November 2019 - IF/EF Chat Thread (All Welcome)



Yeah, I got up early and decided to hunt a few hours before pulling my stand. Was planning to move my stand over to the new area, but didn’t want to waste the morning. Winds were swirly and blowing in the direction I normally see Deer, but I stayed anyway… Had a 4 point come in and winded me at just 45 yards, then had an 8 pointer chases the hell out of a Doe on the steep hill behind me. Ran her back and forth for a couple minutes and then ran off. Then I had a large 8 pointer sneak in right in front of me, but again, the winds were blowing right toward him, so he started blowing and walked back up the hill that is front of me. … Decided not to stay and pulled out, not wanting to just educate them any longer, so at the house grabbing a quick bite and heading back over to the new area to hunt the rest of the day. But the rut seems to be kicking in presently, so hoping to see even better action this afternoon. :+1: :deer:

(Mame) #262

Yes, this is so true for me, in the end for me it comes down to working on my mind and paying attention. For me this means blood measurements and scale daily and as close to 0 carb as I can. I don’t count other macros.

Congrats on getting through Friday.

(back and doublin' down) #263

Good Morning Fellow Fasters! Anyone fasting pre-holiday? Just cause its on the schedule?

I finished my feast last night by cooking a 16oz T-Bone, then could only eat 1/2 of it. 12 hours into 42 fasting hours. Have special bottles of mineral water and seltzers stocked up in the frig. Though I love them every day, saving them for fasting days. And replenished my favorite Celestial Seasonings teas, Morning Thunder & Peppermint bark (peppermint and black tea). I love the caffeine from black tea on fasting days. Forgot to pick up more green tea but have some marginally acceptable green tea provided by work.

Here’s to a great week!

(Susan) #264

I did about 50 hours on the Zornfast, otherwise I am sticking to one meal a day. The junk at work continues to be a problem, but I figure I am maintaining my weight at about 170lbs by fasting often. Not the healthiest of choices but with all the extra work I have been doing I have given up the battle with myself. I tell me I will do it when I am ready, and I believe myself.There is no arguing with me.

(Susan) #265

I would be so excited if I was 170 pounds, Susan, so try not to feel so discouraged. I have read over and over again on the forum, of people that stayed at a weight for ages and then they started losing again.

I am doing my IDM protocol so today is a Fasting Day-(from 4pm yesterday until tomorrow at 1pm for this round -for 45 hours. I usually do 44 hours from 5pm-one full day fast to go to the following day at 1pm -but my son was over yesterday and wanted to eat a very early supper so I ended up having it ready before 4 for them and made something simple for me so I was done eating by 4pm, so this one will be 45 hours.


I am not losing weight now (I lost one pound at the beginning) but that is okay, I feel good and I know my body is healing and improving and it is all good =).


I’ve been doing a bit of pre-emptive ADF because I definitely have trouble keeping to a plan on Thanksgiving (it’s not the meal itself! it’s all the cooking and tasting and family chaos - and because of the schedule, it will be three full days like that :no_mouth:). Once I go off plan I sometimes have a really difficult time getting back on, but I’m wondering if it will be easier to get back on track if I’m a few pounds below my maintenance weight at the start, and also if I go in assuming that things will be chaotic and just embrace it (then wind up the weekend with a fast on Sunday).

Anyway…since midweek last week I’ve been doing ADF, with a dry 24-30 hours within each of those 48 hours. I’ll continue that until Thursday, eat happily for three days, and then plan to fast on Sunday, after which back to my usual OMAD and one 48 hr fast/week. I’m on round 3 of the ADF today and I feel great and super productive. I’ve never done ADF before and it’s kind of fun. Also since I’ve been mostly on OMAD for this fall, 47hr fasting just means skipping one meal :slight_smile: so I think about it briefly at lunch time and otherwise it’s not on my mind at all.

I’ve only skimmed the beginning of the thread but it’s great to see so many folks checking in!



(Bob M) #268

I’m attempting a 36 hour fast today. Might be difficult, as we’re also preparing for Thanksgiving, getting two turkeys, cutting them into breasts and legs/thighs, removing the thigh bones, brining the breasts, cooking stock with the other parts, etc. I also have to cook myself beef liver and ground beef to eat for the next two days.

If I can make it, I’ll report back. Otherwise, who’s up for a 3+ day fast in the first week of December?


Ha! I can’t really do three days in a row anymore, but I have a crazy work week next week and might end up joining you for a day or two just to keep things simple (also in case I go overboard this weekend…)

(Susan) #270

I work Dec 1- 4th. I have the 2nd and 3rd weeks off for vacation. I can’t fast on days I am working. I plan a good fast in December. The length of time I fast will be determined by whether or not I do overtime on the weekends.


Was actually just telling the Wife I would probably forego dinner tonight and just Fast for a bit…

(Bob M) #272

@xsuebeex and @Madeleine I’ll let you know then. We’ll have to see what I can do. I’ve been having a difficult time lately just making it 36 hours. 4.5 days used to not be an issue for me, but lately it’s been harder for me. So, we’ll see.

(back and doublin' down) #273

I’ll be doing fasts Mon/Wed/Fri at least through the 2nd week in December, so will definitely be around to support whatever someone else is doing!

Make a plan. Fasting seems so much easier for me when I’m planning.


I’ve actually ended up doing about 30 hrs. between meals most of this week. Though I’ve always said, IMO, anything over or beyond 24 hrs. is an EF, I’m seeing these more like just extended OMAD’s. But plan to skip tomorrow altogether & won’t probably eat anything till Thursday night, since we have plans to visit our neighbors as we do each year and will be hunting at least the morning on Thursday. - (I’ve actually taken some nice Deer over the years on Thanksgiving Day.) … But this would give me at least 48 hrs. which would cap off a pretty decent week altogether.

(back and doublin' down) #275

Nice Thursday plan, Dave!

Just rolled into my next 42hr fast. Got started a little late due to working late. All sorts of snow and wind supposedly headed this way that’s going to prevent me from getting to my son’s for Thanksgiving, may keep me in for the whole long weekend.

(John) #276

Well, the Thanksgiving consumption has wound down. I am starting my weekly Fasting Friday here at about 6:30 PM Thursday, my final fast of the month (because the month is almost over). Then 4 more Fridays in the year, and it will be the new year!


Well unfortunately, those plans didn’t work out as I had hoped. (Actually been a bad week for planning overall. :expressionless:)

I got home yesterday and for some reason, started feeling a little bad on the ride home, and started to get a headache too. So I actually laid down and fell asleep for an hour or so and when I woke, I was having some stomach issues? - Not sure what the cause was since I hadn’t eaten anything really, but a little while later I decided to try eating something which seemed to help some. But then they also were calling for high winds again, so hunting was also out for this morning as well. :confounded: So hoping to get some time in tomorrow and might just say screw it & Fast some over the weekend, which I don’t usually do?

Have to see… Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. :+1:

(back and doublin' down) #278

@Digital_Dave My mama always said “wanna see God laugh? make plans…” Most sorry to hear the biggest deterrent was a health thing. Maybe there’s a bug going around? I certainly hear about viruses going through communities around here.

The predicted snowfall that kept me on my side of the pass and not celebrating Thanksgiving with my son and his family didn’t get here until this morning. Maybe we can see each other by Sunday.

Feasted yesterday. Even sticking totally keto, definitely ate more than needed. So, @JohnH, joining you for a Fasting Friday. I’ve decided it’s much easier to simply Not Eat.

(Jane Srygley) #279

Not eating today! Well, until 5pm anyway… Then I’m going to skip the veggies because I’ve been the bloat queen lately even with beano. Yesterday I probably ate a POUND of fucking cauliflower because I was trying NOT to eat crackers and biscuits so now I don’t even want to LOOK at a vegetable!!!

I had keto-friendly foods yesterday with the exception of the wine (white and sweet) and I ate an absolutely STUPID amount of food. I got kicked out of ketosis and gained a little over 4 lbs but OMG IT COULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH WORSE!!! And I’m sure my OMAD will be really helpful today.

KCFO :smile:

(back and doublin' down) #280

Yep! Even better, we have a way to recover rather than continue to do damage. I ate three meals, was home alone and feeling sorry for myself so gave myself permission to binge, still stayed keto so I know I’ll bounce back. May fast until Sunday depending on what the scale says in the morning.