New to the Keto Diet first day

(Samster) #1

Hi I am trying to do a Keto Diet to improve health and if I loose weight then that’s a bonus for me. I don’t have an actual professional diet plan just researched on the internet and found out that I need to be eating less than 50g of carbs per day to be in ketosis.

My meals today were a 3 egg omlete with cheese and a little extra virgin olive oil. my dinner was rump steak with visible fat removed cooked with extra virgin olive oil and Broccoli and for snacks ive had low carbs peanuts.

Throughout the day I have drank sugar free zero carbs flavoured water and coffee with almond milk till 3pm then decaf coffee with almond unsweetened milk Alpro brand.

I went shopping earlier and stocked up on wild caught pink salmon and rump steaks. also picked up some low carb snacks like dry roasted peanuts and protein low carb bars.

Do I need to take any suppliments?

Is there a certain amount of calories I should be aiming for per day?

If I come out of Keto will my body functions return to normal?

Any thing I need to know?

thanks in advance.

(Ron) #2

It is generally touted here to keep your carb count to 20g or less. It was very helpful to me to track in the beginning of keto. I used the free version of Cronometer but there are other trackers. Sounds like your headed in the right direction. You might go easy on peanuts and nuts in general as that can add up carbs pretty quick.
And Welcome to the forum!

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #3

LOL :crazy_face:

Keto is normal. All else, not so much. Go for sub-20 grams of carbs per day - yes! you can - and you’ll be OK. Ditch almond milk and peanuts. If you’re hungry between meals, eat more at meals. Don’t snack. If you feel crappy (carb withdrawal) supplement salt (both sodium and potasium), otherwise no need to do so. Best wishes.


What do you mean normal?

But going off keto is (like almost everything regarding our woe) quite individual. When I lowered my carbs (even before keto), I kind of shut a door, I can’t go back to significantly higher-carb without problems (though I am quite sure there were always problems, I just never noticed them. but it was far from ideal for me, that’s clear now)… And other people can go back to even high-carb and stay there.

If you get fat adapted, that probably will stay for a while and then disappear but I am no expert, it’s just my hunch based on my experiences. And it sounds logical too…

But your body should work just fine on keto too, it’s not less normal…

All of us need a certain amount of calories even if we want to lose fat. It varies, obviously. If one has little excess fat, they need to get most of their calories from their food, we have very different caloric needs and it can’t be calculated with a good precision. Many people simply eat until satiation, others guess something and they figure out if it’s the right amount…

It’s not 50g, I am not in ketosis there and it’s true for most people as far as I know.
20g is low enough for nearly everyone but it’s individual. If you can, go below that. You eat and probably like eggs and meat, it shouldn’t be too hard (though I start to feel a hipocrite here. I never could go that low eating nuts and vegetables. but many people do it).

(Bacon for the Win) #5

next time eat the fat on the steak. It’s yummy.


I agree with the 20g carbs per day. I dont think you will get into ketosis with 50.
UNWRAP your head around fats. Do eat the fat on the steak and eat butter and oils! Say fruit juice is BAD for me. Say bacon and butter is GOOD for me. :upside_down_face: Yes-- life is now upside down from what it used to be. Stop with the nuts and the protein bars. Nuts always stall me and keep me from ketosis too.And small amounts make me crave more. If you are looking for a snack try pork rinds. They are SO good. Use to track your macros. Check youtube for surrogate recipes. Cauliflower rice is absolutely wonderful. Headbangers kitchen on youtube has surrogates for all your favourites. Check out chaffles. Cook a LOT using pure foods.
Good luck and welcome to the world of keto.


Go here:

Set activity level to sedentary, caloric deficit to 20%, and net carbs to 20 grams.

The proteins macro is a lower limit, while the carbs and fats macros are upper limits.

Ideally, hunger should be the guide to how much you need to eat. If you set caloric level too low so that you’re always hungry, it won’t be sustainable. Many people find their hunger goes down after being keto for a while. If that happens, just be sure to get enough proteins.

If you are hungry in between meals, eat something with proteins and fats, but as few additional carbs as possible. A cheesewich works great. My go-to is two slices of Canadian bacon on a slice of pepper jack cheese. Just fold over and eat.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #8

I very much prefer this route to counting calories. I would say >95% of people adjust calories naturally on KETO through healing of hormonal responses to food and hunger. It’s actually built into our bodies…Incredible! :cowboy_hat_face:


(Allie) #9

Fantastic! The best way, honestly! I get so fed up with the plans people unwittingly pay for because they think they’re better than actually learning and doing research. Easier maybe, more effective? Unlikely.

50g is a good starting point but unless you’re extremely active you’re unlikely to get into ketosis at that level, most are guaranteed ketosis at 20g and some choose to increase from there once adapted.

Best to lose any sweeteners if you’re able to but if you need them as a crutch for a while to help you stay on track, use them. You may even be one of the lucky people who had no problem using them regularly, but be aware of them as a potential issue.

Eat to hunger, carbs below 20g as stated above, fat and protein to keep hunger away. Do not deliberately limit calories, do not make yourself hungry.

Supplements… extra salt on your food, maybe magnesium.

Ketosis is a normal function of the body, just many “bodies” have forgotten how to use it due to being flooded by carbs. But yes, if you wanted to go back to burning glucose you could do that, but even better, if you get properly adapted to keto you could have the best of both and if you wanted a carby treat here and there it would be unlikely to be an issue (unless you have serious metabolic issues or sugar addiction - if this is the case, please stay keto for the sake of your health).

(Samster) #10

Thanks I will aim to keep my carbs around the 20g or less. Will defo put extra salt in my food and keep learning as I go.

(Scott) #11

1st mistake. I think of keto as opposite world where everything is backwards. Fruits and grains are bad, meat eggs and saturated fats are good. I buy ribeye steaks because of their higher fat content.

(Samster) #12

Thanks for the advice.

(Scott) #13

First week may not feel good if you have bad carb withdrawal but after that it is fantastic! This is the easiest way I have ever controlled my weight. No measuring, no calorie restriction and no excessive exercise. I am coming up on 2nd full year and have switched to zero carb (carnivore) two months ago. It just feels natural to me. Lots of good books and youtube videos to explore along with the 2KD podcast.

(Samster) #14

Hi I don’t think low carbs will generally be an issue for me as there are plenty good zero carbs meats out there and extra virgin oil cooks them nicely. My only concern is how I will have lunch as im starting a new job shortly as a field engineer and won’t have access to cooking facilities although im told most places have a canteen and I could maybe get some meet there. any suggestions for lunch are welcomed.


Starkist Tuna Packets


Can you pack some hard boiled eggs in a small cooler/lunch pack? I agree, tuna packs are good, but you will need several.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #17

Here’s how I deal with a similar situation during my shifts at Walmart:

(Samster) #18

I will look into chicken and tuna packs for lunch as I probably won’t be able to cook anything. Might have a go at making the Keto bread and make chicken sandwiches.

(Scott) #19

I don’t know if lunch for you is a social thing where you need to go to a restaurant with people or not but this is what I do. I pack a cooler with freezer blocks (more in summer). I will often have some leftover steak form the night before. I like it cold with lots of salt. If I don’t have much I toss in a hard boiled egg. If you have access to a microwave that opens up reheated Brats, chicken, burgers or just about any other meat. I alway have a bag of pork rinds too. For a drink I carry a HydroFlask with ice water. Best of all it is cheap. I didn’t feel like packing today so I got a half pound of brisket to go with my pork rinds.


There are many options for food that is fine made previously, I am sure you find some you like.
I made cheesy sesame seed muffins in the past when I didn’t eat meat but I swapped the plants for meat so it would be some fatty pork, cheese and some eggs now.
It’s easier for people who eat 5 boiled eggs and call that a meat, I need a way more substantial meal when I am hungry.
You will see how much you need and what satiates you best. Keto bread is satiating for me as it’s full with protein, at least mine. And gluten so I don’t want to overuse it despite I never ever noticed any difference between my gluten-rich and gluten free times. I have my carnivore flatbreads and they are the best even less bread-like… And some good fatty lactose-free cheese can do something about calories to balance out lean meat…