N=1 Why am I stalled/gaining on Keto

(melinda) #41

I think I’m not fat adapted because I still feel like a glucose burner. I’m hungry every few hours, I wake up hungry, I want carbs. I don’t know, I just don’t get any of those “keto” powerful feelings like other people say they have. I’m still sleepy lots, I don’t think it’s easier for me to concentrate, etc.

I have lost weight, but not in many, many months. Somedays I’m “puffy” other days I’m not. I’m not really sure. At this point, I’ve been eating keto so long that I don’t remember what it’s like when I don’t eat keto so there’s probably NSV that I’m missing.

(melinda) #42

Yes, I need to really track, track, track for awhile. I’m just a super busy and forgetful person hahaha

(Sonia A.) #43

When I read all your “symptoms”, it makes me think that you’re not even in ketosis. Do you mesure your blood ketones ?

(melinda) #44

No I do not, I just keep my carbs under 20 net per day

(Sonia A.) #45

If you can’t find out what your blood ketones’ level is, I suggest you track everything you’re eating for a week or two to identify what is preventing you from getting into ketosis. The culprits may be hidden carbs or too much protein or not enough fat.

(melinda) #46

I got my nexplanon removed today! Here’s hoping I see results. Found lots of results online for women dropping pounds within a few days of having it out.

Arm feel fine right now though it may still be numbed. My neck hurts though along the same muscle.

No idea on the price of this procedure yet. #americanhealthinsurance

(jilliangordona) #47

I haven’t lost a single pound on keto and am wondering if my mirena might be to blame… this is worth investigating. Looking forward to seeing your results!

(melinda) #48

I’ll let you know! I’m trying to give it a week before i hop on the scale. I’ve been feeling different and I’ve had heavy hormonal bleeding since it was removed.


I was on keto for 8 months while I had a mirena iud and didn’t lose a single pound (keto and IF), it has now been three months since I’ve had it removed and lost aprox 10 kg. I was told by countless doctors that the mirena had nothing to do with the inability to lose weight while they rolled their eyes at me, and some of them still do even after the fact. I am just an n=1 over here, but i just thought I would share my experience in case it helps.

It only started to get better for me (mirena not nexplanon) after the bleeding stopped (which took 15 days by the way, just another fun side effect no one told me about :expressionless:), so maybe give it a little more time if you don’t start improving right away.

(jilliangordona) #50

Thanks for this insight! This may be the thing I needed to hear to take it out. I’ve had other reasons, but have been nervous as I do use it for BC purposes.

(melinda) #51

Yes my husband is actually the one who ended up begging me to get it taken out since he’s seen my decline these past few months.

Condoms for us!


I second that! No more hormone based BC for us

(jilliangordona) #53

I’ve been investigating getting a thermometer, from all that’s I’ve read it’s surprisingly accurate if you take the time to do it correctly and don’t have sex on the days you are ovulating. https://www.naturalcycles.com/en/science/menstrual-cycle


I’m sure you’ve thought of this, but it’s worth waiting until you’re SURE that your cycle has settled (post- Mirena) before using temperature/other markers.

(melinda) #55

I come from a very fertile family (i have 8 siblings and my sister has 3 kids- only one on purpose) so i don’t trust natural planning methods for myself!


TMI alert
As someone who gets pregnant super easily, I’ve used condoms AND natural planning: so condoms on non-fertile days (and some fun but non-penetrative play on fertile days) and it’s a nice combination.

(melinda) #57

Well, its been over a month since the nexplanon came out and I still haven’t had any weight loss. My lowest weight was in January at 203 and I’m currently hovering around 220.

I do feel much much better without the nexplanon though! I have ordered this test from canary club: https://www.canaryclub.org/combo-kit-thyroid-test.html

And I’m waiting on the results which I should have any day now.

Oh, and the test cost $269 + shipping so I’m at close to $400 total at this point trying to figure this stuff out.

(melinda) #58

UPDATE: Just got my test results. My adrenals/cortisol is out of whack. Will try to research this more tomorrow, but any ideas in the meantime?

(Carpe salata!) #59

My completely unqualified opinion is that it looks pretty good. Cortisol a little low in the morning but gets back during the day. Thyroid right on track.

It’s actual body fat that skews the testosterone etc, so maybe hitting the keto nuclear button and doing some fasting would kick things along. However, probably not where the doc would be going - I don’t see anything in there that the doc would find too alarming myself … watching for more informed opinions.

(melinda) #60

This is from the lab report - the cortisol is pretty bad

Cortisol is low in the morning, normal during mid day, and high-normal at night. This flattened circadian profile indicates adrenal
dysfunction. In a normal individual without significant stressors, cortisol is highest in the morning shortly after awakening (optimal
level 4-6 ng/ml) and steadily drops throughout the day, reaching the lowest level during sleep in the very early morning about 2 am
(optimal level 0.7-1.0 ng/ml just before bed). The abnormal pattern seen in these test results indicates some loss of negative
feedback control of cortisol to the brain (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis/HPA). Desensitization of the brain to cortisol often is
related to excessive and chronic stressors (emotional, dietary, physical), nutrient imbalances/deficiencies, or the inability to
regulate glucose levels (dysglycemia). Adrenal dysfunction, particularly high night cortisol, is associated with symptoms of sleep
disturbances, anxiety, memory lapses, fatigue, bone loss, and depression. A high night cortisol may contribute to sleep
disturbances and immune dysfunction. Adequate rest and sleep, gentle exercise, proper diet (adequate protein), nutritional
(vitamins C and B5) and herbal supplements are some of the natural ways to support adrenal function. For additional information
about strategies for supporting adrenal health and reducing stress(ors), the following books are worth reading: “Adrenal Fatigue”,
by James L. Wilson, N.D., D.C., Ph.D.; “The Cortisol Connection”, by Shawn Talbott, Ph.D.; “The End of Stress As We Know It” by
Bruce McEwen; “Awakening Athena” by Kenna Stephenson, MD.