New Year 2018 fast?

(Naomi Brewster) #21

I intended to fast between Christmas and New Year which didn’t happen. Count me in starting tonight :slight_smile: I too have had a carb creep over festive season and need to get back on track.

(Michele) #22

I’m on day 4 right now (started Friday 29/12). I decided to see if I could fast when I was climbing the hill in the local park/walking tracks. Had tried 3 months ago and quit on day 3.
Did the same hill climb at a somewhat slower pace as a test. Had a nana-nap (sleep) a couple of hours later!


Just what I was looking for! I am in. :smile: I have done a few fasts before with my record at 72 hours while still using my MCT oil powder coffee, tea and water. I noticed some folks talking about loading up on fat right before. Is that helpful?

(Becky Searls) #24

The more fat you eat before the longer you’ll feel full as you start your fast, which can make it easier to get through day 1 and maybe day 2, which people tend to have the hardest time with on extended fasts!


Thank you! I will load up on the fat today and start my fast tomorrow. I do remember day 2 when I have done fasting in the past, I just didn’t know that loading on fat would be helpful. Happy fasting, everyone!

(Becky Searls) #26

Good luck! @meganjramos has also suggested eating avocado the day before fasting for the potassium!

(Michael ) #27

That was my plan. I did good at hitting 24 hrs but got bored or depressed and ate every day. I’m going to try harder this time


I will be coming here for support every day! Lets do this!

(Michael ) #29

Here’s some information on the potential benefits to keep people motivated. Remember to take plenty of electrolytes and water, and avoid sweeteners or too much coffee.


I find getting past 24 hours is the hardest. I officially set my start time for fast last evening so I will be closer to bedtime when the 24h comes up and hopefully I can sleep through it. :sleeping::grin:

(Michael ) #31

I’ve been intermittent fasting for awhile so 24 hours is easy but i tend to get bored and low mood so typically eat around then. I’m going to utilize group accountability on the forums to keep me going. No one locally to hold me accountable. Only to criticize

(MakinBacon) #32

I plan on starting my fast after dinner tonight. Been planning this for weeks, so I’ll join in on the group! I actually stayed 100% keto through all of December. Not a single cheat bite! I also did a 3 day fast every week in December, so I am primed and ready to go for this. Hoping to hit 7 days which would be my longest ever.

(Marie Dantoni) #33

I did that the last time and it worked…lets hope it does this time …for both of us

(Andrew) #34

I used to get that just eating Keto…it goes away. I forgot it used to happen all the time. Keep trying, you will break it.

(Becky Searls) #35

Ditto! Excited I timed it better than usual this time!

(Will Westenhaver) #36

I’m in too!! My last insuligenic substance was at midnight. Last meal was at 9pm on 31st. Let’s do this!!

(Marie Dantoni) #37

On hour 22 now. Doing more salt than usual, and I’m pleasantly surprised at how well this is going.

(Becky Searls) #38

Salt is so helpful! I literally feel like I ate a meal after about 1/8-1/4 tsp!

(Marie Dantoni) #39

It’s hard to get used to eating it like that. But it is great. It was Brenda’s suggestion that I increase salt because I was retaining fluids and not registering weight loss on my last fast. . It’s a really nice perk that it’s curbing my desire to eat.

(Meegan S) #40

Hour 23 here, some temptation to eat from boredom and because I was drinking cold water and it’s about 5 degrees here in Michigan. Switched to green tea (hot) and got busy around the house which worked. Sone mild fatigue today, I was in ketosis prior to starting the fast. Some anxiety about tonight because I have had some past trouble sleeping when fully ketogenic. I have a magnesium supplement called Calm for betime. Anyone have any tips for better sleep? I get very energized which is great except in the middle of the night.