Megan on fasting...longer is NOT better


Sorry if this is already posted.

Seems pretty comprehensive. At 24 minutes carries the caution to not go nuts and fast for a long time…its not helpful.

Fasting 1 day vs 3 days
(Omar) #2

I always believed that but have no evidence.

two to three days fasting every month or two is as good as it can get.


(Janelle) #3

I did wonder about this. When I hear of people doing extremely long fasts, it seems like some kind of altered state, self control thing but I’ve never thought that long term starvation can be good.

(Amy Latorres Rios) #4

I’ve been doing the “snake diet” and have done 3 prolonged fasts within the last 12 months. This summer, I did a 14 day prolonged fast, nothing but water with potassium chloride (salt). I dropped 17lbs from 195 to 178. The first 3 days were torture but after that, it was smooth sailing. The trick is to stay low carb when you refeed, this is something I did not always do. Recently, I creeped back up to 205 which led caused me a near panic attack. Now, I’m back on a prolonged fast, just to reset myself. I’ve been on salt water for 4 days and I even added 2 days of “dry fasting” (zero fluids), lost some water weight (8lbs) but what I do not understand is that my keto strips show no sign of KETONES. I digress, I believe that with fasting, longer is better, especially if you have lots of extra pounds.

(Robert C) #5

You may want to check the dates.
Shelf life can be several years but only 60 to 90 days once opened.

(Robert C) #6

Longer is better - shorter is better, I sort worked out that better is better.

It depends on your goals but, for me, I want autophagy in the mix for longevity.

So, 3 days minimum salt-water-and-coffee-only makes sense but the guess as to how long I will fast would just be a guess.

On a week that I am going to fast, I almost always start on a Sunday or Monday - sometimes only to take a break from shopping and cooking.

Once I hit the 3 day mark - I am on the lookout for how it will get broken.

It might be general hunger or something social but, the main issue I run into is sleep problems usually after day 5.

If I really wanted to do a 15 day fast, I would push to try to fast on weekdays for 3 weeks.

(Jenny) #7

this a great video as well:)

(charlie3) #8

Is there so little research into fasting that there’s no science to refer to? Even so may be it’s about the individual. Speaking as one, I’m between 11-12% body fat and don’t want it lower for the foreseeable future. Exercise burns 30-40% of daily calories. I eat twice a day 6 days a week and nothing one day a week. 36 hours is the farthest I’ve ever gone without eating and it’s going to stay that way unless there is some compelling and well supported reason to go longer. I don’t know if this disciplined eating directly benefits my health but I find having the power to say no to hunger helps avoid things I shouldn’t be eating. Then may be some day, if there is an important reason to go longer, I’ve accumulated some experience and may be benefited myself in other ways, and probably done no harm.

(Robert C) #9

Your goal could be autophagy for cancer risk reduction (vs. just weight loss).
Just plan it after a vacation where you pack on a few pounds.
I hear on podcasts things like doing a 5 day salt-water-only fast once a quarter, semi-annually or even just annually is supposed to give you protective benefit as well as a better immune system.

(ennui) #10

I think it depends on where you start,if you’re grossly obese you can go longer.I’m looking forward to eating keto again.I probably have another 20 or 30 days to go if I don’t feel bad or my lab numbers come back with bad numbers.99 days in 110 lbs down 30 pounds to go for my goal of 190’s,340 starting weight.

(Jenny) #11

that is amazing progress! how do you feel day to day?

(ennui) #12

I feel good,I do sometimes get a little dizzy if I stand up too fast from tying my shoes etc.But I celebrate every 10 pounds that I lose and it keeps me motivated.

(Janelle) #13

I’m going to ask again - there seem to be two threads about the same thing right now. How is this sustainable and any different than calorie restriction for weight loss? As soon as you start eating again, you’re going to gain weight - even with low carb. It’s not a trick, it’s science.

(Jenny) #14

because calorie restriction doesnt address when you eat those calories. please watch the video I posted twice. it answers your questions, as does Dr Fung many times over on YouTube. here’s one to get you started.

edited to add you do add some weight back after. but not all of it. it averages to .5 of fat lost a day after your weight is settled. also “the complete guide to fasting” is available for free on YouTube. knowledge is power.

(Robert C) #15

This could be viewed as sustainable because you add or remove from your 21 meals per week until you are at the weight you want.

The premise (which does not seem far from the truth) is that the modern food environment is bad - so limit by quantity.

Even Dr. Fung has argued this - you cannot easily get compliance from a 70 old Chinese person raised on rice - you need to say “eat” or “don’t eat” for specific periods.

(Robert C) #16

The difference is that you are not moving 300 calories off of each day’s intake.
You are dropping food of any kind on some-day-each-week.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #17

Bet the kings aren’t too happy about that…

(Robert C) #18

Typo - big time @Regina

(Empress of the Unexpected) #19

I wasted time and couldn’t get the fart shaming one out first!! Watch it people, I’ve had editing jobs in the past! :rofl::rofl:

(Doug) #20

Good point, Rob. Our own person-by-person context matters.

I’m in the Fung/Ramos fasting group on Facebook, and I think the mutiple 36 or 42 hour fasts per week is something they have found is a good ‘middle ground’ - tolerable to many people and enough that it does bring good results.

My opinion - if one really wants and needs to fast, going 36 hours can be super-easy, especially if one has fasted for mutiple days before or even tried to; things are oh-so relative.

If I eat Monday evening, then to go to Wednesday morning is no big trick.