OMAD - use for weight loss or no?

(KM) #62

For many people, sweeter = tastier, and the other carbs are cheap filler. The more oatmeal, rice, breadcrumbs and so on you can stuff in there, the less meat you need.

The thing I find really challenging about food and travel is that ordinarily I can accept this truth: eating is not supposed to be entertainment. Eating should be satisfying, but looking for maximum entertainment from your food is a good way to destroy your health. However, when I travel, it 's supposed to be Entertaining. The food is supposed to be entertaining, in my mind (or comforting, if things are going poorly). Which is when all hell breaks loose.


(Well not me :smiley: I do need my protein and nutrients… Adding carbs to make food cheaper never worked for me. But yes, it’s a common thing to do to some dishes.)
We have that for meatballs here, with buns soaked in milk (they are breaded too, well the most common one. I am not fully sure if I translate meatballs right… We do have round meaty things, breaded and not breaded and both have some grain filler. if someone else make them and not me)… And the blood/liver/lung not-sausages. Sausage is proper, mostly meat. For the driest sausages it’s 180% meat, that’s good stuff. For the “normal” ones, IDK… I search for it. Let’s see, my favorite kind must have at least 45% to have the specific name for it. And no carb filler, just water and spices, some pork fat…

Not if you are a creative hedonist with good taste! Of course I want maximal enjoyment from my food (everything included so if something makes me sick, of course it’s no good). Well, not always, sometimes I am just hungry and don’t care much. But I still care. Even when super hungry and don’t want joy from food, I can’t stomach just something I can’t consider tasty, at least not in proper amounts.
Maybe it’s because I am on low-carb (with tiny breaks, I have my weaknesses) since ages but normal carby food is often so bad I really pity people who eat store-bought sweets all the time, for example… Even my SO was glad when he finished the sweets we got in December as he prefers mine and his homemade things for his circa 20 sweet dishes per week… (I wrote sweet desserts first but sometimes it’s a main dish, sometimes it’s breakfast food, not exactly desserts.)
If I want maximum enjoyment, I better grab a pound of freshly fried somewhat fatty pork. It’s just impossible to make something much tastier than that. Except when it gets old but there is deer stew for that… I eat other things too, for variety, mostly but pork is unbeatable and a good base. It’s not like I sacrifice anything when I do carnivore (if I want fruits, I just quit immediately… I am not good with sacrifices but I got pretty patient, I can live for weeks without fruits. the best fruits just reach good pork but they are candy, not food).
When I travel, I like to try out interesting food there but I still can’t just sugar poison myself, that wouldn’t even feel good while eating. Fruits galore (I mostly mean variety and frequency, not a huge total amount, that wouldn’t feel good. but it wouldn’t be my usual tiny amount), I totally plan that for our planned Italian beach holiday this year. I wouldn’t go out of my way but the hotels seem to have an impressive selection and I can’t even resist that even theoretically. Fruits are bad enough, full with sugar… Fruits and normal food, I can’t get much more joy than that, it’s about the maximum. But we will see.

By the way, my OMAD day #1 is done, it was great.



I´m not talking Harleys or other tractors now but real sportbike riding. My leathers are completely soaked in half an hour,riding twisties at missile speed. You use your whole body,all muscles,all the time. An afternoon burns tons of calories. I´m practising my old legs all winter for bike,squats and a crosstrainer and a spinning bike… no exercise… come on now!

Of course sitting upright on a moving sofa with legs straight in front is what some call motorbike riding but no way… I have had 20+ bikes including a few cruisers,also a Harley,no,I will never be mentally that old!

Watch some Moto-GP. How many fat guys do you see? No exercise…

My recent ride goes past 300 km/h. First gear 140 km/h. You don´t really eat on these bikes… :slight_smile:


Not like I have any experience with anything else but cruisers are the best :smiley: So comfortable! :smiley: No need for those motorized luxury armchairs, just a simple tiny comfy thing like I had…
My SO never said it felt exercise to him either and he had a different type of bike. Of course, the riding style can be quite different too. And the ones who does some acrobatic things in mountains, well they can use up zillion calories for sure. But for some chill riding, nope, not even nearly as much as exercise as a slow walk :frowning: At least not for us. I would have felt it. Riding my bike totally kept me fat - just like hiking, actually, I could eat…
When my little bike had a problem and I had to push it up to the hilltop where I live (it took 1.5 hours… in the end, every tiny grass patch was my enemy… oh yes, it was bad terrain :smiley: )… THAT was exercise. It’s good my bike was so very light and on wheels… I am not strong, sadly.


Shiney,this is me last summer @ 61. Probably 110 kg and the same number waist in cm, wearing my largest leathers #62.

I was wearing #56 two years earlier. Then new medications (Rosuvastatin, Metoprolol) and “standard” diet kicked in.


Back to OMAD from motorbikes:

I´m feeling absolutely great after a couple of OMAD days, despite my calories going a bit low. That´s my only problem with OMAD. Excellent sleep too. Full energy but still relaxed, that good old keto-feel.

I did not intend to go OMAD this quickly (sixth week keto only) but this is going that way so naturally again. My OMAD is not totally strict, I had two coffees with a little butter and coconut oil for breakfast but other than that,water only. No hunger.

I´ll see the rest of the week like this.

(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #68

Is that the ‘Ninja’ warrior diet? lol

I’ve thought about OMAD a few times but even on Carni my system is screaming at me so I don’t pursue it.
All my stats are good so I’ll carry on with 2 meals … and sometimes even 3 :scream:


I apparently unintentially switched from OMAD to “one proper, OMAD sized meal and if I am really, really hungry, a smaller one” :frowning: I just get hungry too early or too late. I will get the hang of it eventually, probably… When I will be well in carnivore land (the first days tend to be different), we will see what happens…

Today I did the almost impossible, tiny lunch! My proper meal comes later, I go for a 3 hour eating window, that’s not so bad either… My current weird problem is that I finally manage to eat lean and now I lack calories if I mostly eat meat… And I am not sure adding a bunch of sour cream is a good solution as it’s not satiating. Oh well, I experiment and will see! :smiley:

Carni was the worst enemy for my OMAD for a long time… My food is too satiating so I couldn’t eat big enough meals - and I got hungry too early anyway. Lunch OMAD is nearly impossible for me, too many hours until bed so I get hungry again. Now I can skip lunch (there was a mental problem too, I wasn’t only not satiated and maybe a bit hungry but I just made food, my SO came home to have lunch… it was too tempting. I only skipped it if I was still very satiated but I rarely had that at 3pm) and it’s not hard to eat a few dense bites with many hundreds of calories after getting satiated so I should be able to pull off carnivore OMAD for a few days at least…? But I finally, first time in my life can eat lean, now I must switch gears…? :frowning:
Sadly my body doesn’t accept even the occasional lower-cal day (I blame my overeating past, I can’t ever be free from it) so if I want to pull off OMAD, I either should stuff myself every time with fatty food (maybe it still wouldn’t work, IDK, I almost always combine OMAD with my usual “as little food as comfortably possible” attitude) or using too much effort, focus, planning, keeping track… I must stay in a small calorie range (I can’t even track that accurately if I eat meat) and do some epically great food choices. Well mostly red meat should work for that but maybe if I eat more fatty dairy, it harms my long term satiation.
Maybe I will just try some more carefree style BUT I still need to track as at least my protein intake must be close to its target.
It’s difficult. But I can experiment, so many different styles…

I have no problem with the occasional 3 as long as I don’t eat way too much on average… 5 is annoying but I hopefully lost those. We will see after more carnivore days, it does weird things to my eating abilities sometimes.
But one is so convenient when I don’t get hungry… I love food and all kinds of things involving it, multiple meals just take so much time and brain and effort… Unless 1-2 are tiny, just grabbing a bite of something but that’s not really my style. Even my small lunch today had 5 different items.


Hahaha! :slight_smile:

Bought this today. I had a bite of parmesan in the afternoon so no strict OMAD. But OMAD-Ninja-NOMAD clearly is my direction.

My idle consumption may be less than the tables estimate.


Is there a way to find out one’s real idle calorie consumption? I’m starting to think my repaired but still broken,underpowered heart might be causing me use less calories at idle,too.

I might buy an Oura ring or something if I could figure out my real calorie need. But you estimate your idle data for all these gadgets.

Some info says that a bad heart does the opposite,though. An inefficient , bad heart has to work harder to keep everything working,thus needing more fuel…? I don’t know.

What I do know is, this 850 kcal 7 PM dinner would keep me happy for the next 24 hours. But that can not be right nor good, I will figure out yogurt, nuts something more to eat tonight. I have five grams of carbs by now.

I’m sure some folks would love this situation, being happy with very little food… But this is weird.


I don’t know but as I can’t even guess my eaten calories very well, it matters little to me. And I have some level of activity even if it’s low… I would be doomed without that, in various ways.

I would be torn. I would want to love it BUT it would be not even low-key starvation for me… Oh I would love every second or third day of mine to be like that! And I would eat well on the others. (But doing a few fat fast days a week would be even better and I theoretically can do it.)
OMAD tends to be not that indulgent though :frowning: I may get satiated easily but then I will feel starving later. But 2MAD doesn’t work either… And 1.5MAD probably needs too much attention and being careful. I don’t want to be careful.

My dinner was too small too, about 1000 kcal but I had a circa 380 kcal lunch too. Still too little food. All are vague guesstimations though I tried to make an educated guess about the fattiness of my meat. Oh well, I don’t need accuracy, tracking is still helpful sometimes.

I am not at the part where I try to stuff myself yet. I just focus on good food choices and eat when very hungry. And keep my protein at the minimum (130g), that’s my highest priority when it comes to trying to control my intake. I got pretty good at that.

I really go for OMAD from now on. If it seems viable, I mean. Flexibility is important and carnivore does weird things to me sometimes. (I will never forget when I got hungry once and got very satiated by ONE egg. It was early on the day but still! I never had that, not before, not since. But I got 5MAD days, no hunger for weeks and other weird things.)


Tracking eaten macros is easy for me. Almost everything is in the app already by either brand name or just “minced beef & pork, 23 %” for example. And if not, macros are on the packages. I get everything from supermarkets like Lidl.

Luckily so because I can not follow my non-existing hunger. And the less I eat, the less hunger there is… I need to make a new plan to up my calories!

Maybe start with an appetizer like nuts, olives, salami,cheese… that means my carbs will go up but so be it. Some changes like that need to be done. These few test days show that clearly.


But I eat pork… The fat content is quite unknown and varied. Macros aren’t in packages for fresh meat, only processed (and even that isn’t accurate when the different pieces are clearly different, it happens to pork jowl and belly - but I don’t eat so very much of these so it’s not THAT bad. though there is difference between 86% and 75% fat… and what if I eat the fatty part because my SO wants the meaty one?).
I bought pork loin that was way more fatty than the average pork chuck. And pretty lean shoulder.

Chicken gets trickier (bones, skin, lost fat) but I measured a lot and came out with some vaguely okay guess, good enough for me.
I don’t even try when I eat scratchings :smiley: I managed to make some super lean ones last time and my data says it is supposed to be 83% fat in weight (and indeed, if I buy it, it oozes fat. but if I make it, it is different. usually fatty though, last time I went too far, it seems).

The other items are usually quite okay. But I mostly live on pork at this point. I thought if I eat enough lean pork, tracking will be more accurate. It still isn’t due to the very huge variation and the trimming (like I cut off the fattier parts and eat them. but sometimes I eat the leaner pieces).

If I didn’t feel how my meat is compared to the average pork chuck (that may or may not be what I get from the database. the program I use usually have various data for most things, by the way… and probably most of them are right, things differ), I would be totally lost. But I am not, I am just aware that my accuracy isn’t so great. But it’s not THAT bad. If I calculate 1600 kcal, I probably didn’t eat 1200 or over 2000… I definitely think so. But 1500 or 1700 has decent chances as far as I can tell. I can’t get much more accurate with my meat.

But actually… I don’t care about my CI or CO. Just the balance. If I eat in a specific style with similar days all the time with similar activity and circumstances, I should see if it works well enough.

I basically had such an appetizer mix for lunch! :smiley: I mean, carnivore but cheese, fatty processed meat… The boiled egg felt a right fit too, more satiating than the others but not very much.
I needed quick temporal satiation beyond extra fat (it’s so crazy my main food is lean now but it’s nice. and it’s not super lean, it’s pork with nice visible fat but I need more energy) and it worked well for that too. But they definitely add calories pretty easily. I had problems with my such fatty little things when I ate them for 2-3 meals. As I ate fattier meats and much more eggs and the total fat was just too much.
On OMAD and with leaner meats, I need to involve these little things more - after I fought so much to be able to minimize them… I need some time to figure this out and meanwhile carnivore and OMAD slowly will make their changes on my hunger, eating ability, appetite and whatnot… Hopefully things fall into place moderately soon.

(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #75

Really? … You’ve gotta trust that feeling I guess. Thinking back, when I first started, I too was satisfied with small dinners. Nowadays, 2 years in, I’m probably eating 1500 calories twice a day. Not that I ever count.
I’m thinking that even when trying to lose weight (fat) you still need nutrients. And if your coming from a SAD diet you may need even more nutrients!

(KM) #76

I think the conventional wisdom is that undereating will eventually slow your metabolism, i.e. “starvation mode”. Adding butter or olive oil or pan drippings to your meal can put in a few hundred calories w/o carbs. Bacon makes everything taste better! Pork cracklin’ (pork rinds) add fat and little protein, jerky or biltong = calories and protein (and fat if you’re lazy about cutting the fat off first, like I am). You don’t have to add carbs to add calories. :slightly_smiling_face:

I have no idea if it’s a thing where you are, but tongue is an incredibly tender tasty High fat meat / coldcut.


I´m absolutely not trusting that feeling. It would make me undereat real bad.

This is the “Good,Old Keto Superhuman” that needs no food nor sleep. And then he dies.


Yes I know all this very well.I´m just watching this phenomenon happening on me,still surprised. But,I may do a human test the rest of the week, I´m feeling really good.

My fat % is good, 70-80 %. I even eat like 30 g of butter every day. A teaspoon is 10 g, easy and tasty! :slight_smile:


Oh yes that makes for a good lunch. If one eats lunch!


I used to have a proper, bigger lunch (as a small one just made me hungry, I simply couldn’t stop there) and a smaller dinner but things changed! It’s very new and surprising.

My fat percentage is great too, 60-65%! :slight_smile: Not like the percentage itself is what matters but for my energy need, goals and protein need, this percentage is usually good. I mean, good days have this percentage. I can epically overeat with this percentage so it’s not enough to keep it there. I used to have about 65% fat every day for a long time (as all my food was there), no matter if I ate little or much. There was some little variation as my protein was more stable and fat could be all over the place except low but it was pretty much always around that. Sometimes with 110g fat, sometimes with 260 (okay that was rare but very easy and enjoyable).

I manage to get lower only recently (I was lower before but only once in several years with great difficulties. even if I really wanted to try, I had to food for it). I always could do 65-90% fat though the higher ones weren’t for longer term. Even 90% was tricky without meat, I managed to plan 88 but more? Now I can do 90 just fine. But those are low-cal fat fast days, a proper day like that would have been challenging. Even without 130g protein. I probably could stay lower on those days… I could do 80% normally but that’s too much fat for me. As even 65% was.

It’s fun to look at percentages and especially numbers. One of the biggest benefit of tracking.


I noticed (by blood meter) that my ketones went lower when I purchased a Sous Vide circulator and started eating delicious beef… more beef than before.

I´m having problems keeping my protein around 30% energy if I go wild with beef. 23 fat% minced pork/beef keeps my fat better.

I melted some butter with garlic and oregano,as sauce for broccoli and beans yesterday. I just ate a couple of big spoonfuls ( 25 g) of it,it´s tasty by itself too. Just to balance the macros and to get calories up.

Too much protein keeps me satiated too early, leading to deficit which I don`t need nor like. So butter comes to rescue.

Sous Vide is lovely.