr.Gary Fettke and wife Saturday night, and Ivor Cummins and Dave Feldman and family last night.
Each time they freaked out.
Each time it cooked up perfect.
Each time I told them who invented it :heartpulse:

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #25

I used HALF the sweetener and it was fine. I also made it THREE times when I was here. First time I used 3/4 your sugar. Second time time HALF the sweetener .

(LongHaulKeto) #26

LOL…love all the name dropping…I’m sooooo jealous!

(Ritchie Linden) #27

after listening to the podcast today, I had to give this a go…

(Kim Dinis) #28

Did you like it?

(Kim Dinis) #29


(Ritchie Linden) #30

Actually yet to taste but my apartment smells amazing, 2 notes, for sure let the base cool before adding filling (school boy error) and I would probably increase the quantities next time to fill my 9 inch tray, as the base seemed really thin. But we will see
How it is once cooled

(Kim Dinis) #31

The smell is pretty awesome!! Yeah if it’s not cooled enough you lose a lot of the filling, it kinda soaks it up! It took a me ages before I wrote down the recipe. I always did it by sight and texture. So it’s easy to play with to fit your dish!

(Ritchie Linden) #32

Also I used stevia, we dont get much choice in sweetners in switzerland, so next time I will really dial back on that, as the strange mintly alcoholic sensation it provides is a bit overpowering

(Ritchie Linden) #33

one the less thank you for the recipe:grin:

(Dani) #34

Thanks for this great recipe! I made it today (with the maple flavour extras) for my family (keto-me, diabetic dad and two ‘regular’ food eaters. Everyone loved it, couldn’t believe it was sugar free, and dad was thrilled to take home the last piece. Only thing was, it stuck like crazy to the bottom of my aluminum pan, which I failed to grease or line. So, messy but still delicious. Live and learn!

(Kim Dinis) #35

Ah balls! My bad, I always forget to say about the greasing thing!

Awesome that everyone liked it!

(Dani) #36

I made these again last night, but skipped the crust and divided the filling into tiny nonstick miffin cups. Also, i used half butter half cocoa butter. Tasty!

They made 12 mini candies, two larger, and I still had a bit left so one “splat” on a parchment paper.

(Nigel Williams) #37

Trying this for the first time. Base cooling topping made. It’s a new strategy to get my kids of carbs. Hoping this will satisfy their sweet tooth.

Used Stevia in the base but xylitol in the topping as ran out of stevia. Reduced the xylitol to 60g.

Update later or tomorrow.

(Nigel Williams) #38

Didn’t make enough topping so did another batch of topping. So suspect the base will be too thin. Live and learn but had a quick taste and very nice if a little too sweet.

(Kim Dinis) #39

I think perhaps my pic is deceiving in terms of how big my pan is…Also too sweet seems to be a common thing. Maybe I should amend my recipe to a cut a third of the sugar… @Brenda Can I amend it?

(Kim Dinis) #40

Don’t worry @Brenda, I figured it out :blush: