It is surely individual. I met someone who allegedly epically overate on OMAD… 
Some people are starving on OMAD, IDK why they force it…
I believe OMAD is wonderful for me - if I can pull it off. I rarely can on carnivore, I just can’t eat big enough meals. As I raise carbs, it gets easier and I can trust it WILL happen on high-carb if I put my mind on it. Too bad my body wants carnivore 
When I stopped losing fat and put some effort into OMAD, I started to lose. I know OMAD helps with zillion things including fat-loss. I hardly can overeat on OMAD, at least when I don’t do my best to do it (I have my ways and they include carbs). Even for maintenance, I probably need carbs or some effort. So yes, it’s good for my fat-loss. The bigger my meal, the longer the satiation (if the food is similar and I get my high protein), I experienced that all my life. It even works with high-carb, a really big meal lasts for a day (see my easy carby OMAD).
So it would work to me if I could pull it off.
But we all are different. Maybe it would work for someone with the right timing and food choices but they do it unwell. There are people who uses the most satiation low-cal items even on OMAD, no wonder their tiny meal can’t do much good. I can eat but if I want to do OMAD, I need to choose my food items very, very well or else I get satiated before I ate enough for the day. The fact that fat doesn’t really satiate me helps but not enough when my carbs aren’t present to induce a big hunger. Well, ability to eat. I don’t need hunger or appetite to eat a big meal. But my meat is satiating and it sometimes gives me a stop sign.
So OMAD is tricky. Other people may just deal with the hunger or lack of satiation later but I am not that type. If my meal is too small, I will need another later. That’s one reason why I try to put my hopefully OMAD meal kind of late (not too late, that rarely works for me). But if it’s not OMAD sized, it won’t work.
Today is probably not OMAD. I ate after 16:15 but couldn’t eat my planned daily food and my protein is clearly below 120g. I will get hungry again… Oh well, TMAD is still better than the 3MADs and 4MAD I had this week…
But I do want OMAD. It makes almost everything food related better for me.