My Keto Recipes


Well if they’re leasing, they will be his neighbor for a short time. :laughing: … Just funnin’, I know you meant ‘please’. :+1: … But yep, it’s a lot of work, but fun most the time. End of season, you’re pretty much ready to finish it off and be done for the year… only to miss reaping the rewards after a bit too. :slight_smile:


One of our favorite tricks is zucchini pasta! It’s so simple, so ingenious! Take the pasta and your favorite sauce and enjoy)

Zucchini Pasta, Keto Style — With Avocado Pesto


For pasta:

  • 300 gr zucchini
  • 150 gr cherry tomatoes
  • 230 gr tofu
  • 10 ml olive oil

For pesto:

  • 30 gr basilic
  • 50 gr pine nuts
  • 85 ml water
  • 140 gr avocado (pulp of one average-sized avocado)
  • 25 ml lemon juice
  • salt, pepper, spices (by taste)


  • Make spaghetti out of your zucchini using the spiralizer. OR Chop zucchini into small bits (google penne – about that size!)

  • Blend basilic, pine nuts, avocado and lemon juice into a paste. Add salt and pepper to your liking.

  • Cut tofu into cubic pieces and fry it in olive oil, above average heat. Fry zucchini with tofu if it’s chopped into penne bits, and skip this step if you’ve made a spaghetti out of it.

  • Take zucchini out and put it in bowls, soak it in sauce. Add tofu and chopped cherry tomatoes on top. Buon appetito!