Maybe because it’s called “fatty” liver. I was fat before Keto diet, at that time I was 22 pounds more than I am. And losing weight has helped improved my fatty liver from middle level to light level.
Mainly pork or pork liver or chicken liver or fish or shrimp with a little bit greens.
My body has exactly zero reason to do anything like that on OMAD as I don’t starve myself.
This is basic, we never should starve ourselves, no matter if we eat 1 or 6 times a day…
I don’t say OMAD can’t do bad things to certain people (even to me if it resulted in starvation but no, if I undereat, I just quit OMAD, I don’t even need to do it intentionally, it happens) but when done right, it really shouldn’t. It should be great for maintenance, fat-loss and muscle-gain alike if the one in question manages to eat the right macros and compatible with eating rare, bigger meals.
I still can’t imagine how I could ever lose fat when I eat at least 2 times a day (well I can but such special days don’t happen often in my life. maybe now that I manage to focus on leanish meat).
But it’s possible my higher-cal days help. Not like it would be sooo hard to do them on OMAD. My body doesn’t seem to think 23 hours being a too long time but if it’s not true for others, they should do something else. Each to their own.
I hope I don’t repeat myself too much, it was so long, IDK what I wrote here before.
Why couldn’t be both?
OMAD is one of the most helpful things if I want to lose fat according to my (sadly tiny) experiences (but using my knowledge about myself very seriously points into that direction too) but it’s me. Others may gain on OMAD or everything in-between and it’s just fat-loss.
“Maybe because it’s called “fatty” liver. I was fat before Keto diet, at that time I was 22 pounds more than I am. And losing weight has helped improved my fatty liver from middle level to light level.”
I think you are making some great food choices.
You have clearly had success in reducing your fatty liver condition.
Have you considered that it might not be the act of losing weight which improved your liver, but the adoption of keto and OMAD has done two things:
improved your liver condition; and
caused weightloss ?
I think that continuing to follow OMAD and keto way of eating will fully reverse the fatty liver disease without you needing to lose more weight. You may slowly lose another pound or so, but you are very close to your body’s preferred weight and it is likely to try and maintain you at that size and body composition.
Yes, I will not stop OMAD until I learned some convincing scientific proof that OMAD is bad to me, I am still doing it.
I just noticed a little changes of my body, and I’m not sure if it’s related to OMAD or something else, so I searched OMAD in this forum, and then I saw this post, at the last I wrote something of my feeling. My main point is that I think OMAD is very good to loose weight at the beginning, and when our body gets into a starvation mode, OMAD will stop work. As I learned from this forum, eating more fat will make us lose more weight, and I agree with this point.
I haven’t starved my body too, I eat enough food at the supper and I don’t stop eating until I am satisfied. I believe every body is different, so every body has a different decision on when to switch to starvation mode.
I believe I have been already in starvation mode, but as I know there is not a standard or threshold to measure if our body is in starvation mode, even the starvation mode can’t be proved with concrete science study, so it’s just about feelings, not science.
Why do I think I am in starvation mode is that, I found that I don’t need to have bowl for several days. That means my body have used almost all the foods I feed it, with no any waste.
I play it by ear. I eat when I start thinking a lot about food. At the start, years ago, I ate 2 or three meals a day. Several years in, I often eat OMAD, just because I am not really interested in eating. I let my body decide what it wants. I have never done well on regimented or restrictive diets. Or anything regimented or restrictive for that matter, lol. I guess I am just a free spirit.
I recognize though that others may do better with guidelines, so I don’t knock that. One must find what works for oneself and do that.
I still don’t think a healthy body should ever go to starvation mode without starvation… I suppose I have exactly zero risk for that and never think/worry about it at all. (If someone works in more mysterious ways, they should do what it good for them, of course).
And I am very sure I need to eat a modest amount of fat to lose fat (way less than what I desire but I can make it work so I won’t feel too restricted. and I keep my higher-fat days anyway, for a breather). My body is simple like that, it needs a reason to get out energy from the reserves. Very many experienced the same, no wonder.
OMAD done every day is just starvation by another name. Fasting, IF, or OMAD done every day defeats its purpose. Dr. Fung’s protocol is primarily for patients with T2D or pre-T2D. He also combines a fasting protocol with a Keto protocol. Those patients have difficulty accessing their fat storage for energy. Even when walking, their blood lactate level can be well above 2 mmol/L. Fasting can help with this. Once the sugar has been burned through, the body then can access fat and can be used as fuel, hopefully. Fasting helps with this. Depending on the severity of the patient, he will recommend up to a 3-day fast. Generally, in the beginning, he will recommend a 16/8 2-3 days per week combined with a Keto protocol. He does not recommend fasting or types of fasting every day. He does not fast nor does he eat a keto diet; rather, he skips meals because he is too busy and forgets to eat. He sees fasting and keto as protocols to be used to address blood sugar issues in the short term (6-12 months). Once blood sugar levels have normalized, he recommends LCH.
Definitely not. Giving (almost, there is no perfection) all the nutrients and plenty of energy to my body each and every day never was starvation. Maybe for some though it’s quite extreme, 23 hour is a VERY short time. But fine, some people need to eat more often, sure. Some can’t even eat a big meal. OMAD is merely a good way to avoid overeating for me. Healthy, very much (Except when I happen to have small meals or a bigger need or just a mood to eat all day. I don’t do OMAD then.)
Why would it? Not like I care about purpose. NOT doing IF is torture to me (I have days when I don’t do it but that’s one occasional day and it’s usually very bad, I make some mistake)… During human history IF was a very normal thing to do for many of us. I hate force-feeding, sorry and I don’t see why I would need that… Not doing IF would go against several things people consider right on this forum in my case. Like not eating when not hungry. (I don’t fully agree with that as I am not that simple that it could work so well but it’s almost a good advice even for me.)
Each to their own. If you don’t want to do IF all the time, don’t do it. We others totally could listen to our body when it definitely wants way, way smaller eating windows than the huge one that still belongs to IF (8 hour, I consider it the IF with the biggest eating window).
I am just an uncontrolled hedonist so I don’t even have the willpower not to do IF… IF is how I live and there are no other options.
And I got a bit protective but I tend to do that… It doesn’t matter, really as it won’t change and other people’s opinion doesn’t matter a thing in it anyway.
So in summary, you eat the way you do because of the way you feel? Fine, there is nothing wrong with that, except if you are trying to balance your blood sugar. Balance, or lowering your blood sugar response, is why Fung recommends fasting and why the overwhelming majority do it. Again, eating one meal a day for a long period of time defeats the purpose of getting your blood sugar under control. Eating 1500 calories (the average minimum requirement) and getting enough nutrients in one sitting is hard to do day after day. Fung talks about this. From what you state, you seem to eat ad libitum and do not fast every day. Why do you do OMAD, IF, or Carnivore if not to better balance your body’s response to food, namely, blood sugar or weight control, or, as I suspect, because you do not care about the numbers for some reason but only how you feel? How do you know something is working if you do not measure it?
When I do OMAD, and it tends to be in sporadic phases, it is simply because I am not hungry. Also, my one meal tends to be much bigger than what I would eat if I ate two meals. I was borderline diabetic when I started and have not needed Metformin in a couple of years now. Thinking about it, I also eat the way I do because of the way I feel, and the way it makes me feel. My initial objective was weight loss and getting healthier. I did accomplish this.
Yes, did OMAD for weight loss initially. And, it works - for me anyway. It turns out, that as I did OMAD - it felt like there was an unspoken challenge in there- to do extended fasting. And, thanks to Dr. Fung and all his wonderful talks and videos- And, Dr. Berry, Dr. Boz, et al. - extended fasting has become a glorious part of my life. By the fourth day of fasting, I feel a bit like a caterpillar emerging from its cocoon as a butterfly. By that, I mean to say that the sensation of all that is going on internally makes me feel like I could fly. Seriously, my eyes turned an incredible shade of blue; skin was completely clear and glowing, I felt like running down the middle of the road, and the mental clarity was alarming. Didn’t really understand how debilitating “brain-fog” is until I was rid of it via EF.
So, 1-2 seven day fasts a year right now. But, I’d like to go longer and see if 10 days is possible for me. For the regular OMAD sort of days, I try to incorporate more fat than protien like 75-25 or 80-20. And, I am satiated much faster than if I ate carbs and more protein with less fat. My body responds best to that 80-20 kind of ratio.
One item that is rarely talked about when extending fasting or OMAD on a regular basis is the potential loss of muscle mass. We tend to only focus on weight loss and the potential autophagy. Not so much of an issue if young, however, over the age of 50 protecting or growing muscle mass is very important and hard to do for most people. Falls over the age of 65+ are the leading cause of injury and injury death in this age group. Women fall more often than men and account for three-quarters of all hip fractures in the US.
I don’t really care about my blood sugar, it’s my body’s job to keep it right.
But my IF has really nothing to doi with that. It’s just how I live. I did IF on high-carb too… Actually, if I can’t avoid high-carb, I really need to do OMAD at least, to mitigate the problems.
For many, yes, they shouldn’t do OMAD. I need more food than that on OMAD and I have a good enough woe to get most of the nutrients I need as far as I know. And eating my tiny energy need isn’t often a challenge though it got harder as my carbs dropped. But I can make it happen.
Even if something is lacking, it has nothing to do with the size of my eating window, I would lack that with 6 meals too. OMAD is merely eating our food at once. The same food (minus overeating in my case but I consider that good), just at once. It’s still frequent enough for the human body, at least in very many cases but if someone is different, they shouldn’t do OMAD at all.
Not exactly but not too far I suppose.
Because it’s the easiest or where I feel good or my best chance to eat as little as I can… The latter is good for food cost and avoiding overeating. I don’t like being wasteful.
IF is my norm, it would be self-torture not to do it.
I have multiple very good reasons.
And I am super stubborn and decided on my way (my body gave me signs it’s the right way).
I want to live beyond 130 in good health and it takes efforts. Hence I don’t eat as I wish but I am not displeased, I eat well and it will get even better. I still almost maximalize enjoyment and that’s what my ultimate goal. Becoming a very, very great hedonist.
I LOVE numbers, a bit too much, sadly. I measure whatever I can.
Yep. I agree. I’m over 50, and have the bone density of a 20 year old. (Had it tested.) Thank my mama for a pretty good diet (w supplements )growing up. As for muscles…Over 20 years now, chopping wood, baling and stacking hay, shoveling snow, kayaking, hiking-- all good forms of exercise. But, by far the best thing for me has been planking.
This is the crazy thing: After the fourth day into a fast is when I feel the most energetic and will go crazy w energy- and hike or run. planking, pushups, situps - whatever. When I eat though, it is primarily carnivore- and grass fed beef or our own chicken eggs. So the fat and protein are present.
As for the bones…The only actual fracture (aside from one in the cheekbone when I got into a fight 35 years ago), was the jar of pickles that rolled out of the fridge on my bare foot. That was a doozy. And, a darn big jar of pickles! I’ve slipped on the ice and fallen. Gone skiing and fallen. Tripped over the dog and fallen. Never broke nothing.( Partially tore a tendon or two, but not a break or fracture.) But, a jar of pickles ruined my record!
Why would I lose muscle mass if I eat high protein each and every day? And even do keto, usually (it is considered muscle sparing)? I never worry about that.
People gain muscle on OMAD too and why wouldn’t they…? The body doesn’t need protein intake all the time, once a day is enough. If someone experiences it’s not true for them, bad for them or not but don’t do OMAD.
Poor OMAD, people blame it for things like low energy intake or low protein intake. Of course, if one does OMAD wrong, it may do bad things… Don’t do that.
The only way our bodies will resort to using muscle to keep us alive is when our bodies have basically no fat stores left to use as food for keep us alive. I don’t know about you but I have more than enough fat for my body to rely on for many days. And I am someone that makes sure I get enough protein when I eat or even drink my milk, I insure this by way of whey protein powder that I can add to almost anything. Milk, soups, vegetables etc.