May 2018 IF/EF chat - all welcome

(Shayne) #341

I’m avoiding the Zorn fast because of the weekend aspect as well. This weekend is a payday weekend, which means shopping… and if there is one thing I’ve learned in my almost 45 years is that you don’t go grocery shopping without eating first.

I don’t remember where I mentioned that I wasn’t planning to fast this week, and meal prepped accordingly. But then I decided to go for it anyway. I’m 17 hours in to what I hope is going to be a 72hr fast, but I’m not going to feel bad if I don’t make it that far.

(KCKO, KCFO) #342

Many start early for the same reasons as you listed. You decide, the idea is to be supportive, offer tips, and suggestions on how to deal with any issues, and of course, share you victories with the group. When she started this, there weren’t all the threads in the forum for fasting support. It is still a great thread for newbies and the now fasting pros who have made fasting part of their WOL.

(Allan L) #343

Next ADF fast officially started @ 3pm today. Will eat again mid-morning Friday. Out at a client all day tomorrow so should be a easy fast as my mind will be very busy and before I know it I will be home with the telly on! :wink:

Interesting observation, The scales do not move when I weigh myself the morning of completing my fast but drop the morning after a feeding day.

Think it has lots to do with water weight and all the fluid I am carrying given the acute stomach upset fasting causes at times.

(Allan L) #344

Yup. I did this last week and it ended in a carb disaster… rookie mistake!

When I am totally in the zone I can sometimes get away with it but its not worth the risk atm.


I’m doing a shorter fast, from now until Friday lunchtime. I would do until Friday evening, but we’re out for dinner, & even with going easier with the eating after yesterday’s fast I still had the runs- not as badly, but don’t want to risk that while I’m out. Maybe it’ll just take a bit to get used to the longer fasts? It was only 48 hours though, that’s the longest I’ve done…

(KCKO, KCFO) #346

Nothing wrong with a 48 hr. fast. I often do one of those or even just 36 hr. refeed and do the same length again. Works for me, you might want to give it a try at some point.

(Allie) #347

48 hours is perfectly ok, well done :blush:

(Candy Lind) #348

I think you’re right on that. I just didn’t have it in me to fast on Monday after eating big on Mother’s Day, but I ate less than I’ve been eating for 2 days. Today, I weighed and I’m 5 pounds below where I’ve been hovering for a month. W00T! I guess I needed that big eating day for some reason. Note to self: listen to your body. That is all. :relaxed:

(Victoria Mc Coy) #349

Feeling great on day 3, then I open the the fridge for some water and walk away thinking, “Man, that half head of iceberg lettuce in there smelled amazing.” I do not recognize this person I have become.

(Victoria Mc Coy) #350

Thanks for the insights. I may check it out in that case. :grin:

(Allie) #351

Fast day again today, I’m on alternate days at the moment… cold, tired, stressed, grumpy… :frowning:


Feel for you, I’m always cold too… I’d rather be hungry than cold!
That said, 24 hours is approaching & I’m sooo hungry today!

(Allie) #353

I’m at over 22 hours now and thankfully the sun has hit my office window so I’m currently bathed in sunshine, lovely :heart_eyes:

(Shayne) #354

Realized yesterday afternoon that doing an EF right now will confound my variables. My doctor thinks that starting CPAP therapy will help me lose weight. Since I just started it, we don’t have any good data yet and if I fast while starting it, and I lose weight… is it because of the CPAP or the fast? So I broke at 24 hours yesterday and went back to my coffee in the morning and then eating regular lunch and dinner meals. I’ll stick to that until I have more information on how the CPAP is really affecting me.

(Steve) #355

Hmm. Does it really matter that much? I mean, I get it (I’m certainly in the obsessive camp), so I’m pretty anal about numbers and knowing details. And I, too have sleep apnea (or did - might get myself retested one day).
(I have a CPAP that’s collecting dust in the closet - but that’s my own idiocy and a topic for another day) :slight_smile:
Really, the CPAP is to prevent the sleep apnea, helping you heal. The fasting will assist with that and, if anything, accelerate the healing due to autophagy. So, I don’t see the value in delaying your accelerated healing just so you can say “Well, this % is due to the CPAP” :slight_smile:
Sorry, not trying to be an ass…just think you’re better off taking the win rather than worry about the details. :slight_smile:

(Shayne) #356

I get where you’re coming from and appreciate the feedback. It matters to me. I’d like to see what the CPAP can do for me on its own (the sleep apnea is so mild that the sleep doctor told my doctor to tell me to stop drinking alcohol and lose weight). I don’t drink alcohol. It’s just not something I care about.

TBH, I’m not expecting a lot and the difference may not even be noticeable in the first week. :woman_shrugging:

I’ll pick up the three day fast again next week.

(Steve) #357

Yep, I totally get it. :slight_smile: I hope you have benefits that are paying for the machine…because they’re pretty pricey (and once you hit your weight goal, there’s a good chance your sleep apnea will be gone) :slight_smile:

(Shayne) #358

I got it used so I got a good deal on it. Now keep your fingers crossed that the insurance company deems it worthy of a reimbursement check, that I can use towards buying one for my daughter that they won’t pay for because her doctor didn’t recommend it (the tech that did her study implied that it would be helpful even though he wasn’t allowed to come right out and say so). :roll_eyes:

(Steve) #359

If you get her on Keto, she may not need one soon either. :slight_smile:

(Shayne) #360

Workin’ on it… she’s getting there. We watched The Magic Pill and I’ve been streaming pro-keto videos on youtube on the TV for several weeks. And we figured out that one of her favorite non-keto foods was a migraine trigger for her… I’ve been educating her as much as I’ve been educating myself. She has had some success in the past but went off it. I think this time we might have a better shot of keeping her going since she’s homeschooled now (thanks to the migraines) and won’t experience the FOMO. Her BFF is pre-diabetic and my daughter is supporting her friend who wants to be keto but her mother is against it… so her rebelliousness might be the thing here!